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Dum Phool Gobhi

INGREDIENTS: Cauliflower 1no Blanched and puree tomato 150 gm Onion paste 50 gm Khoya 60 gm Curd (beaten) 100 gm inger garlic paste ! tbsp" #oasted poppy seed paste $ tbsp" reen chilli paste 1 tbsp" hee $ tbsp" %lmonds blanched and fried $5 gm &urmeric powder 1'$ tsp" Kalon(i 1'$ tsp" #ed chilli powder 1'$ tsp" )alt &o taste *ew strands saffron in mil+ ,utmeg 1no Chopped coriander 15 gm Cream 1 tbsp" #aisins (fried) $ tbsp" inger (ullens 1 tsp" PROCEDURE: - &a+e a cauliflower w'o dunthul - .ip in a salted water for half an hour - /eat ghee in a pan0 put +alon(i0 add onion paste and fry till light golden - %dd ginger garlic paste0 stir fry for fe w minutes and add +hoya and coo+ till it turns golden brown" - %dd yoghurt and poppy seed paste and coo+ till oil seperates and add salt turmeric0 red chili powder and coo+ for a minute" %dd green chilli paste - %dd tomato puree and saffron solution and nut meg0 coo+ for $-! minutes" - )tuff the masala in the flowerettes 1ery carefully" - 2ut the cauliflower in remaining masala and coo+ on dum for few minutes - #emo1e cauliflower and finish the masala with cream and put ina s er1ing dish" - 2ut coo+ed cauliiflower on top and garnish with cream0 almonds0 raisins0 coriander0 ginger (ulliens" Before ser1ing you can also put it for few minutes in a o1en" << Back to results

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