March 17, 2014 Lake View City Council Agenda

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Monday, March 17, 2014 7:00 p.m. Regular Meeting Lake View Municipal uilding 1. !all to order. 2. Roll call ". #$ L%! &'R$M: &i(teen minute) o( the !ouncil meeting i) de)ignated (or citi*en) input on
matter) not on the agenda. +he !ouncil will con)ider the)e i))ue) at a later date.

4. CONSENT AGENDA a. ,ppro-e or amend the tentati-e agenda. .. ,ppro-e .uilding permit application) (rom: i. /te-e Long102 0ar.or 1ri-e, new home. ii. 2erald /mith, 221 Lake /treet, hou)ing addition. c. ,ppro-e (ence permit (or 3im Millenacker, 440 4a)t /hore 1ri-e. d. ,ppro-e /unday /ale) #ri-ilege +he ar in Lake View, 415 Main /treet. e. ,ppro-e (inancial report (or &e.ruary, 2014. (. ,ppro-e minute) (rom March "rd g. ,ppro-e .ill) and authori*e payment. END OF CONSENT AGENDA 6. Resolution # 14-11 7Re)olution 2ranting 8oning Variance.9 5. uilding #ermit ,pplication (rom !had : 2ina /chlepp, detached garage. 7. Resolution # 14-1! 7Re)olution ,ppro-ing ,pplication and ,greement (or in the %owa #u.lic #ower ,gency.9 ;. Resolution # 14-1": 7Re)olution 2rant #rior ,ppro-al (or +a< ,.atement under Lake View=) $ Re-itali*ation #lan.9 >. !on)ideration o( Li(eguard) at !re)cent each. 10. /elect #ro-ider o( !redit !ard /er-ice) (or !amp !re)cent. 11. ,ppro-e /ale o( /peaker #ark #layground 4?uipment. 12. 1i)cu)) #urcha)e o( a Lawn Mower. 1". #u.lic @ork) 1irector Report. 14. !ity !lerkA,dmini)trator Report. a. Li(eguard) at !re)cent each .. ,pprentice)hip #rogram c. 2#/ 4?uipment 16. 4nter !lo)ed /e))ion per %owa !ode B21.6.1.i 15. ,dCourn. D'+%!4 +' +04 #$ L%!: +he Mayor and !ity !ouncil welcome comment) (rom the general
pu.lic during the di)cu))ion on agenda item). %( you wi)h to comment, plea)e rai)e your hand and .e recogni*ed .y the MayorE then )tep up to the end o( the ta.le and )tate your name and addre)) (or the record.

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