Ship Vibration

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The Australian Maritime College is an institute of the University of Tasmania CRICOS Provider Code: 00586B Websites: AMC:, UTAS:

Main topics of Lecture 1

Introduction to Syllabus/Unit Outline Chapter 1 Introduction to Ship Vibration

Oasis of the Seas (courtesy of

SHIP VIBRATION Lecture 1 Introduction

By Dr. Hung Nguyen National Centre for Maritime Engineering and Hydrodynamics Australian Maritime College/University of Tasmania Launceston, Tasmania, Australia

Basic concepts of vibration Importance I t of f vibration ib ti study t d

Case study: Tacoma Bridge Collapse in 1940 Overview of ship vibration

Classification of vibration Vibration analysis procedure Harmonic motion (a review)

Unit Outline

Unit Outline
Chapter 1, 2, 3 Contents Fundamentals of Vibration Duration (hours) References [1,2]

Basic knowledge and understanding of mechanical vibrations applications of theory of vibration into study of ship hull vibration, prevention and avoindance of vibration in ships
Introduction to Ship Vibration Free Vibration of Single DOF System Forced Vibration of S-DOF Systems Vibration of Two & Multi-DOF Systems
4, 5, 6 7 8

15 5 10 TBA [1,2] [1,2,3,4,7]

Learning Objectives
See handout

Torsional Vibration Continuous Vibration

Ship Vibration Hull girder vibration Experimental Investigation

Unit Outline
Learning Schedule
Day Date Topic Introduction Fundamentals of Vibration (free vibration, damped vibration, forced vibration of S-DOF systems) Vibration of 2-DOF and MDOF Systems Continuous Vibration Ship Vibration Exam Readings / Problems h Chapters 1-3 Chapters 4-5 Chapters 6 Chapter 7 Assessment

Unit Outline
Assessment information No 1 2 3 4 Assessment Component Test Practical/Lab Tutorial/Homework Assignment Final exam Weighting (%) 20 20 60

Due/Detail Day 3 N/A Continuous N/A TBA

14/12 (Mon)


2 3 4 5

15/12 (Tue) 16/12 (Wed) 17/12 (Thu) 18/12 (Fri)

Homework/Tute Class Test Homework/Tute


Unit Outline
Textbooks and References
Required textbook:
Rao, S.S. (2005). Mechanical Vibrations, 4th Edition in SI Units. Pearson Education.

Unit Outline
E-learning resources
Lecturers website: vib.html

Books in Vietnamese Books in English

Ship Vibration (GL)

Unit Outline
Organisation of Lecture Notes
Chapter 1 Introduction to Ship Vibration (Nhp mn dao ng tu thy) Chapter 2 Free Vibration (S-DOF Systems) (Dao ng t do H mt bc t do) Chapter 3 Forced Vibration (S-DOF Systems) (Dao ng cng bc H mt bc t to) Chapter 4 Multi DOF Systems (H nhiu bc t do) Chapter 5 Torsional Vibration (Dao ng xon) Chapter 6 Continuous Vibration (Dao ng lin tc) Chapter 7 Ship Vibration (Dao ng tu thy)

Any Questions?

Chapter 1 Introduction
Basic concepts of vibration
Vibration Oscillation/oscillatory motion Elementary parts of vibration systems
Example: Simple Pendulum
Displacement Velocity Acceleration Frequency

Chapter 1 Introduction
Basic concepts of vibration
Degree of Freedom (DOF): minimum number of independent coordinates

Degree of freedom (DOF) Discrete and Continuous Systems

Figure 2 One degree of freedom systems (Rao, 2005)


Chapter 1 Introduction
Degree of freedom: 2 and M-DOF

Chapter 1 Introduction
Basic concepts of vibration
Discrete and continuous systems

Importance of Vibration Study

Why do we need to study vibration for engineering design?

Importance of Vibration Study

Case study: Undesired vibration
Tacoma Bridge Collapse in 1940 an example of engineering failure
See movie clip

Car: Lexus




Queen Mary II

US Space Shuttle

Marine engines

Vibration in ships

5 types of ship

Importance of Vibration Study

Overview of ship vibration
Vibration modes (Simulation by ANSYS)

Vertical Vibration of Ship (Clark, 2005)

How does vibration affect?

Horizontal Vibration of Ship (Clark, 2005)

Torsional Vibration of Ship (Clark, 2005)


Bending and twisting of a catamaran

Chapter 1 Introduction
Classification of Vibration
Free and forced vibration Undamped and damped vibration Linear and nonlinear vibration Continuous and discrete vibration Deterministic and random vibration

Chapter 1 Introduction
To analyse a vibration system, it is usually required to study the behaviour of the system to given excitations. The behaviour is referred to as the system response:
Displacement Velocity or Acceleration of the system and/or its components

Chapter 1 Introduction
Vibration analysis procedure Step 1: Mathematical modelling Step 2: Derivation of Governing Equations Step 3: Solution of the Governing Equations Step 4: Interpretation of the Results

Chapter 1 Introduction
Vibration analysis procedure
Example 1: Mass-spring-damper systems

Chapter 1 Introduction
Vibration analysis procedure
Example 2: Motorbike


Chapter 1 Introduction
Basic concepts of vibration
Example 3: A car running on a rough road

Chapter 1 Introduction
Harmonic motion
Harmonic motion (chuyn ng iu ha)

Chapter 1 Introduction
Harmonic motion: projection of a point moving on a circle

Chapter 1 Introduction
Harmonic motion:

x = A sin t

= A cos t = A sin t + x 2 x = 2 A sin t = 2 A sin ( t + )

2 = 2f T

Chapter 1 Introduction
Harmonic motion
Velocity and acceleration: same frequency, lead /2 and radians

Chapter 1 Introduction
Harmonic motion:
Complex representation of harmonic motion

z = Ae jt

e j = cos + j jsin = A cos t + jA sin t = x + jy


Chapter 1 Introduction
Harmonic motion:
Definitions and terminology
Cycle (chu trnh) Amplitude (bin ) Period (chu k) Frequency (Tn s) Phase angle (Gc pha) Natural frequency (Tn s t nhin) Beat (Nhp p) Decibel ( xi ben)

Chapter 1 Introduction
Vibration computation and simulation tools
MathWorks: MATLAB/Simulink & Toolboxes National Instruments: LabVIEW & Modules ANSYS: www ansys com Programming languages Numerical methods
Eulers method, Runge-Kutta method, Fourier, etc.

Finite Element Methods

Chapter 1
Summary of Chapter 1
Basic concepts of vibration Importance of vibration study
Case study: Tacoma Bridge Collapse in 1940 Overview of ship vibration

References & Further Reading

Hybrid (solar) vessel/ferry: Vibration simulation (Flash): M. Norton and D. Karczub (2003). Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration Analysis for Engineers. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. UK. Silva, C.W. C W Vibration Fundamentals and Practice. Taylor and De Silva Francis. 2007. Thomson, W.T., Theory of Vibration with Applications, 4th Ed, Chapman & Hall, London, 1993. Rao, S.S., Mechanical Vibration, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co, Massachusetts, 1985. Fahy, F. and H. Walker. Fundamentals of Noise and Vibration. Spon Press (Taylor and Francis Group). E-learning source:

Classification of vibration Vibration analysis procedure Harmonic motion (a review)

Displacement, velocity, acceleration, frequency Definitions and terminology

Any Questions?

Chapter 1 Introduction
Tutorial 1 Harmonic Motion

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