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World Missions Club Minutes of 3/13/14

Meeting Number: 3/13/14 Meeting Called by: Weekly Meeting Note Taker: Trent Broeckel Ofcers: Kevin Iyechad (x); Madeline Miller (x); Trent Broeckel (x); Taariq Patel ();
! Tevita Palaki (x); Evelyn Marquez (x); Marian Yousef (); Maddi Macomber (x); Melabi Amponsah (); Guest(s): Ben, Fabio, Ryan

Meeting Called to Order: 5:03 Opening Prayer: 5:04 Maddy Ratication of Minutes from: skip
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Priority Procedures:
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5:05 Ofcer Reports: ! Maddy: April 6 Dirt Classic via Neudeck, possibility for booth
! ! Buy more shirts, tank tops also, 40 shirts and 60 tanks ! ! More publication on FaceBook about Missions ! Ev: Habit fundraiser rescheduled to April 8, put yers in church ! bulletin and also Vespers announcement, maybe the 5th instead ! Fabio: 10 people teams to get 10 volunteers to do everything for Tri ! Tevita: plastic water bottle prices ($3) for us, with logo ! Maddi: mason jar homemade water bottle, craft day, probably the way to ! ! go; how soon can we order them? Get them before Apr. 2 ! ! Dirt Classic & Tri: buy 500 jars, two sizes (300 L, and 200 S) ! Kevin: Maddy be in charge of researching straws and stopper stuff! 5: a) Application Deadline March 14; Remind People to be SMs !! 5: b) Alumni Weekend: 04/25-27/14! ! 5: c) Napa Valley Off-road Tri: 04/27/14 ! 5: d) Spring REVOfest: 05/04/14 5: e) Missions Dedication Vespers: 05/09/14 5: f) WMC PreVespers: 05/09/14 5: g) Weekend date for Appreciation Dinner: / / 5: h) World Missions Church Outreach: / / !

New Business: ! 5: a) Current WMC Budget ($3,195.31) !

! ! ! 5:51 b) Date for meetings next quarter: Tuesdays at 5PM ! Kevin: April 1, the week we get back

Closing Prayer: 5:52 Kevin Meeting Adjourned: 5:53

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