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Promoting the rapid uptake of green industry in harmony with the Earths ecosystems 7-9 November 20 !

" #uang$hou" %hina

E&ecutive 'ummary
#he thir! Green In!"stry $on erence *GI$+ ,as hel! in G"ang-ho", $hina, rom . to / No0em1er &'(). #he e0ent ,as co2organi-e! 1y the Ministry o In!"stry an! In ormation #echnology *MII#+ o the %eople3s 4ep"1lic o $hina an! the Unite! Nations In!"strial De0elopment Organi-ation *UNIDO+. #he con erence ,as the thir! o its kin!, ollo,ing on rom the #okyo Green In!"stry $on erence hel! in #okyo, 5apan, in &'((, an! the International $on erence on Green In!"stry in 6sia hel! in Manila, %hilippines in &''/, ,here high2le0el go0ernment s"pport or Green In!"stry policies an! practices ,as consoli!ate! an! e7presse! in the orm o the Mr. Li Yong, Director General, UNIDO Manila Declaration on Green In!"stry in 6sia, speaking at the opening ceremony en!orse! 1y &( 6sian co"ntries. 6 parallel meeting ,ith senior o icials rom those co"ntries !isc"sse! achie0ements ma!e, H.E. Mr. Miao Wei, Minister o In!"stry lessons learne! an! challenges remaining in the implementation o Green an! In ormation #echnology, $hina speaking at the opening ceremony In!"stry in their respecti0e co"ntries. Civilization needs to stop doing less bad and do more good instead *G"nter %a"li, 8E4I+ #he Green In!"stry $on erence &'() con irme! that there is a strong case or Green In!"stry an! highlighte! 1oth s"ccess stories an! o"tstan!ing policy challenges. #he con erence sho,case! an! assesse! concrete e7amples o the application o Green In!"stry concepts to man" act"ring processes. #he inno0ati0e management an! technology approaches presente! !emonstrate! the commercial 0ia1ility o applying green policies an! practices an! e7plore! speci ic challenges an! opport"nities or !i erent sectors, iss"es an! regions.

Mr. G"nter %a"li, :o"n!er, 8E4I speaking on ;Green In!"stry o #omorro,, Green Inno0ation<

An initiative like the one we see here today is exactly what we need; we need to change the imagination of people *Marc 9a7er, :rie!rich2E1ert29ti t"ng+ #he a!!e! 0al"e o an! "rgency or national, regional an! glo1al cooperation %lenary hall !"ring the opening ceremony has 1een long !emonstrate!. #he !isc"ssions stresse! that coor!inate! o the Green In!"stry $on erence &'() e orts to "se nat"ral reso"rces in a s"staina1le manner ,ill help minimi-e glo1al pro!"ction costs, making the 1"siness case or constr"cti0e engagement or m"t"al 1ene its. #he Green In!"stry $on erence &'() promote! s"ch cooperation 1y pro0i!ing a plat orm or a1o"t .'' participants, incl"!ing high2le0el go0ernment o icials an! !elegations rom ). co"ntries, $EOs an! representati0es rom the

E7ec"ti0e 9"mmary %age = &

pri0ate sector, as ,ell as aca!emia an! ci0il society to net,ork, e7change s"ccess stories an! learn o ne, initiati0es an! proBects rele0ant to the implementation o Green In!"stry meas"res at co"ntry le0el. #he !isc"ssions, ,hich ,ere g"i!e! 1y the presentations o o0er C' speakers, ,ere at times li0ely an! sho,e! e7presse! commitment to the policies an! principles o Green In!"stry. History was made by having big, bold dreams and producing things that people had not even thought of before *Marilyn Mehlmann,
Glo1al 6ction %lan International+

?ario"s panelists emphasi-e! that a common 0ision or Green In!"stry has to 1e !e ine! to o0ercome the c"rrent lack o imagination, orientation an! commitment. While technologies an! eD"ipment matter, it is o eD"al importance or min!sets an! concepts to 1e trans orme!. In a!!ition to the nee! or Ms. Marilyn Mehlmann, General 9ecretary, Glo1al 6ction go0ernment reg"lation an! en orcement o stan!ar!s, the %lan International speaking on ;#he Green In!"stry importance o 0ol"ntary proce!"res ,as recogni-e!, an! their %lat orm> 6 :rame,ork or $ollecti0e 6ction< a1ility to 1ring a1o"t change aster in some cases. #he key to s"ccess o 0ol"ntary initiati0es is or them to 1e recogni-e! 1y policy2makers an! other stakehol!ers as making a real contri1"tion to,ar!s s"staina1le !e0elopment. We all have a choice either sustainable development or tragic development! "he solution lies in innovation
*%a"l 6nastas, Yale Uni0ersity+

