Bending Moment, Shear Force and Deflection Formulas

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1026 Bending moment, shear and deflection -40'c) CANTILEVERS L Si W c W § = ~z 4 co, 3 2 $ a—{— 6-2 a—S5-4y >; k——t-—__4 bt 4 s| ba. ea rx 3 Me = 2a Mmax = W(o+$) 2 Mrrace= S 2 Ry=W Ayn W z curved—elstraight |-— oe 8 en een ie itt] a yl iT & “ael dnax-= WEPH8 $ — g % *60ET max. W(200°450076+-400b7+11 55) Wa") 15d) a OOET : nox. = foe (* Hat) 2 Y t Y M g 3 rena C53 Aa. rar) ee bo ' [ = x = <_— =o : Men Pa Myat= la =e 2 Mnax= P.a R No shears «f/*L___ g P x Ra= NB. For anti-clockwise moments 2 the deflection is upwards. 3 Y— curved—~|straight -$— Y— circular —straight -— x ST yp eee E ae dy u Pa Ma? = fa . g 5 UT, % BL on > mono $25 (i+ 38) Snax. = SLE'()+ 28) 1028 Bending moment, shear and deflection ‘SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS LOADING MOMENT § 3 8 g § LOADING he; Moca $252) when x= one a bx MOMENT Wnt cot smfote’) 05] where max/t and nmof/t Bending moment, shear and deflection 1029 SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS LOADING MOMENT el 7 a) aN m= FI-3) Mmmax. = O° 12802 2 Ma = Wa(f ~ 25") when x= 0-S774L Mmax.= WL/8 fa BA i ae Ry Re Ry = W/3 =Ry = % Rg = 2W/3 Unte=2 — —— 1 Amax, 8 = = g.o1oawe! come nox. * HS 4 2 st ¥ §, ow 3s ap — ps be “| Re B Ba a J oon | aS ; ~Hi-8) Men wnld-E+ $8) (max: a Ra Re a Ram Ram We Aya Ryn ———4 trex. 1 inax, DEFLECTION SHEAR Omen. gag Clhrel 442") 1030 Bending moment, shear and deflection Ww 20a E a %& 7) ~ mae YG a Maz =e 3 f) fe wien cm o(i- JF) LOADING ‘MOMENT = *a 2 fa=Pa= Wie & So Re > naz. Aan w(-F) eae wr 8 aan 5 § moat agetsy(8a% 2006+ 58°) & 8 MOMENT SHEAR - * . mai; ('50* 2006 + 55°) DEFLECTION LOADING MOMENT 3 LOADING | DEFLECTION MOMENT SHEAR Bending moment, shear and deflection 1031 SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS P Ry = Pb/t Rom Paft entre. maze olways occurs within 10-774 L of the centre of the beam| When b >a, = PL ‘a seetre geil E~A0E)] This volue is olways within 25% of the maximum value. [oercecrion R= P(b+2c) ‘A £ Pot. hy = Pbt2 For centro! deflection add the volues for cach P Gerived from the formul in the adjacent diagram. Eee oo a 1032 Bending moment, shear and deflection SIMPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS zoaning | MOMENT = # o g z & a 8 x 8 = “ | 2S | aS JPL PL PL PL § MomMp =a Mp MenMp mg Mp ~My S| a, Rs _] | tg) os g 5 Ram Ran ve Ryn Pg=2P max. = (9 Pe pox = 4 oo Je4er, oo eed, DEFLECTION Bending moment, shear and deflection 1033 S/MPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS PPPPPPP (n-1) forces Bi LOADING When n is odd, a Mmvaz—( Op PL When n is even. Mnax.="PL/g Ra A) Ra=Rg (0-1) Plz . MemMpm PEt Myatt Toh MOMENT R4y=Rgm2P Snax, = pSPL. ax. “ TOOOET DEFLECTION SHEAR TOTAL LOAD = W. TIS Ts Lf 7 fT tT TT a Un te Un Llp + Un te Un + bv “ When n > 10, consider the load unitormly distributed The reaction at the supports = W/2, but the maximum S.F at the ends of the beam = WORD a gy The value of the maximum bending moment =C.WL The value of the deflection at the centre of the span ae BowVawaun 1034 Bending moment, shear and deflection S/MPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS bal A . é A 3 Mal ao) (leet My Oey, ; A 7 a> Mg a Mca Ma > Mp > My Wa>=Mb Meg= Miah, Mcg=M.b/, fa |e Rama = Mf, (Mg anti-clockwise) —~Ma Shear diagram when Mg xMg M.ab sq %——sEF (TT, For anti-clockwise moments the deflections are reversed. 2nd degree parabola. W oo OS Re max Complement of parabola. TF Tota/ a 4 Ra : Re te— mar Mx = (as—2m5 42) Mnax.= I 1 ym PgaW/2 Bending moment, shear and deflection 1035 S/MPLY SUPPORTED BEAMS LOADING MOMENT SHEAR LOADING | DEFLECTION MOMENT SHEAR DEFLECTION wx unit load Cc TA o — iN £ Ne fa ) TS 7 2 Mangn OE My mE ty ath fa = Agnw (wed) op pate ta a 1) Be (5-247) as n= Ba Pe wl? /a Met? Ry Lt, Ayn MEL? py n ibeMleen) nar nah px fer Hos = oop tN Go's art—1) Og “Sate -2m'lt-riitm(t-eni]| tp~~ 9 (2n%-1) oG- d= tem (24H) ae unit load, c yA Dd She iN 4 Nie Jie m=- unit load O-s —in 1—at of Ry OT he a wi? NP 1036 Bending moment, shear and deflection BUILT —IN BEAMS we We oe HE g z § Eo aed $ —<—=>=— «| ZS) (RY . a =Mg = — 2. = g “aM My =Mg =~ Hi2-(5t-2a) Mee A, Ra = Pa Re 2 Ram Py = We pop —HO2/L+—0-58L—~O2IL-— Imax. max. 8 == =a} Anas 5 = Wer Wo? g max. = Se4eT wer (t-9) a g a eH 7a ; z 8 os oe — § Se =m g . Ma & ; Sn My ¥ Mam atta Le ltl~Se, 7/4 -3el] ‘anne (3m?-8m +6) $ Mah lo lee-se)-a"/ae—sal) | Mo one. m?(4-30) +Mmax= Pa Phone's 6m ont onfeisn—a) | eg | eS en 2B 2) § When ris the sinpke pete Ra n = 8 _ —™, a & \FuratT Aa= Bt 7 y= lad ge Waele =| A ___ ry __ Lama. e When a=¢. dman” elec 8 olier (U+2la + AL’ 8a") max: wer % = saeT Bending moment, shear and deflection 1037 BUILT-IN BEAMS — MOMENT DEFLECTION SHEAR Ma — My = Mg = 3h (se+4ot-4a7) Mg RA Fa Ra = Rg= We 4 | amax. 8 Omax.* W 54 gqt2eda*l-l6a) wooter (7 "8al%4a°L-I6a') wy 2W/_ . W. aw g a L- 6. — oi a 3 § a Mx m/e M Mp | Ma / N Mg WL /lox? 9x _ si 8] M-—% (Bez) Ma My =~ Se é +Mmacx.= WL/ 23-3 when x= 0-55L. Mc=WL/is Mg=—-WL/IS Mg =—WL/i0 R = * Re 2 Ry=O3W Ag=0-7W 3 — bana, & aad wee S| eax. = shy 5 362i a when x; = 0-S25L gos 2 ee 8 bp an i— g , Wise “Zoo Ma = Mg=-WL/I5- Mc = WL/48 Fa a) Ra =Rg= We 1/4 t— b/2 —+eb/4- Fi __ | Snax. y 1038 Bending moment, shear and deflection BUILT - IN BEAMS We Wa We Ww 2W/a g —— H c z a5 S¢ a-S-——5 $s} -——-.-——_4 b+#——— . ———4 g —-—. 