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DIALux evo 1

The Software Standard for Calculating Lighting Layouts

User Manual

DIALux evo

$ #%&# DIAL GmbH Gustav'Adolf'Stra(e ) *+*%, L!denscheid

/irst 0dition #%&# The text and images were "re"ared with great care. DIAL the authors and the translators are however not sub1ect to legal obligation or liability for any erroneous information and its conse2uences. This "ublication is "rotected by co"yright law. All rights are reserved. 3ost of the soft'ware and hardware designations used in this manual are registered trademar4s and therefore sub1ect to the a""licable laws. The DIAL GmbH can not be held res"onsible for any damage to "eo"le or "ro"erty which might occur in connection with the use of the DIALux software. The "rogram and documentation was created with great care however errors cannot be ruled out.

5egistered Trademar4s6 3icrosoft 3S 7indows 7indows 8T 7in9# are registered trademar4s of the 3icrosoft Cor"oration in the :SA and other countries. Adobe Acrobat 5eader is registered trademar4s of Adobe Systems I8C.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

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DIALux evo

DIALux evo 1 The next generation

All over the world more than *%%.%%% "eo"le are using DIALux for lighting design. 8evertheless we dare the im"ossible6 7e "roduce a new and better DIALux version. /or some time DIALux is growing u" to the next generation. 8ow it;s time to "resent the results of our wor4 to our fans the users. <n &*.).#%&# we will "resent the world "ublic the new DIALux version. At the =Light and >uilding? in /ran4furt DIAL stand in Halle 9.% A+%. The current generation of DIALux is established on the mar4et. 5eady and carefully maintained @currently available in version ).&%A it is still the best com"lete solution for users all over the world. And it should stay so. The next generation B DIALux evo B has "romising "otential and "rovides the base for our future. 7ith this software we will realiCe many ideas and wishes that will ma4e the wor4 of the user more innovative and easier.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age 9

DIALux evo

DIALux evo & The Software Standard for Calculating Lighting Layouts

/unction <verview
7elcome to DIALux evo This manual is intended to assist you to wor4 fast and effectively with DIALux. If you have ex"erience with 7indows a""lications getting started in DIALux will "resent no "roblem. DIAL regularly offers courses where the "rofessional use of DIALux can be learned. Information regarding the course dates and contents are available under and or D)E @%A #9*& &%F) 9F%. Latest information and u"dates are also available on our home"age.

In the following you will find a short descri"tion of the functions available in DIALux.

DIALux offers a number of textures that you are free to use for your lighting layouts. The following com"anies "rovided those textures6 Texturenliste Su"er/inish B Immobiliendarstellungen Gochen SchroederH Arroway TexturenH :lf TheisH www.ulf' Texturenland @Ionstantin GrossAH 8octua Gra"hics @Herbert /ahrnholCAH www.noctua'gra" Thermo"alH www.thermo" 5athschec4 Schiefer und Dachsysteme IGH

They offer many more textures. Chec4 their websites for further textures.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

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DIALux evo

/irst Ste"s in DIALux evo B The start screen................... F Settings ................................................................... , Standards................................................................. + Construction B Juic4 "lanning ................................... &% The DIALux evo user interface................................. && Selecting <b1ects.................................................... &# /ree construction ' Site ........................................... &) Storey and building construction............................. &* <b1ects und furniture ............................................. &, Insert and arrange of ob1ects and furniture.............. &+ Doors and 7indows............................................... #% 5oom elements ...................................................... #& Ceilings.................................................................. #9 Cutouts ................................................................. #* Assessment Kones .................................................. #F 3aterials................................................................ #, 5eference Lines ...................................................... #E Co"y and arrange .................................................. #E Calculation ob1ects ................................................. 9& Light B insert luminaires ............................................. 99 Light scenes ........................................................... 9, Calculation............................................................. 9+ 5esults ................................................................... 9E Documentation.......................................................... )& Saving Lro1ects ....................................................... ))

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

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DIALux evo

First Steps in DIALux evo The start screen

<nly at the first start from DIALux evo6 a feedbac4 en2uiry. This would hel" us to ada"t the software to the needs and wishes of our users. This data will be treated confidentially and not "assed on to third "arties.

