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Reformation (Chapter 13) Historical Overview: Christian humanism with its focus on the Bible was one of the

main causes of the religious reforms that occurred in the sixteenth century. Desiderius Erasmus believed in following Christ in everyday life rather than going through rituals to prove your beliefs. The Catholic Church was known for corruption, worldliness, pluralism, and absenteeism during this time. Many people believed that salvation came through going on pilgrimages, buying indulgences, and the collection of relics. The Oratory of Divine Love emphasized a development of personal spirituality. Martin Luther argued that humans are saved by faith alone. He also believed that the Bible was to be read and comprehended by all not just changed and manipulated by the papacy. After being outlawed when Luther published his criticisms of the Church, he translated the Bible into German. Although Erasmus agreed with the ideas of Luther, he feared the separation of Christianity. In 1555, the Peace of Augsburg was agreed on. This meant that each prince would determine the religion of his specific piece of land and the inhabitants on it. In Scandinavia, Lutheranism became the religion of the state. Switzerland removed stain glass windows and prevented music in their worship sessions. John Calvin emphasized the idea that God had already determined which of us would go to heaven and which would go to hell- the idea of predestination. Family became the center of life for Protestants. The wife was to obey her husband and to have children, similar to the Renaissance times. Education was smiled upon because of the idea that everyone should read and interpret Gods words and His Bible. Taverns in many places were closed and dance prohibited. The Society of Jesus, or the Jesuits, became missionaries trying to convert people to the Catholic Church. They tried to reestablish the original ideas of the Catholic Church and were very successful in their missionary efforts. During the Reformation period, many people were killed because of their religion and beliefs.

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