7: Mg @ Mg | “Ze NM M & Ma = My =— #9 (2L-a) M, ~— ppg 001) 3 Mg ~~ Hie (4-30) yy 10K: he = R24 Mg— 2Hf-o7 g Re |" C8. Ae = Ay. Mp z Ay=Pg=W/2 RIX ’e An a= th low'-statea’) 3 ee fo BB (st — 29) & z ire a LOADING My =My~ - #2430) My =~ #8, (100 - 15a + 60") Mm, «WE (6L- 4a) Ra a) Ra= Bip (10l'-IsLa%480%) a= Ws 1st—80) MOMENT Pa a SHEAR y= Rg= We y pts. Hl 2 max. gBb oe; (154-164) DEFLECTION Bending moment, shear and deflection BUILT ~IN BEAMS LOADING rabolie tL 8 total Toad=W complement oF | 1039 SHEAR — MOMENT DEFLECTION M Me Mg = Mga —As/t where As is the area of the free’ ending moment diagram «| | (ZEN g My = Mg = —WL/10 My = Mg =—WL/20 g Fa fa x a | fa 2 Ay = Pg We Ra=Rg=Wi2 3 } =f == | inoe g Lowe O-4We g Umax.” $54ET max.” 34ET Q An ical ad W fof tee g A B ¢ a = £ ab 3 symmetrical diagram . g a = Jen 200 fe and = MycoM. B(sa-t /Mac=-M.8,(36-L] on Waren Yh=m,. Mo g=~M{i-m/)l-Smoonr7} }®e | Ra a Ra = Rg = W2 Raz Rg = slope of moment diagram Ay Be) The figure shown - Mact Mea | Mot Moc Ye is halt the bending| @ o 2 moment diagram G ra * and + eae ae poke are CGs a 72 When WL=m, imax. at C= 28 te ML m*(t-m) i-2m) Where A; is the area of the fixing moment diagram 2ET For antic/ockwise moments reverse the deflections 1040 Bending moment, shear and deflection BUILT - (IN BEAMS kz ay ll LOADING MOMENT , LOADING mY bee \ me Mg=Mp= Mc=Mp = Pai MOMENT SHEAR DEFLECTION Bending moment, shear and deflection 1041 BUILT —IN BEAMS SHEAR — MOMENT DEFLECTION Mg=Mg =-SPLiig Mp = 3PLis Mg = Mg =—/PL/z2 Mp = Mg = 5PL/z2 2 POP! OP ' ¥ g +: c 2 L 4 BCEAO: z at s Us Ys b/s Ls “13 “Ls th fg $ ? 7 -PL/s PL {SAL : Ma Mp | Ma “a De N\ Mg g Ma =Mp =~ 2PL/y Mg =Mg = —/9Pl/y2 g Mc =Mp =Pl/p Mp = PL /y3 Rs Ra & fa a & R,=Rg =P 5 aoe Ry = Ry = 5A 9 4, sg y 3) Bat | 4 us 8 A 3 a i x Amar = EE, nae tle, § max. ~646ET max" S/4ET 8 PP P Pp « 2 ACD etre g Me tla fy Ug § t ~ rat fa 4 Mal PENS \ Me [ale ME NI Me 1042 Bending moment, shear and deflection BUILT-IN BEAMS PPP P itt Of F Us tlfs thistle a_tT™ mY SEN Mg = Mg= —2Pl/s LOADING ‘MOMENT Mp=Mg = Pl/s Ry A x Pa a 3 Ram Agu 2P Ra=Pe=(n-!) Fle a) id | a When n is oot 5 PL Onax.™ er h-Ll-$ (1-2 & max. ~ aber When pa oe PW 3 4 J ray tapi a ere SS LT [L__}Wn__ CONTINUOUS BEAM | “n> Yn + a py + Ya > bin +n When n> 10, consider the load uniformly distributed The load on the outside stringers is carried directly by the supports The continuous beam is assumed to be horizontal at each support The reaction at the supports for each span = W/p. but the maximum shear force in any span of the continuous beam = WA=l mg y The valve of the fixing moment ot each support =— B.WL The value of the maximum positive moment for each span =C. we The valve of the maximum deflection for each span 0.0026 WO Valve of n Bowvavann} Bending moment, shear and deflection wo43 + PROPPED CANTILEVERS s - - 3 h-——e Rg 8 Mc 11M 5 Tad Fay, g a fe Ma=— G2(2-n)? where Yt=n Si fae, re, Mace ~ ef Ban -nl}* Ra Ry +4-n(4-nf) & Pa Rg B] a | ae foto] Pg =H" /4-n) f= mM fe——x —s} . 3 =——|-Mnax. ~--1% 5 0-5785L—+1 3 § a= HE (m—3m't2m*) de = GHB [5-124 70°—n’) g § s g & 3 Ma = g Mg =~ alhs (oe f2leero) Ry 4 = S Wr x Ae Sf) tle) Neg MA mpage a = if A= in'-6n48) Where ~% and rg are the simple 3 ehh Ap support reactions for the beam x a (Mg being considered positive) S |wn 4 5 xa, = EE fo?-6)m'-(3n2) iw |When x >a, 2 2 a = he Pept. ph (n?-6n4-8) + pri (sn? 8046) 1044 Bending moment, shear and deflection PROPPED CANTILEVERS LOADING MOMENT SHEAR MOMENT — LOADING DEFLECTION = SHEAR DEFLECTION wie Wie itm=L. then between B and D. Mer = HL Fax*xa(4-3mt2m?f] +Mmax. when x = $(4-3m+¢2n4} Ma=~ gplSl -2a) Pa a) Randfyl2t?+5al-4a7) Ag = ft (2t?—Sal +407) box Ag i A 2WL Bs +Mnax,=0-0596 WL [When x=0-447] BA asec Re Ma=~ Ww Ry = —— | inaz. pax = 22082WE Imax. = “EF When x=0-447L 4 Them Mx =— 5 (20m@27m47) Mg=- BBE -+Mmax.=0-0846WL fwhen x =0-67L] Vn=6(9-20m?) anes Pa }----+--5 o-0061wL? &r a Smax.* When x=0-598L +Mmax.=0-0454WL [When x =0-283t] on a pw Ay = 4h a= BY 9.0037 WEE Umax. Er When x=0-404L LOADING Bending moment, shear and deflection AS bb} L ——+ Rg naan — a 0-128 Wa M, PSN ; 7 [ZENS Between 5 Cand A, Me =Rg.ze- $t,(3-b) My=— fo (sar isal +208) PROPPED CANTILEVERS s eee cercoe Ry 577? O.1zeWb Mg a we? Maz = Rg.x -3E Ma =~ #3 (52-30%) : 74 J Ry = BG (ist—4a) Aya W~ Re 2 +Mmox. when x= b+ 5° /1- 3 Ry A Re g ° = 2 3) Aye MEF(st—a) Ra = fh (57-0) Aya W- Rg Pg = #6 (0'+5at") W Ww 2w g c 4,——) ; S @—++—5 a—+e—_ 6 8 '#——_4 Rg Eee a Re g bx —4 Wad =40-4236-— & o.128Wo) § g Mg = Ry.x4Mg~ Hfe-a}? Ma = ~ #8,(i00?-30*) Between A and Ay ys Ve =Rg- Wage x _ Between C and & Pe § box 8 Ve_ =Ry—Watye & Pa = acta, [tt(ie-isa}ea%(st-of] Rg=W-Ry 1045 1046 Bending moment, shear and deflection W=w(L+a) Wew, 3 7 3 rants Pinas, x/, ae add | ern) beet lw & = ul g Ma-- Vora 20°) foe »g! g +Mmax.= BG 00" ‘-26p°49) caer aa 7% «| : Pe & A 3 Ra=wt (g —P ¥) myo rennt| Fine) ate ran vole) é feo 7 org}: 4 “tra ify T% b= 4-602 org)-2p' . : § orn Lfpea)n4] % srbiorsnow (e+) este leneot eg taissy Me” HET Ce ee 3 a adh oth g rYys4 | aN It eal g Mg=-2M,=~ Pa Mg ©-2My2—M S| e% g=% Re 5|" A = z aye iB Ry = — Fy =- i weet _ 5 con aehlar*eeoase 30) p= xh fb (ate)earbr #] ~max.=— SEP PROPPED CANTILEVERS ~Imax.=— 37 MOMENT SHEAR Bending moment, shear and deflection PROPPED CANTILEVERS 1047 Man — 82 (2t-0) Ba Re Rg gh (407+ 2at—a?) Rg =W— Ry When x< a, =H (on?x-lenx4 l2x—4xq") +Mmazx. occurs when 9=/3°—nt1 Ma=— #2 (4-30) A Ra Aang (40 +40t-304) Rg=W— Ry SHEAR MOMENT = LOADING DEFLECTION Ww [ bO-4i5 L- Re i +Mmox=0:0948 WL 2 a Ryn rg = 2 dnax.=0-00727 We yw a—+—b a b+} —--—1 Rg “eS Mansy (5t?+40L—407) % *5 Raa she (2it?