Escola Básica 2, 3 José Carlos Da Maia: Worksheet

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Escola Bsica 2, 3 Jos Carlos da Maia

WORKSHEET Name __________________________ No._______ Class _______ Date____________________________________ Teacher: Ditza Graa A. This is Berenice. Here are the things that she does every day. Write the missing words. DAILY ROUTINE The alarm clock (1) _____ (ring) at a quarter past seven ever !a . "he ( 2) _____ (take) a sho#er an! then she has ( 3) _____ in the kitchen. "he eats a slice o$ toast an! (4) _____ (!rink) a glass o$ milk. %t a quarter to eight she ( 5) _____ (leave) home an! (6)______ (go) to the &us'stop to catch the (7) _____. Classes &egin at t#ent '$ive past eight an! en! at hal$ past three. "he ( 8) _____ (#alk) &ack home. "he (9) _____ (!o) her home#ork. %$ter !oing the ( 10) ______ she (11) _____ (#alk) #ith (luto in the park. "ometimes she ( 12) _____ (go) to %lice)s house an! there she ( 13) _____ (listen) to music. Dinner is at eight o)clock. %ll the $amil (14) _____ (have) !inner together. *erenice)s parents ( 15) _____ (#ant) to kno# ever thing a&out school+ so she tells them #hat ( 16) _____ (happen) in school ever !a . %t a quarter to eleven she ( 17) _____ (go) to &e! an! ( 18) _____ (sleep) #ell all night. (,) (0) (4) (,.) (,2) (-) (1) (,5) (,/) (,3) (.) (2) (,,) (,0) (/) (3) (,-) (,1)

B. This is a typical day for Bruce but the sentences below are mixed up. Put them in the correct order. a) Then he goes to the clu&. 6e trains har! $or han!&all. &) 6e has !inner at 3 o)clock. c) *ruce eats at the school canteen at lunchtime. !) %$ter !inner he pla s computer games or sen!s e'mails to his $rien!s. e) 6is home#ork takes a&out 45 minutes. $) *ruce goes to &e! at ,5..5 p.m. g) *ruce gets up at 2 a.m. h) "chool &egins at 3..5 a.m. i) "chool $inishes at ...5 p.m. Then he goes home. 7) 6e has &reak$ast in the kitchen. , g) . / 0 1 2 3 4 ,5

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