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Government of Pakistan Ministry of Education, Training and Standards in Higher Education National Talent Pool Presidents Programme for

Care of Highly Qualified Overseas Pakistanis TECHNICAL EQ!I E"ENT# $O "

(To be filled by organi ations in Pakistan re!uesting assignments of Pakistan S"ecialist from abroad#

$% Name and &ddress of 'onsultant(

)% Name and com"lete &ddress of *e!uisitioning +rgani ation( 'ontact Person( Tele( ,a-( E.mail(

/% Present &ctivities of +rgani ation(

0% Nature of Problems( (1ist briefly main to"ics 2 sco"e of 3ork 3hich the consultant is re!uired to undertake% 4se additional "age, if necessary#%

5% +b6ectives 2 out"uts( E-"ected results may be s"ecified%

7% 8ork Plan( 9ndicate manner in 3hich services are to be undertaken, (Seminars2Training 'ourses 2 1ectures 2 1aboratory 8ork 2 *esearch : ;evelo"ment 2 Practical demonstration etc#% 4se additional sheets, if necessary%


;uration of &ssignment (i# Period in 3eeks( =============

>% &ny other information

(ii# Preferred ;ates( ,rom ============ To ============ *e!uisitioning &uthority Signature( ====================== Name( =========================


Seal( ========================== Head of +rgani ation 2 9nstitution

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