+4at—4a°) Pg =W— Py 1048 MOMENT — LOADING DEFLECTION SHEAR Bending moment, shear and deflection PROPPED CANTILEVERS 2nd. degree parabola complement of parabola tota//oad W. 8 L Re L Fa max box} “ ° | Me [== rt Maa Ma Mz = (tom*—20m'+7m) | Mee = itt (-40m%-80m'-com*17n)| +Mnax*OO0886WLwhenx = — |4Mmax ®O-O399WL.when x = a Drsase [timo Oz 254354 a RA ——s ts 8 Ww 2W aw aw. Pano FO™ 2 “nq 8" G0 ome, foeze 4 max. +0392 + 3 max=0-00674 Hee Umax*0-00278 a P —t4 @ -—4 Re Ma fa=~ max.My=-0-193PL when b=0S77L a 2 Ag=FS(b+2l) y= P—Ry i Po? = BER Al Bending moment, shear and deflection 049. PROPPED CANTILEVERS =e PPP a) Ci geo ee Ay Yat ate +444 py Mp ee LOADING x i = \/ & g myn BE SMe Bh hyn | fa 3 A Aan Ra~GP gE 8 Oat _—— fost z eo eu : Q Amax.= 9-015S2 EF Snax. 0-0209 Er Pe Pp Pe P PPP g oD & 8 7: S| b+ Lh thee fae te heer Re § Mg Bae HVE = 3 Mae TE sp, ge 35 Mp = “gr ME~ 268 Me = SEE & Ra Ry a ‘B ISP Ze p Ryx axe Aye Ran EL une Aan 423L + posers Pur max. = 0-0265 EE DEFLECTION SHEAR 1050 Bending moment, shear and deflection PROPPED CANTILEVERS Area SXx ET max. = Pp Pp Pp Pp PPPPPPP o Z = CommOnmegero 8 La Ufa vn bf §| ar a Ha “tng Me My BREN My k [bef > = z =~ BA =~ Pine i] 3 Mam~ “64 a én = SS7PL Mg = Ra g}% | 1 g 7 5 Ra Ra = 6h, = Aa P Ag= BF Pan& (5n?-4n~1) g Raa £[3n*-4n41) 5 max. + 0-418L: 8° en g SSeS) ee ne z g 4 eu lwhen'n is 2 nox = 00221 PE Worge,” nae. BEE L ‘Any symmetrical load W © gz 3 ; oe, Ars = 7 ® Mane Megs 5 a>0-423L AM & |i Ag= Area of tree BMDiagram | @ —— Ln 3 RZ la=0-423L === 212 Ma= 3 @ +, ‘A ~~ R ac oWSL SIM & ts My = (2-6n45n?) 1 Rye eA ye MA |Mcg= Ht l2-6n49n?-3n') G ere et SMa, 2) ’ A Mcg=he(2-3nen?) 5 max. 5) PE |e z MtM, 8 Rg = Ry = MEMa § Imax. occurs at point corresponding] 4=Fe=—T ito X on BM.ciagram, the area R | In Casel, R= SM/2L @ 2g & [being egua/ to the area Case3, R= M/L Bending moment and reaction EQUAL SPAN CONTINUOUS BEAMS UNIFORMLY DISTRIBUTED LOADS Moment = coefficient x Wx L Reaction = coefficient x W where W is the UDL. on one span only ond L is one span : = 3 g 3 $ 8 g 0-107, M -0.07 MW -0107 mw, 0077 my 0-036 0-036 3 0-077 3 3 1051 1052 Bending moment and reaction i EQUAL SPAN CONTINUOUS BEAMS CENTRAL POINT LOADS Moment = coefficient x Wx lL Reaction = coefficient x W where W is the Load on one spon only and & is one spon Bending moment and reaction 1053 EQUAL SPAN CONTINUOUS BEAMS POINT LOADS AT THIRD POINTS OF SPANS Moment = coefficient x Wx L Reaction = coefficient x W where Wis the total load on one spon only a L is one spon We We We We our ont x 3 ° o. = O47 iS ole i 3 = sf 067/90 fF. 8 ix 3 = 0. O12 O-03S wl om § a ao ar 3 3 3y g Whe, We — 90-089 +9. } ONS? 3 3 : 5 3 m2 1 M24 oaslley "2, oops} 25, ray _jtl2_iMl2 ~ OVS 14: 5 19 0-056 3 0-056 one 3 owe, May : _ We Me. 2 i OUT Ql or f # x fg a Og tle Me =016! = 0-026 -0.078 »! Ons : o097 2 5! Ort 2 3 g 3 ° Salle, We, OMe, Me, 8 3 3 on on Fi OF me M2 ms 6 — 0-089 < 9-006 0065 O-4i 6. 3 os: 7 oore Influence lines 1054 Influence lines for bending moments — two-span beam O1 2545678 9012846 17181920 dntluence line for dntluence line tor point 3 dntluence line for point 4 point 2 dntluence line tor 1055 Influence lines Influence line for point 5 Ol 23456789 DiI 2EM4E KI7B920 5 8 8 g g Bo rN sa ga °o oO oO 210-0 S10'0 80-0 e200 620-0 ¥£0-0 ¥£0-0 170-0 8r0'0 260-0 050-0 650% £00 9500 990:0 8r0'0 850°0 £90°0 S#0-0 £50'0 290°0 9£0:0 £00 0S0°0 1200 9200 Of0-0 oO oO Oo 820-0 +£0:0 o%0-0 #90°0 £L0-°0 0600 S010 ao erro 251-0 2ear0 £0 £020 reo 80-0 esl ono 190-0 9-0 6£0-0 240-0 9£0°'0 180°0 920-0 8f£0°0 $20°0 £10-:0 dnthuence fine for point & 1056 Influence lines Ol 23456789 NN REKISKIT BAD once $90908805888 00 Influence lines for reactions and shear forces — two-span beam Intlvence line tor © Reaction at Aand S.F envelope tor span AB 20 ecu of fine Bc A ¢ fntivence line tor Reaction at B QRSS Sa SPESSISASTG RG 20966666066~6666665660 1057 Influence lines Influence lines for bending moments — three-span beam Intloence line tor point $ Jotluence line for point 4 Intiaence line tor Influence line tor point 2 point 1 024681266 8 TISTINESID Influence lines 1058 Influence lines for bending moments — three-span beam 024 6 8D 12/4 16 8 202244 26 2830 25 27.29 PISTINESIFDA Jatluence line for point 6 g i 5 pt ooo, sooo, ° 100 800° 2100 0° £100 joo 82° $09 soo ¥ 2100 #100 400 100 £100 zoo0 "7 000 8) $00 00 10° 2200 $200 sr00 700° sro-0 s¥00 £500 950-0 —— ee ') #500 S00 re00 "0% zzo0 708 2600 8r00 100 9800 : te ao | eos pron 2000 “roo “80° 6600 200 re00 "| 21007 Influence line tor point 9 eg 100 8100 2200 200%} a S100 2100 18 9 O° sooo 1500 e900 7700 1£00 08 £900 seooh #900 Sooo 0200 559 2000 “Ooo woo > Influence line tor point 10 1000 9 a1o0 £00 5200 0° 9200 v200 610-0 _ S100 grog FOO e000 120.0 800 fr0.0 700 900 > ‘ooo 00 Sa 2'0 £200 0800 1800 s200 97") 1059 Influence lines 024.6 80 124 15 VST 9 8 & g g 3 g point 17 g g : s point 12 Influence line tor point 15 oa 2 i & Intluence line tor point 16 point 15 £000 600-0 £109 d99 200 go00 0° 8000 5H 9 #00 1500 eg S010 980-0 af00 620-0 860-0 6500 1900 770° 3! 5 sr00 © Lee 910-0 900-0 20-0 Influence lines 1060 Influence lines for reactions and shear forces — three-span beam reaction at A and S.Fenvelope for span AB Intluence line tor Q Ordinates of line 8 § : 5 we 5 dntluence line for Ordinates of fine reaction at B £8CD span BC 1061 Influence lines Influence lines for bending moments — four-span beam 8 SSTINBEI719 200000000 24680246 Liitisisipiriiis e0000000000 Influence line for point [2 Influence lines 1062 Influence lines for bending moments — four-span beam ci P09 f000 s sooo © Hf ook 9000 50 foo" g "2.0 4100 1) 0200 255 ee oo Bence ‘8800 wo 8900 M00") £20 geo9 £709 isoo fae 700 20° 2 of £000 g 700080? = 6000 & arco! 5000 90° & ‘00:0 sooo" > i 000 o08 pes 5 9200 100 920°0 S100 5 200 oco.9 $809 srg £110 Sono 990° icog 200°" 10-0 20° B00 sto0 0080? 