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Foundation Practical Study 2012 (UTAS FCP113)

Music Composition 2012 Critique of a Composition

Task You are required to write a critique of a recently viewed performance of an original work. In writing this composition critique you will need to demonstrate insight, back up opinions with facts, use appropriate and correct music terminology, and be grammatically correct. In writing this critique, it is suggested that you reflect upon and use as a guide, the composition assessment criteria for this course: 1. Development of original coherent works - particularly: demonstration of understanding of melodic and linear motion, the shaping force of rhythm, musical for and instrumentation and an understanding of compositional techniques. 2. Technical Ability particularly: understanding of formal conception, ability to write for a range of instrumentation, handling of pitch and time and understanding of instrument capabilities and limitations. 3. Musicianship particularly: the use of personal experience, imagination and extant musical material to generate original works and the ability to communicate ideas through the appropriate use of compositional skills. General focus points Provide an overview of the composition and its performance incorporating: who, what, what style, where, when. What were the best features of the composition? What were the weakest features of the composition? What were some technical features of the composition which interested you? Was the composer successful in communicating ideas? How did the composition make you feel?

The fine print! This critique is an important assessment task. It will form an important part of your portfolio. Due date for submission is .. Presentation format May be submitted as a hand-written document or word-processed and submitted via email. Word Count

600 800 words


Criterion 4 - Communication of ideas and information Generic skills and learning outcomes 1 & 2
Portfolio component 10% Late work If work is submitted late (without approval) then it will be marked but a reduced award will result.

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