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PROFESSIONAL GOAL Goal #1 Literacy In Science To effectively integrate literacy strategies into science laboratory reports, presentation of scientific

data and findings, and communication by critical analysis of scientific material

Goal #2 Cross-Curriculum Integration To successfully incorporate a fusion of subjects and curriculum into lesson or unit plans

IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGY 1. Implement strategies the of the Growing Success documents into reading passages from textbooks 2. Demonstrate how to properly extract information from scientific journal articles 3. Find a vast amount of resource banks on how to integrate literacy into science 4. Provide demonstrations by myself and videos of experts that employ strong scientific literacy skills 5. Bring in articles of scientists that have critically analyzed and debunked myths and show the reasoning and process to communicate this material 1. Collaborate with teachers and staff in different departments and course subjects 2. Bring in guest speakers that are experts or knowledgeable in a subject matter that I may not be 3. Go to local seminars on subject matter that I am not familiar with and take notes 4. Perform independent research on a topic that can be integrated with my teaching 5. Enroll in an additional qualification course to gain credited knowledge on a subject 6. Introduce notions to students that subject content can readily be transferred to another subject

BENEFIT TO STUDENTS 1. The exposure to wide array of information and teaching styles with literacy will make students scientifically literate in their everyday lives 2. Students will be able to transfer the improved literacy skills to other classes 3. Students will have greatly improved oral and written communication 4. Students will be aware of misconceptions in the media that science can give an answer to 1. Students will be made aware of vast array of subject content that that is not restricted to one subject 2. Students will understand the combination of subject matter in their everyday careers 3. Will make the students more marketable to potential employers as they will not be pigeon holed into one specific type of knowledge 4. Students will be inspired to integrate various sources into innovations, concepts, and potential projects

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