00? ao-o be +" 1063 Influence lines 2468ne2 4b 8 LISTINEED? © Intluence line for point 18 * 900'0 2100 a 9 120.08 2200 0-0 %100 90:0) & = Influence lines 1064 Influence lines for reactions and shear forces — four-span beam Je 37:39 246 82K IS & 20224 B22 1357 9M IIS 17 B21 2325 272931 33 1066 ~ Second moments of area SECOND MOMENTS OF AREA (cm‘*) OF TWO FLANGES a er millimetre of width Distance THICKNESS OF EACH FLANGE IN MILLIMETRES, 4 ee ee eee | 1000 | 510.1} 6145] 7727] 9328| 1041] 1149] 1314] 1480] 1592] 1705 3100 | 6161} 7az0 | 9325] 1125] 1255| 1385] 1582] i782] 1916} 2051 1200 | 7321| gaia | 1107| 1335] 1489| 1643} 1876] 2112| 2270| 2429 1300 | 8581 | 1033 | 1297] 1564] 1743| 1923] 2195| 2469| 2654| 2839 vaoo | 9941} 1196 | 1502] 1810] 2017] 2224] 2539] 2855] 3088| 3282 1500 | 1140] 1372 | 1721] 2074] 2311] 2548} 2907] 3269| 3512] 3756 1800 | 1296] 1589 1956] 2356| 2625] 2894} 3301] 3711] 3986| 4262 1700 | 1462] 1759 | 2206] 2656] 2953] 3262| 3720] 4181| 4490] 4800 1g00 | 1638] 1970] 2471) 2975| 3313| 3652] 4164] 4679| 5024] 5371 1900 | 1824 2193] 2750) 3311) 3687| 4068] 4632] 5203] Sses| 5973 2000 | 2020] 2429 | 3045) 3665) 4081| 4498] 5126] 5758| 6182] 6607 2100 | 2226 | 2676 | 3355) 4037| 4495| 4953| 5645| 6340| 6806] 7273 2200 | 2442 | 2936 | 3680| 4428] 4929] 5437 6950] 7460] 7371 2300 | 2668 | 3207 | 4019| 4836] 5383| 5931] 6757| 7588| B144| 8707 2a00 | 2904) 3491 | 4374) 5262| 5e57| 6453| 7351| 8254] ssa! 9454 2500 | 3150] 3786 | 474a) 5706] 6351| 6997] 7970] 8947] 9602 | 10258 2600 | 3406 | 4094 | 5129| 6169| 6365] 7563) 8614| 9669 | 10376 | 11084 2700 | 3672 | 4413 | 5528] 66a9| 7399] 8150) 9282| 10419 | 11180 11943, 2800 | 3948| 4744 | §943| 7147| 7953| 8760) 9976) 11197 | 12014 | 12893 2900 | 4234 | sose | 6373| 7663| 9527 | 9392] 10695| 12003 | 12878 | 13755 3000 | 4530 | 5443 | 6818] si9a| 9121 | 10046) 11439| 12897 | 13772 | 14709 3100 | 4836 | 5811 | 7277| 8750| 9735 | 10722] 12207| 13699 | 14696 | 15696 3200 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Sns2| Sos | ee05| 5690 | 3288 3604} 3930 4148 | 4700 5258 5825{ 6398 6980 7569 8166 | 1400 4124} 4495 | 4744] 5372| 6008! 6652; 7304| 7965| 8633] 9303 | 1500 4679 | 5099) 5380] 6090) 6808| 7535) 8270| s014) 9767| 10528 | 1600 9269] 5740] 6056| 6853| 7658| 8473| 9296 | 10128 | 10971 | 11822 | 1700 5893 | 6420| 6772| 7661| 3588} 9466 10362 | 11309 | 12245 | 13131 | 1800 6983} 7737) 7528} 8513) 9508) 10513 | 11528 | 12584 | 13583) 14034 | 1900 7248} 7892] 8324} 9417 | 10s08| 11616 | 12734 13863 | 15003| 16153 | 2000 7978 | 686} 9160 10354 | 11558] 12774 | 14000 | 15238 | 164a7 | 17747 | 2100 8742 | 9517| 10036 | 11342 | 12668| 13987 | 15326 | 16678 | 18041| 19416 | 2200 9542 | 10387 | 10952 | 12374 | 13808] 15254 | 16712 | 18183 | 19665 | 21159 | 2300 10377 | 11294 | 11908 | 13452 | 15008 | 16577 | 18158 | 19752 | 21359 | 22978 | 2400 11247 | 12240 | 12904 | 14575 | 16258] 17955 | 19664 | 21387 | 23123 | 24872 | 2500 12151 | 13223 | 13940 | 19743 | 17558 | 19388 | 21230 | 23087 | 24957 | 26841 | 2600 13091 | 14245 | 15016 | 16955 | 18908; 20875 | 22856 | 24852 | 26861 | 28ea4 | 2700 14066 | 15304 | 16132 | 18213 | 20308 | 22418 | 24542 | 26681 | 28835 | 31003 | 2800 15076 | 16401 | 17288 | 19516 | 21758| 24016 | 26288 | 28576 | 30879 | 33197 | 2900 16120 | 17537 | 18484 | 20864 | 23258 25669 | 28094 | 30536 | 32993 | 35466 | 3000 17200 | 18710 } 19720 | 22256 | 24808 | 27378 | 29960 | 32561 | 35177 | 37809 | 3100 18315 | 19922 | 20996 | 23694 | 2608) 29139 | 31ag6 | 34650 | 37431 | 40228 | 3200 y9465 | 21171 | 22312 | 25177 | 28058 | 30957 | 33872 | 36805 | 39755 | 42722 | 3300 20648 | 22459 | 23668 | 26705 | 29758 | 32830 | 35918 | 39025 | 42149 | 45291 | 3400 21869 | 23784 | 25064 | 28277 | 31508| 34757 | 38024 | 413:0 | 44613 | 47934 | 3500 23124 | 25147 | 26500 | 29895 | 33308 | 36740 | 40190 | 43659 | 47147 | S06s3 | 3600 24014 | 26549 | 27976 | 31558 | 35158 | 38778 | 42416 | 46074 | 49751 | 53447 | 3700 25738 | 27988 | 29492 | 33266 | 37088 | 40871 | 44702 | 48554 | 52425 | 86316 | 3800 27098 | 28466 | 31048 | 36018 | 39008 | 43018 | 47048 | 51099 | 55169 | 59259 | 3900 28493 | 30981 | 32644 | 36816 | 41008 | 45221 | 49454 | 53708 | 57983 | 62278 | 4000 29923 | 32535 | 34280 | 38659 | 43058 | 47479 | 51920 | 56383 | 60867 | 65372 | 4100 31387 | 34126 | 35956 | 40527 | 45158 | 49792 | 54445 | 59123 | 63621 | 68541 | 4200 32887 | 35756 | 37672 | 42473 | 47308 | 52159 | 57032 | 61928 | 66845 | 71784 | 4300 34422 | 37423 | 39428 | 44457 | 49508 | 84582 | 59678 | 64797 | 69939 | 75103 | 4a00 35992 | 39128 | 41224 | 46480 | 51758 | 57060 | 62384 | 67732 | 73103 | 78497 | 4600 37596 | 40872 | 43060 | 48548 | 54058 | 59593 | 65150 | 70732 | 76337 | 81966 | 4600 39236 | 42653 | 44936 | soeeo | 56408 | 62180 | 67976 | 73787 | 79641 | 85503 | 4700 40911 | 4aa73 | 46852 | 52818 | 58808 | 64823 | 70862 | 76926 | 83015 | 89128 | 4800 42621 | 46330 | 48a08 | 55021 | 61258 67521 | 73808 | 80121 | s64ss | 92622 | 4900 44365 | 48226 | 50804 | 57269 | 63758| 70274 | 76814 | 83381 | a9973 | 96591 | 000 1068, oe Second moments of area SECOND MOMENTS OF AREA (cm‘) OF RECTANGULAR PLATES about axis x—x oe | THICKNESS 1 MILLIMETRES 4 mm 2 4 5 6 8 10 25 391 521 651 781 1.04 1.30 50 313 4q7 521 6.25 833 104 15 105. 