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Personal Response Essay scalar weight of 7

Spring Trimester English 11
Final draft due date:_______________ Final date papers will be accepted for credit: _______________ No opportunity for reassessment will be available for this assignment.

ELA standards Opening (Content/Craft)

4 Exceeds Standard Opening of the essay engages the reader. Body works to illustrate a significant truth about the author. (establishes what the truth is) Closing memorably and reflectively answers the essay prompt.

3 Meets Standard Opening addresses the prompt and sets up a response. Body works as a coherent whole. Sufficient details lead directly to the authors purpose.

2 Partially Meets Standard Opening is attempted.

0 Does Not Meet Standard Opening is missing or unclear Body has no recognizable structure, or Body is a list of narration without purpose. No recognizable structure.

Middle (Content/Craft)

Body misses one of the bullets of the standard

Closing (Content/Craft)


Creates a vivid image for reader. Authors word choices also establish a tone that highlights the significant truth about the author. (How the author feels about the truth) One or two errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, usage and spelling exist in the essay, but do not hinder readability.

Closing directly relates to (answers) the essay prompt and derives from the preceding details. Precise words, phrases and details create an image for reader. Style and voice are appropriate for the essays prompt and purpose

Closing is abrupt or belabored.

Word choice is vague, repetitive or imprecise. Connection to task and purpose is not evident.

Problems with language confuse the reader.


Three to five errors in grammar, punctuation, capitalization, usage (including wordiness) and spelling exist in the essay, but none of the errors are repetitive.

More than 5 errors exist, or one or more repetitive errors exist.

Errors hinder readability

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