Inno0ation ,as i!enti ie! as central to the reD"ire! trans ormation an! as a goo! stepping stone an! 1"siness opport"nity or co"ntries. #he technical !isc"ssions intro!"ce! eco2!esign as one important inno0ati0e component an! !emonstrate! the a!0antage o !e0eloping pro!"cts that are more compati1le ,ith nat"re. While s" icient opport"nities an! i!eas !o e7ist it ,as recogni-e! that ,ays nee! to 1e o"n! or them to 1e increase! an! scale! "p. 6 maBor challenge is pose! 1y the costs o an! access to technology, especially or companies in !e0eloping co"ntries. Mr. #homas ?i!e1@k, E7ec"ti0e ?ice %resi!ent, A"siness De0elopment, No0o-ymes speaking on ;Green In!"stry #echnology trans er, in0estment an! incenti0es are nee!e! to A"il!ing the A"siness $ase< make co"ntries a,are o ,hat is possi1le. It ,as "rther esta1lishe! that !i erent in!"stry sectors ace !i erent challenges. #he te7tile in!"stry or instance is characteri-e! 1y lo, in0estment an! lo, technology !e0elopmentE challenging is the m"ltit"!e o press"res to impro0e not only on the en0ironmental 1"t also the social ront. #here ore, it ,as stresse! that a com1ination o sector speci ic an! common sol"tions nee!s to 1e o"n!.

E7ec"ti0e 9"mmary %age = )

"here is a limit to how far C#$s can go to make the business case; government intervention and regulation are essential for further progress *%eter Lacy, 6ccent"re+ #he 1"siness case or Green In!"stry is con0incing. Using e,er reso"rces an! pro!"cing less ,aste in processes, or instance 1y "tili-ing 1iotechnology to optimi-e reso"rce an! energy "sage in in!"strial processes, sa0es costs. Ho,e0er, it ,as repeate!ly stresse! that s"ch 1"siness mo!els nee! to 1e s"pporte! 1y an ena1ling policy rame,ork p"tting in place reg"lations an! incenti0es. 6n optim"m mi7 o strategies an! policy sol"tions nee!s to 1e !esigne!, a!opte! an! implemente! rom a holistic perspecti0e at all le0els an! sectors. Especially in !e0eloping co"ntries that ha0e 0ast amo"nts o nat"ral reso"rces a legal rame,ork enco"raging s"staina1le in0estments is "rgently nee!e!. It ,as ackno,le!ge! that UNIDO3s Green In!"stry Initiati0e can pro0i!e g"i!ance on the !e0elopment o strategies an! rame,orks.

Mr. %eter Lacy, Managing Director, 9trategy %ractice F 9"staina1ility 9er0ices, 6sia %aci ic, 6ccent"re !eli0ering his keynote speech

6t the same time the !isc"ssions concl"!e! that it is not s" icient or legislation to 1e orm"late! 1"t market !ri0ers are nee!e! to en orce compliance. In!"stry sho"l! th"s engage ,ith associations an! technical or"ms to 1e more a,are o e7isting technologies. :"rther, participants emphasi-e! that to promote a more a0ora1le in0estment climate or Green In!"stry, in!icators, stan!ar!s an! la1els or pro!"cts an! corporate s"staina1ility reports ha0e to 1e esta1lishe!. $ommon sets o in!"stry speci ic in!icators are nee!e! to allo, or meaning "l 1enchmarking. 9"ch compara1le stan!ar!s ,ill also ena1le cons"mers to make in orme! !ecisions as c"stomer !eman! is increasingly 1ecoming more stringent on the ecological an! en0ironmental per ormance o pro!"cts. #he t,o an! a hal !ay con erence Ms. Aethlehem 6lem", :o"n!erG$EO, sole4e1els speaking on ;Green In!"stry> 6n In0estor3s %erspecti0e< rea irme! the importance o Green In!"stry in meeting gro,ing s"staina1ility challenges. #he rich !isc"ssion stresse! the nee! or inter2sectoral cooperation, acti0e partnership among stakehol!ers an! the creation o a le0el playing iel! or all enterprises. %articipants agree! on the importance o scaling "p in0estments or Green In!"stry, as ,ell as the replication o kno,n goo! practices an! 6"!ience in the main plenary hall monitoring to,ar!s Green In!"stry targets "sing appropriate in!icators. #he GI$ &'() rea irme! the signi icance o the Green In!"stry %lat orm in promoting partnership an! cooperation or concerte! action on those central concerns. 6s a concrete o"tcome o the $on erence, UNIDO ,ill engage ,ith go0ernments, 1"siness associations an! enterprises to promote the partic"lar interest o ,omen in Green In!"stry an! create a ,omen2in2green2in!"stry net,ork in the rame,ork o the Green In!"stry %lat orm.

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