141 176 2a 281 35.2 100 250 33.3 417 50.0 667 83.3 125 488 65.1 B14 97.7 130 163 150 848 113 14 169 228 2381 75 134 179 223 268 387 4a7 200 200 267 333 400 533 667 225 285 380 475 570 759 949 250 391 821 651 781 1042 1302 275 520 693 867 1040 1386 1733 300 675 900 1125, 1350 1800 2280 325 358 1144 1430 716 2289 2861 350 1072 1429 1786 2140 2858 3573 375 1318 1758 2197 2637 3516 4395 400 1600 2133 2667 3200 4267 $333 425 1919 2559 3199 3838 5118 6397 450 2278 3038 3797 4556 6075 7594 47s 2679 3572 4465 5359 7145 8931 500 3125 4167 5208 6250 8333 10817 525 3618 4823 6029 7238 9647 12059 $50 4159 5546 6932 8319 11092 13865 575 4753 6337 7921 9505 12674 15842 600 5400 7200 9000 10800 14400 18000 625 6104 8138 10173 12207 16276 20345 650 6866 9154 41443 13731 18308 22885 675 7689 10252 12814 15377 20503 25629 700 8575 11433 14292 17180 22867 29583 725 9527 12703 15878 19054 25405 31757 750 10547 14063 17578 21094 28125 35156 75 11637 15516 19395, 23274 31032 38790 800 12800 17087 21333 25600 34133 42667 825 14038 18717 23396 28076 37434 48793 850 15353 20471 25589 30706 40942 51177 875 16748 22331 27913 33496 44661 56827 900 18225 24300 30375 36450 48600 80750 SECOND MOMENTS OF AREA (cm*) * OF RECTANGULAR PLATES about axis x—x Second moments of area 1069 at THICKNESS ¢ MILLIMETRES Depth 4 2 15 18 20 22 25 mm 1.56 195 234 2.60 2.86 3.26 25 125 15.6 188 20.8 229 260 50 42.2 52.7 633 70.3 773 87.9 75 100 125 150 167 183 208 | 100 395 244 293 326 358 407 128 338 422 508, 563 619 703 | 150 536 670 804 893 983 17 175, 800 1000 1200 1333 1467 1667 | 200 1139 1424 1708 1898 2088 2373 | 225 1563 1953 2344 2604 2865 3255 | 250 2080 2600 3120 3466 3813 4333 | 275 2700 3375 4050 4500 4950 5625 | 300 3433 4291 5149 5721 6293 7152 | 328 4288 $359 6431 7146 7860 8932 ] 350 5273 6592 7910 8789 9668 roge6 | 375 6400 8000 9600 10667 11733, 13333 | 400 7677 9896 11515, 12794 14074 15993 | 425 aia 11391 13669, 18188 16706 rasa | 460 10717 13396 16076 17862 19648 22327 | 475 12500 15625 18750 20833 22917 26042 | S00 14470 18088 21705 2ani7 26529 30146 | 525 16638 20797 24956 27729 30502 34661 550 19011 23764 28516 31685 34853 39608 | 575 21600 27000 32400 36000 39600 45000 | 600 2aara 30518 36621 40690 40759 sose3 | 625 27463 34328 ari94 45771 50348, 57214 | 650 30755 38443 46132 51258 e384 64072 | 675 34300 42875 51450 57167 62883 714s8_ | 700 38108 47635 57162 63513 s986a 79391 725 42188 62734 63281 70313 77348 87891 750 46548 e186 69823 77581 85339 96076 | 775 51200 64000 76800 85333 93867 106667 | 800 56152 70189 84227 93586 102945 116982 | 825 61413 76766 92119 102354 112880, 127943 | 850 66992 83740 100488 411684 122819 139567 | 875 72800 91125 109350 121500 133650 151875 | 900 a | 1070 Second moments of area SECOND MOMENTS OF AREA (cm‘) OF RECTANGULAR PLATES about axis x—x THICKNESS t MILLIMETRES — 3 4 8 6 8 10 1000 25000 33333 41667 50000 66667 83333, 1100 33275 44367 55458 66550, 88733 110917 1200 43200 57600 72000 86400 115200 144000 1300 54925 73233 91542 109850 146467 183083 1400 68600 91467 114333 137200 182933 228667 1500 84375 112500 140625 168750 225000 281250 1600 102400 136533 170667 204800 273087 341333 1700 122825 183767 204708 245650, 327533, 409417 1300 145800 198400 243000 291800 388800 486000 1900 471475 228633, 285792 342950 457267 571583, 2000 200000 286667 339333 400000 593333 e5s667 2100 231525 308700 385875 463050 617400 771780 2200 266200, 354933 443667 532400 709867 887333 2300 304175 405567 506958 808350 11133 | 1013917 2400 345600 460800 576000 631200, 921600 | 1152000 2500 390625 520833 651042 781250 1041667 | 1302083 2600 439400 585867 732333 878800 1171733 | 1464667 2700 492075 656100 820125 984180 1312200 | 1640250 2800 548800 731733 914667 1097600 1463467 | 1829333 2900 603725 812967 1016208 1219450 1625933 | 2032417 3000 675000 00000 | 1125000 | 1350000 | 1800000 | 2250000 3100 748775 993033 1241282 1489550 | 1986087 | 2482583 3200 g19200 | 1092267 | 1365333 | 1638a00 | 2184533 | 2730667 3300 898425 | 1197800 1497375 | 1786850 | 2395800 | 2994750 3400 982600 | 1310133 1637667 1965200 | 2620267 | 3275333 3500 | 1071875 | 1429167 iecase | 2143750 | 2858333 | 3572917 3600 | 1165400 1555200 | 1944000 | 2332800 | 3110400 | 3888000 3700 | 1266325 | i6aea33 | 2110542 | 2532650 | 3376867 | 4221083 3800 | 1371800 | 1829067 | 2286333 | 2743600 | 3658133 | 4572667 3900 | 1482975 1977300 | 2471625 | 2965950 | 3954600 | 4943250 4000 | 1600000 | 2133333 | 2666867 | 3200000 | 4266667 | 5333333 4100 1723025 | 2297367 | 2871708 | 3446050 | 4594733 | 5743417 4200 | 1852200 | 2469800 | 3087000 | 3704400 | 4939200 | 6174000 4300 | 1987675 | 2650233 | 3312792 | 3975350 | 5300467 | 6625583 aaoo | 2129600 | 2a39487 | 3549333 | 4259200 | 5678933 | 7098667 asoo | 2278125 | 3037500 | 3796875 | 4556250 | 6075000 | 7593750 ag00 | 2433400 | 3244533 | 4055667 | aa66800 | 6ag9067 | 8111333 ayoo | 2595575 | 3460787 | 4325958 | sigi1so | 6921833 | 8651917 goo | 2764800 | 3686400 | s608000 | ssza6o0 | 7372800 | 9216000 goo | 2941225 | 3921633 | 4902042 | saaz4so | 7843267 | 9804083 5000 | 3125000 | 4166667} 5208333 | 6250000 | 9933333 | 10416667 SECOND MOMENTS OF AREA (cm‘*) 7 OF RECTANGULAR PLATES about axis x—x Second moments of area 1071 THICKNESS ¢ MILLIMETRES 4, 2 15, 18 20 22 2s mm 100000 125000 150000 186667 183333 208333 | 1000 133100 166375 199650 221833 244017 277282 | 1100 172800 216000 259200 288000, 316800, 360000 | 1200 219700 274625 329550 366167 402783, 457708 274400 343000 411600 457333 503067 571667 337500 421875 506250 562500 618750 703125 409600, 512000, 614400 682667 750933 853333 ‘491300 614125 736950 818833 900717 | 1023542 | 1700 583200 723000 874800 972000 1069200 | 1215000 | 1800 685900 857375 rozaaso | 1143167 1257483 | 1428958 | 1900 800000 | 1000000 | 1200000 1333333 vase667 | 1666667 | 2000 926100 | 1157625 1388150 | 1543500 y697850 | 1929375 | 2100 1084800 | 1331000 | 1597200 | 1774667 1952133 | 2218333 | 2200 1216700 | 1520875 18250580 | 2027833 | 2730817 | 2534792 | 2300 1382400 | 1728000 | 2073600 | 2304000 | 2534400 | 2880000 | 2400 1562500 | 1953125 | 2343750 | 2604167 | 2864583 | 3255208 | 2500 1757600 | 2197000 | 2636400 | 2929333 | 3222267 | 3661667 | 2600 1968300 | 2460375 | 2952450 | 3280500 | 3608550 | 4100625 | 2700 2195200 | 2744000 | 3292800 | 3658667 | 4024533 | 4573333 | 2800 2438900 | 3048625 | 3658350 | 40e4aa3 | 4471317 | sosid42 | 2900 2700000 | 3375000 | 4050000 | 4500000 | 4950000 | 5625000 | 3000 2979100 | 3723875 | s45acso | 4965167 | 5461583 | 6206458 | 3100 3276800 | 4096000 | 4915200 | 5461333 | 6007467 | 626667 | 3200 3693700 | 4492125 | 5390550 | 5989500 | 6588450 | 7486875 | 3300 3930800 | 4913000 | sa9séoo | 6550867 | 7205733 | g188333 | 3400 4287500 | 5359375 | 6431250 | 7145833 7860417 | 8932292 | 3500 4665600 | 5832000 | s99esoo | 7776000 | 8553600 | 9720000 | 3600 5065300 | 6331625 | 7597950 | 8442167 | 9286383 | 10352708 | 3700 5487200 | 6859000 | 8230800 | 9145333 | 10059867 | 11431667 | 3800 5931900 | 7414875 | 8897850 | 9886500 | 10875150 | 12358125 | 3900 e400000 | a000000 | sso0000 | 10686667 | 11733333 | 13333333 | 4000 6892100 | 8615125 | 10338150 | 11486833 | 12635517 | 14358542 | 4100 7408800 | 9261000 | 11113200 | 12348000 | 13582800 | 15435000 | 4200 7950700 | 9938375 | 11926080 | 13251167 | 14576283 | 16563958 | 4300 8518400 | 10648000 | 12777600 | 14187333 | 15617067 | 17746667 | 4400 9112500 | 11390625 | 13668750 | 15187500 | 16706250 | 18984375 | 4500 9733600 | 12167000 | 14600400 | 16222667 | 17884933 | 20278333 | 4800 10382300 | 12977875 | 15573450 | 17303833 | 19034217 | 21629792 | 4700 11059200 | 13824000 | 16588800 | 18432000 | 20275200 | 23040000 | 4800 11764900 | 14706125 | 17647350 | 19608167 | 21568983 | 24510208 | 4900 12500000 | 1862S000 | 18750000} 20833333 | 22916667 | 26041667 | so00 1072 Second moments of area SECOND MOMENT OF A PAIR OF UNIT AREAS about axis x—x w | 18 | 20 | 25 30 | 3s 1275] 1301] 1326] 1352 | 1378] 1405 | 1431 1540] 1568] 1886 | 1625 | 1653 | 1682 | 1711 1830] 1g61| 1a91| 1922 | 1953) 1985] 2016 2145/2178) 2211| 2245 | 2278 | 2312 | 2346 2aa5| 2521| 2656] 2592 | 2628 | 2665 | 2701 2850} 2888| 2926] 2965} 3003 3042 | 3081 3240| 3281| 3321] 3362 | 3403 | 3445 | 3a86 3655} 3698] 3741! 3785] 3aze| 3872 | 3916 4095] 4141] 4186) 4232 | 4278 | 4325 | 4371 4560| 4608] 4656/ 4705 | 4752) 4802 | 4851 s050| $101] 5151| 5202| 5253] s305 | 5356 5565] 5618] 5671! 5725| 5778| se32| See6 6105] 6161} 6216! 6272| 6328 | 6385 | Gaa1 6670| 6728] 6786] 6845 | 6903 | 6962 | 7021 7260| 7321 7381| 7442| 7503 | 7565 | 7626 7a75| 7938! 8001} g065| 8128 | si92 | 8256 8515| 8581] s646| 8712| 8778 | seas | sort 9180| 9248] 9316) 9385 | 9453 | 9522 | 9591 9870] 9941} 10011 | 10082 | 10153 | 10225 | 10296 10585| 10658) 10731 | 10805 | 10878 | 10952 | 11026 11325] 11401 | 11476 | 11552 | 11628 | 11708 | 11781 12090] 12168/ 12246 | 12325 | 12403 | 12482 | 12561 12880/ 12961) 13041 | 13122 | 13203 | 13285 | 13366 13695] 13778] 13861 | 13945 | 14028 | 14112 | 14196, 14535 | 14621 14706 | 14792 | 14878 | 14968 | 15051 1400 | 1548) 15576 | 15665 | 15753 | 19842 | 15931 16290] 16381 | 16471 | 16562 | 16653 | 16745 | 16836 17208 | 17298) 17391 | 17485 | 17578 | 17672 | 17766 18145| 18241 | 18336] 18432 | 18528 | 18625 | 18721 19110] 19208] 19306 | 19405 | 19503 | 19602 | 19701 20100} 20201] 20301| 20402 | 20503 | 20605 | 20706 23115) 21218] 21321) 21425 | 21528 | 21632 | 21736 22155| 22261| 22366 | 22472 | 22578 | 22685 | 22791 23220| 23328] 23436 | 23545 | 23653 | 23762 | 23871 2a310| 24421] 24531 | 24642 | 24753 | 24865 | 24976 28425| 25538] 25651| 25765 | 25878 | 25992 | 26106 26565| 26681| 26796 | 26912 | 27028 | 27145 | 27261 27730) 27848) 27966| 28085 | 28203 | 28322 | 28441 28820| 29041) 29161| 29282 | 29403 | 29525 | 29646, 30135| 30258) 30381 | 30505 | 30628 | 30752 | 30876 31375| 31501] 31626 | 31752 | 31878 | 32005 | 32131 32640} 32768] 32806} 33025 | 33153 | 33282 | 33411 33930 | 34061| 34191| 34322 | 34453 | 34585 | 34716 35245 | 39378| 35511) 35645 | 35778 | 35813 | 3o040 36585 | 36721| 36856) 36992 | 37128 | 37265 | 37401 Second moments are tabulated in cm* and are for unit areas of 1 em each, Second moments of area 1073 SECOND MOMENT OF A PAIR OF UNIT AREAS : about axis x—x Distance ] 4. o 5 ro | 1 | 20 | 25 | 30 | a5 | ao | a5 2750 | 37813| 37950] 38088] 36226] 36365 | 38503 | s86¢2 | 38781 | 38921 | 39060 2e00 | 39200] 39340] 39481| 39621| 39762 | 39903 | 40085 | ao1as | 40328 | 40470 2aso | 40613| 40755] 40898] 41041 | 41185 | 41328 | 41472 | are | 41761 | 41905 2900 | 42050] 42195] 42341] 42ag6| 42632 | 42778 | 42925 | 43071 | 43218 | 43365 2050 | 43513| 43660/ 43808| 43956] 44105 | 44253 | 44402 | 44551 | 44701 | 44850 go00 | 45000} 45150] 45301] 45451 45602 | 45753 | 45905 | 46056 | 46208 | 46360 3oso | 46513| aece5| seaia] 46971! 47125 | 47278 | 47432 | a75a6 | 47741 | 47895 3100 | 48050] 48205] 48361] 48516! 48672 | 48828 | 48985 | 49141 | 49298 | 49455 3150 | 49613| 49770| 49928] so0g6| 50245 | 50403 | 50562 | 50721 | S0BB1 | 51040 3200 | 51200} 51360) §1621| 1681 | 51842 | 52003 | 52165 | 52326 | 52488 | 52650 3250 | 52813] 52975| 53138] 53301| 53465 | 53628 | 59792 | S956 | s4121 | 54285 3300 | 54450 5a615| 54781| 54946 | 55112) 55278 | 55445 | 55611 | 55778 | 55945 3aso | 56113| 56280| Seage| 56616 | 56785 | 56953 | $7122 | 57291 | 57461 | 57630 3aoo | 57800] 57970) 58141| 58311} 58482 | 58653 | 58825 | 58996 | S168 | 59340 3450 | 59513| 59685| s9852| 60031| 60205 | 60378 | 60552 | 60726 | 60301 | 61075 3500 | 61250} 61425] 61601! 