/ig. & /eedbac4

After the feedbac4 en2uiry you come to the start screen.

/ig. & start screen

At the start screen from DIALux evo you are be able to6 ' Create new building o o o <utdoor and building "lanning construction D7GHDM/ im"ort 0m"ty rectangular room "lanning 2uic4 free

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age F

DIALux evo ' ' 0ditHload existing "ro1ects Hel" and Su""ort informations to the DIALacademy and to the manufacturers

Nia File Settings Genaral Settings you can change the default settings of DIALux evo.

/ig. # Settings

At the General Settings you are be able to edit ' ' ' ' ' ' Gobal settings Languages CAD Lro1ect settings Storage locations <ut"ut

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age ,

DIALux evo

/ig. 9 default settings

Nia File Settings Standards you will get into the settings for standards.

/ig. ) Standards

At the standards you have the o"tion to edit the "reset standards of each individual lighting situation. Additionally you are able to create and ad1oin new "rofiles.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age +

DIALux evo

/ig. * Settings for Standards

The default setting fort the standard in DIALux evo is office; Writing, typewriting, reading, data processing. Oou can also edit the "rofiles later see cha"ter Assessment Zones

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age E

DIALux evo

Construction Quick planning

To get a 2uic4 entry into the room "lanning DIALux evo offer a 2uic4 "lanning. Nia Empty rectangular room you will start the 2uic4 "lanning. Then you are able to edit the room dimensions6 ' ' ' Length width height 7all thic4ness The standard settings

/ig. F Juic4 "laner

Additionally you can edit the "rofiles of the room cha"ter Assessment Zones


DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age &%

DIALux evo

The DIALux evo user interface

DIALux evo is divided into a sim"le mode and tool design. At each mode you will find ty"ical tools.

/ig. , DIALux evo user interface

In DIALux evo you have to wor4 in ) im"ortant wor4 areas6 & B 3ode selection # B Tool selection 9 B CAD B Niew selection ) B Dis"lay <"tions

At the CAD- iew you can select6 ' ' ' ' Site >uilding Storey 5oom

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age &&

DIALux evo

/ig. + CAD'Niew selection

If you want to select another CAD'Niew you have the o"tions between6 ' ' ' ' ' ' 9D'5endering /loor"lan view /ront view Side view from the right Side view from the left Niew from behind

!ote" #$%ects, elements and luminaires w&ic& were inserted into t&e pro%ect at t&e Area-'iew won(t $e 'isi$le at t&e ot&er 'iews)

Selecting Objects
Oou can select ob1ects by one clic4 on the left mouse button. At DIALux evo you have "ossibility to select hidden ob1ects without changing the view. >y clic4ing through with the left mouse button you can select the hidden ob1ects. There will always the foremost ob1ects selected then the underlying etc.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age &#

DIALux evo

/ig. E Selecting ob1ects

/ig. &% Selecting hidden <b1ects

To select an ob1ect from an arrangement 1ust clic4 with the left mouse button onto the ob1ect again. DIALux evo differentiates between the o$%ect mem$ers&ips. If you are using the Furniture and o$%ects tool from the construction mode you can select all ob1ects from this tool first. Selecting an ob1ect from another tool @maybe a luminaireA DIALux evo automatically causes a 1um" into the luminaire tool.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age &9

DIALux evo

Free construction - Site

>y starting #utdoor and $uilding planning you attain automatically to the site tool from the construction mode. At this tool there is the "ossibility to draw the floor element and the building contour of your new building.

