Department of Education Region V Division of City Schools City of Naga

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Department of Education Region V Division of City Schools City of Naga July 19, 2013 The Schools Division Superintendent

Division of City Schools City of Naga ada!" # have the honor to !a$e an application for !aternity leave of a%sence for the period fro! &ugust ' to &ugust 9, inclusive( The infor!ation re)uired in Division *etter No( +, dated -cto%er 20, 2013 is indicated hereunder( 1( Station &ssign!ent" Naga .le!entary School .!ployee No(2'+/ 0School1 2( 2irst day of service during the year 2010 3( &%sences incurred 0if any1 prior to leave" None '( onthly Salary 2+ Thousand 3esos +( Status 43er!anent since 200/ 5( Specific period of leave" 2ive 0+1 days 6ery truly yours,

&78 6*&#7. J( T&9&:&N 0Signature over printed na!e1 3osition" Teacher ##

Department of Education Region V Division of City Schools City of Naga

1st .ndorse!ent City of Naga, July 21, 2013 7espectfully for;arded to the 3u%lic Schools District Supervisor, Naga North District, Division of City Schools, City of Naga, inviting attention to the %asic co!!unication ;hich is self<e=planatory and reco!!ending approval for the re)uest of !aternity leave for calendar days &ugust '<9 leave of a%sence( .nclosed is his> her for! '/, duly acco!plished( N#C?-*&S 2( C&9. 3rincipal

Department of Education Region V Division of City Schools City of Naga

2ND t .ndorse!ent NAGA NORT D!STR!CT City of Naga, July 2+, 2013 7espectfully for;arded to Schools Division Superintendent, Division of City Schools, City of Naga, inviting attention to the %asic co!!unication ;hich is self<e=planatory and reco!!ending approval for the re)uest of !aternity leave for calendar days &ugust '<9 leave of a%sence(

6J-7N J( T&9&:&N 3u%lic Schools District Supervisor

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