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What NOT to do as a leader!

Mohammad Tawfik

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Marshall Goldsmith, What got you here will not take you there

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Dont be an obsessed winner!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Dont act too wisely!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Do not try to add your touch!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Do not try to judge others!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Avoid negative comments!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Do not talk when angry!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Avoid destructive comments!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Give gratitude!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Be quick to apologize!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Do not shoot the messenger!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Do not pass the buck!

What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik


Assignment #2
Apply your knowledge of presentation preparation, presentation, leadership, and motivation skills to prepare a presentation about one of the following topics:
1- YOUR presidential campaign 2- Getting top management to adopt quality policies 3- Convincing your subordinated to work on weekends to get the project finished
What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik

Assignment #2 (Contd)
The presentation should last for no longer than 5 minutes! Presentations will be held on 24th March session. Presentation slides should be e-mailed before or on 23rd of March with an explanation for the purpose of each slide (based on the material we studied) e-mail:
What NOT to do as a leader! Mohammad Tawfik

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