/ig. && Draw a building

Oou can design the building contour of the new building and of the floor element by clic4ing the corner "oints at the CAD'view. Oou can close your Lolygon by6 ' ' 5ight mouse button Clic4 on initial "oint closeHend Lolygon

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age &)

DIALux evo

Storey and building construction

After drawing the building contour from the building DIALux evo automatically 1um"s into the storey and $uilding construction tool.

/ig. &# Drawing the indoor contour

8ow you have the "ossibility to create one or more rooms at your building.

/ig. &9 Indoor contour

>y creating the indoor contour you have the same "rocedure li4e the drawing of the building contour.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age &*

DIALux evo

/ig. &) Drawing more rooms

Additionally you can generate new storeys at the storey and $uilding construction tool. At this tool you can du"licate an existing storey or create new storeys.

/ig. &* Generate stories

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age &F

DIALux evo

Objects und furniture

In the tool furniture and o$%ects of the construction mode you can insert6 ' ' ' .sat'files .9ds'files .m9d'files

/ig. &F <b1ects and furniture tool

DIALux evo also has standard ob1ects li4e DIALux ).&% as well as an o$%ect catalogue) Oou can start the catalogue by clic4ing6 Select e'o Catalogue #$%ect catalogue D*A+u,

Nia Drag P Dro" into DIALux evo and via the ob1ect catalogue you can insert own ob1ects and furniture to the DIALux evo database.

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"age &,

DIALux evo

Insert and arrange of objects and furniture

Oou can insert ob1ects and furniture to your "ro1ect via Drag P Dro" and via actions li4e ' ' ' ' ' Draw rectangular arrangement Draw "olygonal arrangement Draw circular arrangement Draw line arrangement Automatic arrangements for s"aces

/ig. &, Insert ob1ects

After inserting you can ' ' ' move rotate scale

the ob1ects in your "ro1ect. Oou can choose the manipulators @wor4 with the mouseA or set a manual numerical entry.

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"age &+

DIALux evo

/ig. &+ 8umerical entry

Additionally you can edit an arrangement by itself.

/ig. &E 0dit the "olygon

The mani"ulators edit polygon and edit grid lines ada"t the arrangement to the desired change.

/ig. #% Arrange the "olygon

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age &E

DIALux evo

Doors and Windows

In the $uilding openings tool of the construction mode you can find different windows doors and roof lights.

/ig. #& 7indows doors and roof lights

Oou can insert windows doors and roof lights via Drag - Drop and via the function position acti'e $uilding opening. The ad1usted "ro"erties li4e height width frame width and sill height will be assumed.

/ig. ## Insert a window

Additionally you can draw a window door or roof light by yourself.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid "age #%

DIALux evo

/ig. #9 Draw a window

Room elements
In the tool room elements you can find6 ' ' ' ' ' ram" s2uare column round column "latform flat ceiling

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age #&

DIALux evo

/ig. #) room elements

The functionality of the room elements are the same as in DIALux ).&%. Oou can insert them via Drag - Drop or via insert new room element.

/ig. #* Insert room elements

After insert you can edit the room elements with the manipulators or due manual numerical entry.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age ##

DIALux evo Additionally you can edit the s2uares polygonal.

/ig. #F 0dit room elements

In the ceiling tool you can insert ceilings smoothly at your rooms.

/ig. #, Ceiling tool

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age #9

DIALux evo !ote" At t&e .d-'iew suspended ceilings pro'ide a 'iew into t&e room and are t&erefore only 'isi$le from $elow) /ounted ceiling luminaires apply t&eir mounting automatically to t&e suspended ceiling and not to t&e distance of raw ceiling)

After selecting a room you can add a sus"ended ceiling in the room automatically. Oou can also draw a section with a sus"ended ceiling in the room.

/ig. #+ Insert ceilings

After insert you can edit the ceilings.

/ig. #E 0dit ceilings

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age #)

DIALux evo

In the cutout tool you can generate cutouts in any building contour.

/ig. 9% Cutouts

Oou can generate cutouts as6 ' ' ' rectangular circular "olygon

After drawing the cutouts you can edit them also with the manipulators. >y setting the chec4box +imit cutting dept& additionally you can edit the cutting de"th additionally.

