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A project on Consumer buying behavior in BigBazar, Burdwan Introduction BigBazar the flagship retail chain of the Future Group,

is on the verge of achieving a uni ue mile stone in the history of world retail ! by being the first hyper mar"et format in the globe to roll out fastest #$# stores in a short span of seven years% BigBazars journey began in &ctober '$$#, when the young first generation entrepreneur (ishor Biyani opened the country)s first hyper mar"et retail outlet in "ol"ata% In the same month two more stores were added one each in *yderabad and +umbai% ,hus starting one successful sojourn which began the chapter of organized retailing in India% -pea"ing on this momentous occasion and remembering the days of conceptualizing the hyper mar"et idea +r% (ishor Biyani said ./e initially decided to name the format as Bazar because we had design the store "eeping the Indian +andi style in mind% -ince the size of hyper mar"et was big than an average +andis the thought came to name it as BigBazar%0 ,hough the BigBazar was started purely

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