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SGDK 4033 Literay Studies


The night of 27th November 2012 will forever be etched in the minds of the 26 students of DPLI TESL UUM who watched the play by Kumpulan Mek Mulung Department of Art and Culture, Kedah State at RTM Auditorium, Alor Setar. The objective of this activity is to expose the students with the real theatre condition, setting, dialogue and the play itself. This is to prepare the students to set a drama role when they are in school later. The play started at 8.30 p.m and it began with a graceful dance by Princess Nang Mara and her dayang. She married to Prince of Cahaya Bulan and rules the Kingdom of Lindungan Bulan. The princess then had a premonition of the kingdom being attack by her enemy Raja Gergasi who is in greedy to broaden out his powers and conquer more territories. Unfortunately the premonition became true and Raja Gergasi managed to capture Princess Nang Mara and killed her husband. The princess been tortured for not agree to marry Raja Gergasi. Through the magic from the air mawar sprinkled and spell words by Apong and Aden, the prince had recover. They formed an army to fight Raja Gergasi and to release the princess. After had a great battle, they finally triumph over and save Princess Nang Mara. The play is enjoyable as the director is wisely penetrating the element of humour which had been represented by Mak Inang, Awang-Awang, and Raja Gergasis followers. Although the play is set in the period of myths and fairy, the director is creative to mix the elements of modern language to make it more hilarious. There are also sprinkle of thrill and suspense in the play to prevail the showcase of this theatre artistry. Thus it makes the play is an enjoyable and pleasant to watch by any level of audience.

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