/ig. 9& Cutting de"th

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age #*

DIALux evo

Assessment Zones
In DIALux evo you can organise every room in assessment Cones. Additionally every room can be subdivided in more than one assessment Cone.

/ig. 9# Assessment Cone

This offers you the "ossibility to assign a usage profile to each room or subCone of each room. Oou can choose the "rofile from the standards. The values for maintenance and usage "rofiles can also be edit. !ote" 0&e maintenance factor of eac& su$1one will $e calculated and considered at t&e documentation)

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age #F

DIALux evo

In the /aterials tool you can assign a texture to all surfaces in DIALux evo. Oou can create your own colour and texture or choose them from the DIALux catalogue. 2ic3 material offers you the "ossibility to acce"ted and "rocessed existing textures in the "ro1ect.

/ig. 99 Insert 3aterials

Nia Drag - Drop or apply material you can su"erim"ose the texture on the desired surface.

Oou will find the /aterial catalogue li4e in DIALux ).&% via Select Catalogue

/ig. 9) 3aterial catalogue

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age #,

DIALux evo 8aturally you can edit your own colour material. Oou have the o"tions6 ' ' ' ' ' Colour 3aterial ty"e 5eflection factor Degree of Transmission 5efravtive index

After drawing the texture it will automatically be saved at6 Select /aterials

/ig. 9* 0dit colour material

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age #+

DIALux evo

Reference Lines
In reference lines tool you can draw reference lines at every CAD'view. They will give to you an assistance by constructing your "ro1ect.

/ig. 9F 5eference Lines

Copy and arrange

Oou have the "ossibility to co"y arrange combineHs"lit and align ob1ects and arrangements in the tool copy and arrange at the construction mode.

/ig. 9, Co"y

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age #E

DIALux evo After selecting more than # ob1ects you have the "ossibilities to arrange combineHs"lit and align.

/ig. 9+ Arrange combineHs"lit align

Arrange6 ' ' ' 0ach ob1ect @furniture element luminaire etc.A can be combined 0ach ob1ect in an arrangement can be edit individually <ne <b1ect can be in multi"le arrangements

Combine H S"lit6 ' The handling is similar to DIALux ).&%

Align6 ' Several selected ob1ects have different alignment and distribution o"tions

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age 9%

DIALux evo

Calculation objects
Oou can choose calculation o$%ects li4e ' ' ' ' Tas4 area Calculation surface Calculation "oint Camera

in the tool calculation o$%ects. Nia Drag - Drop or via place calculation o$%ect you can insert the ob1ect into your "ro1ect. Additionally you can draw your own calculation surfaces.

/ig. 9E Calculation ob1ects

At the surfaces and "oints you have several calculation choices6 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' HoriContal Illuminance Nertical Illuminance Ler"endicular Illuminance @Ada"tivA Ler"endicular Illuminance :nified glare rating Glare rating Cylindrical and Semi'cylindrical Illuminance Hemis"herical Illuminance Custom calculation direction
"age 9&

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

DIALux evo ' Camera'<rientated Illuminance

These calculation o"tions have the following o"tions6 ' ' ' ' Height offset Angle of inclination Ste" width viewing angles @only by glare ratingA 5otation Camera

0ach calculation "arameter can be calculated as often combined with any other calculation "arameter. All calculated "arameters are shown in the documentation.

/ig. )% Choose "arameters

Additionally you can edit the calculation grid.

/ig. )& Calculation grids

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age 9#

DIALux evo

Light insert luminaires

At the mode lig&t in the tool for luminaires you can select insert and edit the luminaires.

/ig. )# Insert luminaires

Nia Select 2lug*ns)

Catalogue you can see all installed

/ig. )9 Luminaire LlugIn

Nia Select Catalogue more 2lug*ns you can find all @installed and not installedA LlugIns.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age 99

DIALux evo

/ig. )) LlugIns

Nia Drag - Drop or via Actions you can insert and arrange the luminaires to your Lro1ect.

