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Corn And Spinach Rice

Unusual, delicious and nourishing.

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For the rice 3 teacups cooked rice 1 tablespoon butter 1/2 teacup milk salt to taste For the corn 2 teacups cooked and crushed corn 1/2 teacup milk 1 tablespoon butter 1 chopped onion 1 chopped green chilli 1 tablespoon fresh cream 1/2 teaspoon sugar salt to taste For the spinach 3 teacups chopped spinach 1 chopped onion 1 chopped green chilli 1 tablespoon ghee a pinch soda bi-carb salt to taste For the tomato sauce 4 tomatoes 3 cloves crushed garlic 1 tablespoon oil 1 chopped onion 3/4 teaspoon chilli powder 1 teaspoon chopped tulsi leaves or oregano 1 teaspoon sugar appro!." 1 tablespoon fresh cream salt to taste For the mushroom sauce 1 teacup chopped mushrooms 1 chopped green chilli 1 chopped onion 1 tablespoon butter 3/4 teacup water or white wine 1 teacup thin white sauce 1 teaspoon lemon #uice 2 tablespoons grated cheese salt to taste For the rice $elt the butter, add the rice, milk and salt and cook for 1 minute. For the corn %eat the butter and fr& the onion for 1 minute. 'dd the green chilli and fr& again for a few seconds.

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'dd the corn, milk, cream, sugar and salt and cook for 1 minute. For the spinach %eat the ghee and fr& the onion for 1 minute. 'dd the green chilli and fr& again for a little while. 'dd the spinach, soda bi-carb and salt and cook until soft. For the tomato sauce 2ut the tomatoes in hot water. 'fter 1, minutes, remove the skin and chop. %eat the oil and fr& the onion for 1 minute. 'dd the crushed garlic and fr& again for a little while. 'dd the tomatoes, chilli powder, tulsi leaves, sugar and salt. *ook on a slow flame for at least 13 minutes. 'dd the cream. For the mushroom sauce %eat the butter and fr& the onion for 1 minute. 'dd the green chilli and mushrooms and fr& for at least 3 to 4 minutes. 'dd the water or wine and cook again for 2 to 3 minutes. 'dd the white sauce, lemon #uice, cheese and salt.. How to proceed 4pread the spinach at the bottom of a greased #ell& mould. 4pread the corn on the spinach. 4pread the rice on top. 2ress well and cover. -ake in a hot oven at 2,, degree * 4,, degree 5" for 1, minutes. 6nvert on a plate. 4erve hot with tomato or musroom sauce.

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