61776] 61952 62128, 62305 | 62481 | 62658 | 62835 asso | 63013| 63190| 63368| 63546] 63725 | 63903 | 64082 | 64261 | 6a4ai | 64620 3600 | 64800} 64980) 65161| 65341| 65522 | 65703 | 65885 | 66086 | 66248 | 66430 3650 | 66613} 66795| 66978| 67161| 67345 | 67528 | 6712 | 67896 | 68081 | 68265 3700 | 68450| 68635| 68821| 69006] 69192 | 69378 | 69565 | 69751 | 69938 | 70125 3780 | 70313 70500| 70688] 70876] 71065) 71253| 71442 | 71633 | 71821 | 72010 3200 | 72200] 72390| 72581] 72771| 72962 | 7313 | 73345 | 73536 | 73728 | 73920 | 75868 3aso | 74113] 74305] 74498| 74691| 74885 | 75078 | 75272 | 75406 | 75661 3900 | 76050} 76245/ 76441) 76636] 76832| 77028 | 77225 | 77421 | 77618 | 77815 3950 | 78013| 78210| 78408] 78606} 78805 | 79003 | 79202 | 79401 | 79601 | 79800 4000 | 80000} 80200/ 80401] s0601| sogo2| #1003| 91205 | 81406 | 81608 | 81810 ‘oso | 92013| 82215| 82418] 82621, 82825| 93028 | 83232 | a3436 | 83641 | 83845 ‘too | 84030] 84258| 84461) 84665] 84872| 85078) 85285 | a549i | B5698 | 5905 4150 | 96113) 96320| 86528] 86736| 86945| 97153 | 87362| 87571 | 87781 | 87990 4200 | 862001 88310| 88621| 88831| 89042 | 89253] 89465 | 89676 | 89888 | 90100 4250 | 90313] 90525] 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Section Area __\otCentroid| of “Inertio Modul 8 tc=0 | Ixy =0-7854807|Zyy¢20-78546¢| g Azaod z yao Iyy = 0-78S4eb5 | Zyy = O-7BS400"| xx ~be0e | Tyg = Or0pabe3 | 202587802 al eos [ETOAC Zee -700n Sa astgh =o-1907b02 I yn aa ayy = 0392700 Zen ~Bos0 8 =0:1293 ba? 2 ex=0-4240 Zex ~crom a A=0-785408) 30.09ssb0? a ey O-4240 Vo iee6? x Zyy ~ crow = 30-09S5e0" & Zyy bone = wo: x 2=0-7770 | Zyx = 0-0076b07 meet re aq A-021460b 30-0097b02 420-7770 | Iyy = 0-00760n5| = 0-03380b7 : oe lary- apex '=0.0097002 > Zxx-bo8e x =0-2286b0? 3 = Lex = 0091407 ices Re Iyy = o-26seen3| "982406 Fg y= — |Zeore = 0-304Bb05 | Zyy #O266608"| ~ bese x . Typ = 0-0857002 | 2B spate? es oe Iyy = 0-039608 BS ag a 3h | T97 O2b0F Fy VR | tye = Onssseby & yo | Tor = 0-0/76b0% z <= 70 | tyy = 0-015 36 | Tq, 018/00 i> | Ton . Ze, 20-2003 fu = ty | 700 w uv tyy2000s24e) bose y .|* 0.026205 =oulge opex = » =0-006603 Plastic moduli 1077 PLASTIC MODULUS OF TWO FLANGES — => [on [> Tans isaia Sco RarTuaoes wen = mm 6 ~ B xn s “0 as | st 6 0 CJ ~ B wm | a2 | aoe we | 2 | wz] as | ve | zs] ae | oe | 2 | me | woe we 2 | Bt! 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Fox Thickness tem) 2 om 5 6 7 ° ioe ee a roo | rw | soo | 0 zo | mm exo tee | tse | ime | 2a0 | deo | do | 3am | am | amo | amp | Sie to | tam | ao | 3a | dem | eo | dam | tm | Soo | 3a | S00 tae | ano | doo | zo | Som | ceo | eam | som | co | ao | roe rem | ase | 2a | Sto | Se | aie | te | oan | Fam | seo | me woe | am | so | sow | soo | sow | sem | rom | ooo | rram | vero tem | Sao | Sea | Moo | su | see | sto | ao | S50 | 2600 | temo vee | ae | a0 | Seo | sro | soo | zm | 000 | ioe | immo | aetoo ta | to | aw | seo | bao | Fan | gtoo | amin | tim | tooo | ze sm | asin | St | ea | Few | aaa | sooo | amm | tam | twoo0 | Zane rom | sooo | ooo | 7000 | smo | oom | 0000 | rsa | soon | 20000 | 25000 zoo | se | sex | 70 | oma | Sx | tom | 5000 | teso | 22100 | 200 zo | ow | rao | sim | o60 | sooo | i200 | tio | reo | 2am | Some yon | sein | 2000 | smo | tonoo | ‘iso | tazon | tesoo | teem | Zeso0 | Sut00 jaw | mao | aoa | oro | rise | mm | tatoo | samme | tein | 29800 | Seco aso | rer | asm | seo | 2500 | reco | 5600 |} 19500 | 2s | a0 | 0100 jaw | eis | vow | sie | saeco | tsa | eso | cre | 2a | Soa | a0 imo | suo | ico | 2am | t4ec0 | teioo | sazoo | zm | 2700 Soto | sseo0 gow | amo | two | taro | tomo | ou | ‘ocoo | ze | dono | ia | somo aw) tome | tao | iro | temo | tas | 2teo | asm | soo | ooo | amo som | ria | rao | re900 | seom0 | azon | 22500 | 2er00 | 700 | sso0o | sezon Sim | tam | taao | team | iso | dom | deco | Jamo | 20000 | séo00 | sh amo | iano | tse | vem | zee | damm | d5e00 | amo | demo | fr200 | e000 a0 | fan | te | caro | 2a | deco | 30 | dame | fos | S400 Beton soo | ten | treo | zone) zaito / ow | am | sim | S00 | Seo Tao aso | rsa00 | ream | 2ran | zee ] 276m | s0600 | emo | soo | e1200 | 7800 aew@ | team | tse | dorm | Fea | dam | own | seo | sooo | oxo | Ico are | im | iso | dion | da | ee | eam | eo | sr | samoo | seco go0 | tee | 2rmm | devo | dio | suo | Seto | Seco | S00 | Ta | zoo gow | tone | 220m | eso0 | Some | 34200 | Se000 | remo | stom | face | osteo 4ow@ | 20000 | aan | 20000 | azeo0 | com | scope | saxo | exo00 | siooo ms} om | asm | Zoro | im | ara | ooo | saseo | sooo | Sacco fm | io | dem | Soo | om | erm | ateo | sero | b5a0 | zoo | m0 | fm | Zain | rm | Semon | rom | deo | sezo0 | smo | aso | sao | nemo | won| eam | Zoo | oom | Sem | mm | econ | eeaoo | tsa | seco0 | 2te00 son | samo | aceon | samo | soso0 | ase | sonoo | exaco } 7900 | sa1o0o | 27000 se | dso | om | Som | team | arm | Som | cei | 9m | so6000 | zom0 fm | Feo | Sain | Sermo | tam | oroo | sez | oom | zonoo | ome | 135000 ‘eco | pmo | eso | camo | setoo | Siam | sveo0 | zzeno | dee00 | ris000 | eaoo0 ‘seo | Sooo | Seoeo | emo | aeoon | St000 | semen | feamo | 0000 | r2o%00 | coma sooo | ara | sesa | aaron | socon | sszo0 | sosoo | raion | asro0 | 25000 | weno 1080 Formulae for rigid frames Frame I Coefficients: ahh kB Ny=k+2 Np=6k+1 FRAME DATA w per unit length w per unit length a “fe—4 _ wif 1 L wl 2 1 Manley] Mont Ly, ‘a wept 1 __whf2 Mo-"E by, tem] Me" basa) wh 1 wh ay, wt t[-a¥] Van"E Yo Han Hom aay, Extract; ‘Kleinlogel, Rahmenformein’ 11, Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Formulae for rigid frames 081 wht k+3_4e+1 awit __k 2k “AL OM, NM BTL ON, Ny; a * Wk+3 4+! whet k 2% a | oN, ND co a | 6N, M,. ee . ao ee Hy Hanh Hy) Va=-Vo=~ "Tie bk Pe | Bu M~ EF le ST Zady Ma_ At 2H Ma sf % 6 Constants: a, 5 b=F _ Pe so Peka,(3a - 2) = gyll +2bk-38K+D] Xy= FRA =® y, =P okay 3 My=+X%- &-») Mg= +X2+Xs ee) Mc= +X2- y= V4=P-Vp Me =M,-Hya— Mz=My+Hpb Covet ‘Kleinlogel, Rakmenformein’ 11, Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & ‘ohn. 1082 Formulae for rigid frames Constants: Pe Peka,(3ay ~2) ail +2bk - 302K +] x,- Peta?) My=Mp=Fill + 2bk -36%(k + 1))}=2%, Pcka,(3a, ~2) ~ Pea) 2, Pc+M,~Mp h M,=M,-H,a Mz =Mg+Hpb Ms=Mc Vy=Vp=P Hy=Hy= oe _3Payk Constants: =F Xp My=~Pa+X, My=%, Mp=+Pa-X, Mc=-% 2x, Vy>-Vo=-St Hye -Hp= Extract: *Kleinlogel, Rahmenformein’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Formulae for rigid frames 1083 Ph 3k+1 _ Ph 3k Man 7 NH, Mem t+, Constants: a, =a/L Pep L ba Ma + ly, ane = Map ica ar la * Ny (by = 2 3Pab ¥4~Pb,[1 +220) VorP-Va Hy=Ha= 5p Extract: ‘Kleinlogel, Rahmenformeln’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, 1084 Formulae for rigid frames Frame If f, : ye 7? h, Coefficients: L ce 4 2 Ah N=2k+3 FRAME DATA w per unit length c * “ 2 wht wi? My=Mo=~ "py Maax="G +My L My; VanVons Hy=Hp= -52 w per unit length wh? Ma-Me~ — 3H wh M, Yang Vong Ham Hom - Extract: ‘Kleinlogel, Rakmenformein’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Withelm Ernst de Sohn. Formulae for rigid frames 1085 rPe4 PA ¢| My), Pap Mla ol._ % % Constant: a, =¢ A My~ Fe [Set OE 5] 2 eae, HoH, ~-Me _Pe[(3a¥ - )k a h oMe= [St - 1] Pe y=T V,=P-Vp M,=-Hya Mz,=Pc-Hya Extract: *Kleinlogel, Rahmenformein’ \1. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn. 1086 Formulae for rigid frames Pes Pe | a Ie MW M ‘Mz Mp na OVHo % % Constant: a =F Ma=Me= —PeGal - De _Pe-Ms “Me =H Va=Vo=P M=-Hya M,=Pc-Ha ‘Po AtnMa Ho x See My=-Mc=Pa Hy=Hp=P 2Pa Var -Vp= —778 Moment at loads = + Pa sopitraet: “Kieinlogel, Rahmenformeln’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Formulae for rigid frames 1087 SPL 8N Pab 3 oo sry oN, Pb Pe M, WaT Yo-F Hy~Hp= ->" Extract: *Kleinlogel, Rahmenformeln” 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & ‘Sohn. 1088 Formulae for rigid frames Frame II Coefficients: hh keh $y m=1+¢ B=3k+2 C=l+2m FRAME DATA Ky=2k+l+mtm) — K,=Ak +92) Re$C-k — Ny=K,Kz-R? Ny =3k+B w per unit length wh? k(8 +159) +4(6- 9) 16° MN My=Me= M,=Mp= =e MIS + SA M 2 Me="-$M,+mMy Vy Vente Hyatty Me goftraet: “Kleinlogel, Rahmenformeln’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & in. Formulae for rigid frames 1089 w per unit length co Constants: *X; = we - ™ wl? i WL? yet Oto Y= 2= 3 My a My=+X-Xs -X)- ar Mg=+X,+Xy Mp=-X2+X5 eM ate -4X,-mXy wh 2X; Pale lem Note that Xs, — X and Me are respectively half the values of Ma (= Ms), Ma (=Mp) and Mc from the previous set of formule where the whole span was loa w per unit eight Constants: X;= wt HOB +H +1649) yy ntl? HB +96) — “2 wfh 4B+¢ No can: My=-%-Xy My +¥a+(-x) ih Mp=-X,+X; Mp= +X,-(H-%) Me~ Pax ems wfh(2+d) 2X; H+%, Van — Ven ~AG +9) 2 wy hee Ape Hy~ ~(of-He) 1090 Formulae for rigid frames Constants: x, =" , ME+6)+ A415 + 169) + 69% WhEk(O$ + 862 — k) 2, 4 2 My=-Xi-Xy Mp +x+(“E-x) 2 Mp=-Xi+% Mp= +%,-(E-x5) “wh +1) 4 Men ~" 4x, +mXs Van —Ve~ SEE A, fee Hy= -(wh- Hz) ke pe Ae le h - Me jt at Shu, ‘bu % % Constants: 4,-F by ~ ¥,=Pd2$?—(1-369K]—_-Yg= Pb C - Gat - 1K] =NK- TR = %2k.- YR Pe B-3(a-b)k aN =m, 4-7, Mya Xin Xy Ma= +¥a+(F-%) Mp=-X,+Xs Men ~ SFE 4X, +mX M=M,-Hya My=My+Hgb Pc-2X. Pe_X,+X, eH Va=P-Ve HaHen=y- Extract: *Kleinlogel, Rahmenformeln’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Sohn, Formulae for rigid frames 1091 ¥, = Pe{2g2 - (1 - 362)k] Yq=Pel$C + Bay -1)k] YaR- YK, Y, M My=Mg= My=Mp= Mc= -$#Pc+M,)+mMy V,=Vp=P Hy= Hypa Pea Mo M,=M,-Hya— M=My+Heb Constant: x, Pac +364) M2 M,=-Mg=~X, My=-Mp=Pa-X, Mc=0 Pa-X, Van -Va= -2[PA> Hy=-Hg= -P Extract: ‘Kleinlogel, Rahmenformeln’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & 1092 Formulae for rigid frames G M,-M,~ Ed ae +#) My=My~ -2Piem A Mowe 4M y+mMy Vy=Ve=P/2 Hy=Hy~ Maz Ma Cooma: = 202HE88) ink, PB Mya -XKi- Ky My 4X4 Fv) io Mew —L+$X+mka Mg=-Xj+h> | Mp= +1-(F -%) P_X+% a Hy= ~(P- Hp) Extract: *Kleinlogel, Rahmenformeln’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Formulae for rigid frames 1093 FRAME DATA B=2k+l)+m C=1+2m = N=B+mC w per unit length TT I 7 e | wL23+5m) 16N 2 Mg=Mp=- Mc~*E +mMy M, L HynHen "2 Vga gn Extract: *Kleinlogel, Rahmenformeln’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & 1094 Formulae for rigid frames w per unit length co My-My= 2B*5) yg, 9s maty 16 M, 3wL wh Hy=He= - 2 4-5 Vente sh2) bh Ft iJ Oy % AVA “ % % sy tt4C+m) Constant: ¥= oN 2 Ma= sxe Mc= Lam My= +x V,=-Ve= -) = Xf wf Ham 5-2 Ly Extract: *Kieinlogel, Rakmenformeln’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Erast & Formulae for rigid frames 1095 wh? 2(B+C)+k 7 2 Mc a +mMp (wh —H) 2 Constants: a, =f x=Fe, BHC —KGai -1) Me-Po Xs Me x, Me= Ef mx My=-aX — M,=Pe-a,X Pe L . Extract: *Kleinlogel, Rakmenformeln’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & ohn. Ven Vyz=P-Ve 9 Hy=He= 1096 Formulae for rigid frames Constant: a, =% De sCottaat -1) Hy=Hy Vy=Ve=P M,=~a(Pe-Mz) Mz=(1-a,)Pc+aMz My=-Mp=Pa Mc=0 Hya=-Hp=-P Vy=-Ve= a Moment at loads = + Pa sopitract: “Kleinlogel, Rakmenformeln’ 11, Auflage Berlin— Verlag von Wilhelm Ernst & Formulae for rigid frames 097 My= PEGS My=Ph+Mp Me= “ft +mMy re Cc 8 2 AV EV te 4 t Phm Men0 Van -Ven 2 y= -Hy= -F spfstract ‘Kieinloge, Rabmenformel’ 11. Auflage Berlin—Verlag von Withelm Ernst & john.

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