DIALux evo also "rovides assistant to you at the luminaires arrangements. Automatic arrangements for spaces

/ig. )* Luminaire arrangement

The default for the automatically arrange is e,pert for lig&ting design ' ' :niform lighting at the wor4ing "lane After uniformity DIALux evo arranges the luminaires by symmetry

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age 9)

DIALux evo

Oou can also choose illuminance ' ' DIALux evo calculates the number of luminaires to an average illuminance on the wor4ing "lane After the calculation the luminaires will be arranged by symmetry

/ig. )F 0stimate calculator

Oou can edit the "arameters after inserting the luminaires. /or luminaires arrangements DIALux evo gives to you some assistance6 ' ' ' Grid lines number of luminaires

Arrangement formation 5otation of the luminaire

Additionally you can use the /anipulators)

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age 9*

DIALux evo

/ig. ), Grid arrangement

If you change the mounting &eig&t or the &eig&t of the luminaire you can set the luminaire to the manufacturer default by clic4ing $utton 4eset.

/ig. )+ 3ounting ty"e

In the tools from the lig&t mode you find6 ' ' ' ' ' ' Lam"s 0dit 1oints /ilter change Lam"s set illumination "oint

edit luminaire filter

Co"y and arrange 5eference lines Niew

"age 9F

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

DIALux evo ' Lro1ect overview

/ig. )E Luminaire tools

Light scenes
In the tool lig&t scenes at the calculation mode you can edit individual light scenes and luminaire grou"s.

/ig. *% Create light scenes

7ith the buttons =DH'Q you can add and remove luminaires to the luminaire grou"s. >y moving the slide control or numerical entry you can edit the dimming "arameters of the luminaire grou"s.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age 9,

DIALux evo

!ote" 0o o$tain a 'isual effect for t&e dimming t&ere is t&e possi$ility to dim t&e luminaires after t&e calculation)

In the tool calculation you can calculate the "reviously configured lighting scenes.

/ig. *& Calculation

Nia S&ow you can see the calculated scenes.

If you edit the lighting scenes ort he luminaire grou"s after the calculation you have the o"tion continue calculation to continue the calculation. Thereby DIALux evo used the "revious results and must not calculate the com"lete calculation again.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age 9+

DIALux evo

/ig. *# Continue calculation

In the tool results at the calculation mode you can show the caclulation on every s"ace in terms of6 ' ' Isolines /alse colours

/ig. *9 5esults tool

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age 9E

DIALux evo The results of the tas4 area will be automatically shown in the documentation. If you want to show other areas in the documentation you have to set the chec4box Create outputs for t&is calculation o$%ect)

/ig. *) Create out"uts for this calculation ob1ect

Additionally you can see ' ' Ler"endicular Illuminance Luminance

at the results tool.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age )%

DIALux evo

At the documentation mode you will find the tools6 ' ' ' ' Selected ob1ects Lrint Lro1ect information Configure tem"lates

Nia Select you can choose a 0emplate. 0ach tem"late has "re'selected s"ecify "ages. Oou can choose between several useful tem"lates6 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Single room Luminaire list >uilding owner 0x"ert for lighting design Default Niews Com"act Luminaires 8one All

/ig. ** Tem"late

Additionally via Edit you can configure the tem"lates by selecting or deselecting the "ages.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age )&

DIALux evo In the tool configure templates you can generate your own tem"lates.

