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English 1B Essay One What Kind of Future do You Envision?

We have selected The End of the World as We Know It as our course the!e" You need an o##ortunity to develo# a #ers#ective on issues related to this the!e" In order to do that$ for Essay One$ #lease res#ond to the following %uestions& What kind of a future do you envision for your generation during your lifetime? Why? To reasona'ly li!it your res#onse$ you !ust choose a focus" (ere are a few you !ight consider& Econo!y& )o you envision yourself attaining a higher standard of living than your #arents en*oyed? )o you envision your children attaining a yet higher standard? +olitics and society& )o you envision an increase or decrease in freedo! for yourself or your children in your lifeti!e? )o you envision !ore or less #eace? Environ!ent& )o you envision living in a healthier or less healthy #hysical environ!ent than your #arents did? (ow a'out your children? Technology& Will steady technological advances offer you and your children a satisfactory future? ,ulture& )o you envision yourself #artici#ating in a !ore or less satisfying culture than your #arents did? (ow a'out your children?

I encourage you to choose the one focus that interests you the !ost or that you are !ost concerned a'out" Our first essay will 'e a 'it less for!al than the succeeding essays 'ecause we are *ust starting out" -evertheless you will need to #rovide a thesis and su##ort that thesis with logical evidence" Try to !a.e the evidence as s#ecific and detailed as you can" For this essay$ !ost of your evidence will co!e fro! your o'servation and e/#erience" In later essays$ research will 'e re%uired of you" This essay should 'e at least three #ages long$ ty#ed and dou'le s#aced" It is due at the 'eginning of class on Friday$ 0anuary 11"

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