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Eggless Chocolate Sponge Cake

Ingredients 1/2 can (400 grams for full can) condensed milk 125 grams (4 1/2 oz.) self-raising flour 1 tablespoon cocoa 1 tablespoon chocolate po der 1/2 teaspoon soda bi-carb 1 le!el teaspoon baking po der "0 ml. melted butter or margarine 1 teaspoon !anilla essence Method #ie!e the flour$ cocoa$ chocolate po der$ baking po der and soda bi-carb together. %i& the condensed milk$ flour mi&ture$ '5 ml. (2 1/2 fl. oz.) ater$ the !anilla essence and melted butter thoroughl(. *our the cake mi&ture into a greased and dusted 150 mm. or 1'5 mm. ("+ or '+) diameter tin. ,ake in a hot o!en at 200 degree - (400 degree .) for 10 minutes. /hen reduce the temperature to 100 degree - ()50 degree .) and bake for a further 10 minutes. /he cake is read( hen it lea!es the sides of the tin and is spring( to touch. 1hen read($ take out from the o!en and lea!e for 1 minute. 2n!ert the tin o!er a rack and tap sharpl( to remo!e. -ool the cake.

1. 2. ). 4. 5. ".

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