/ig. *F Configure tem"lates

Nia ariant you have the ability to switch between configured tem"lates bac4 and forth every time without losing the settings. Nia t&e 'ariant of t&e outputs you can edit the following o"tions ' <ut"ut selection is the combination of the documentation "ages. It determines what documentation "ages to be s"ent on the documentation ob1ects. The configuration is individual for each documentation "age. All individual settings of all Lages you can edit the documentation "ages. Oou have the "ossibility to set the configuration to the individual "ages or to transfer it to the whole "ro1ect. Oou can also save the configured "ages as standard for subse2uent "ro1ects. La"er siCe etc. Settings fort he header and footer Default tem"late


' ' '

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"age )#

DIALux evo

/ig. *, "age settings

/ig. *+ A""ly the "ages settings

In the tool pro%ect information you have the "ossibility to edit ' ' ' Lro1ect name Descri"tion "ro1ect adress Contact Customer

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"age )9

DIALux evo

/ig. *E Lro1ect information

Saving Projects
:nless a location is selected the "ro1ects are saved at li$rary5documents5D*A+ Gm$65D*A+u,52ro%ects /urthermore all saved "ro1ects will be shown in DIALux evo at the start screen.

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age ))

DIALux evo /ig. & start screen......................................................... F /ig. # Settings.............................................................. , /ig. 9 default settings................................................... + /ig. ) Standards........................................................... + /ig. * Settings for Standards......................................... E /ig. F Juic4 "laner..................................................... &% /ig. , DIALux evo user interface.................................. && /ig. + CAD'Niew selection .......................................... &# /ig. E Selecting ob1ects............................................... &9 /ig. &% Selecting hidden <b1ects................................. &9 /ig. && Draw a building .............................................. &) /ig. &# Drawing the indoor contour............................ &* /ig. &9 Indoor contour ............................................... &* /ig. &) Drawing more rooms...................................... &F /ig. &* Generate stories ............................................. &F /ig. &F <b1ects and furniture tool ............................... &, /ig. &, Insert ob1ects .................................................. &+ /ig. &+ 8umerical entry .............................................. &E /ig. &E 0dit the "olygon ............................................. &E /ig. #% Arrange the "olygon....................................... &E /ig. #& 7indows doors and roof lights ...................... #% /ig. ## Insert a window.............................................. #% /ig. #9 Draw a window .............................................. #& /ig. #) room elements ............................................... ## /ig. #* Insert room elements ...................................... ## /ig. #F 0dit room elements......................................... #9 /ig. #, Ceiling tool..................................................... #9 /ig. #+ Insert ceilings.................................................. #) /ig. #E 0dit ceilings .................................................... #) /ig. 9% Cutouts.......................................................... #* /ig. 9& Cutting de"th................................................. #*
DIAL GmbH L!denscheid "age )*

DIALux evo /ig. 9# Assessment Cone ............................................ #F /ig. 99 Insert 3aterials ............................................... #, /ig. 9) 3aterial catalogue.......................................... #, /ig. 9* 0dit colour material......................................... #+ /ig. 9F 5eference Lines............................................... #E /ig. 9, Co"y .............................................................. #E /ig. 9+ Arrange combineHs"lit align........................... 9% /ig. 9E Calculation ob1ects ......................................... 9& /ig. )% Choose "arameters......................................... 9# /ig. )& Calculation grids............................................. 9# /ig. )# Insert luminaires ............................................. 99 /ig. )9 Luminaire LlugIn ............................................. 99 /ig. )) LlugIns ........................................................... 9) /ig. )* Luminaire arrangement................................... 9) /ig. )F 0stimate calculator.......................................... 9* /ig. ), Grid arrangement ........................................... 9F /ig. )+ 3ounting ty"e ............................................... 9F /ig. )E Luminaire tools ............................................... 9, /ig. *% Create light scenes ......................................... 9, /ig. *& Calculation ..................................................... 9+ /ig. *# Continue calculation....................................... 9E /ig. *9 5esults tool..................................................... 9E /ig. *) Create out"uts for this calculation ob1ect ........ )% /ig. ** Tem"late........................................................ )& /ig. *F Configure tem"lates ....................................... )# /ig. *, "age settings.................................................. )9 /ig. *+ A""ly the "ages settings ................................. )9 /ig. *E Lro1ect information ......................................... ))

DIAL GmbH L!denscheid

"age )F

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