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Erin Y.

Highly Qualified to teach Secondary Biology (7-12) 123-456-7890 2601 N. Howard Street S!ite 300 "altimore #$ 21218

EDUCATION University of Washington Seattle %& Bachelor of Science in Biology Bachelor of Arts in !ing"istics '!ne 2014( )*&+ 3.74 #onors$ #ary )ate, -e,earc. Sc.olar $ean/, 0i,t 2010-2014 %elevant Co"rse&or'$ "iology )enome Science, (%O)ESSIONA! E*(E%IENCE Teacher+Teach )or A,erica Cor-s .e,/er *.iladel1.ia *& '!ly 2014 -e,1on,i2le 3or de4elo1ing and im1lementing 3i4e-wee5 ,!mmer ,c.ool c!rric!l!m &ttended ,i6 re,earc. 2a,ed co!r,e, incl!ding+ Instructional Planning and Delivery Secondary !iteracy "lassroo# $anage#ent and "ulture %eaching &s !eadershi' and !earning %heory 7olla2orated wit. a team o3 4eteran and new, to determine ,trategie, 3or increa,ing ,t!dent ac.ie4ement. Ca,-"s Ca,-aign Coor0inator %each (or &#erica '!ne 2012 8 #ay 2014 9rgani:ed t.e com1letion o3 o4er 150 cla,,room and ,t!dent organi:ation 1re,entation, in &!t!mn ;!arter 2012 and %inter ;!arter 2013 w.ic. reac.ed a2o!t 4 000 <% !ndergrad!ate, 0ead,5y1e meeting, wit. recr!itment team mem2er, 3rom t.e <ni4er,ity o3 >e6a, at &!,tin t.e <ni4er,ity o3 9regon and t.e <ni4er,ity o3 %i,con,in a2o!t cla,,room 1re,entation ,trategy &ttend wee5ly meeting, 1lanning recr!itment ,trategy 3or t.e <ni4er,ity o3 %a,.ington 7reated and di,tri2!ted recr!itment material,!g. ?ace2oo5 cam1!, mar5eting cla,, li,t ,er4er, and 1er,onal email, In0e-en0ent Un0ergra0"ate %esearcher DiStilio !a) *rou' Se1tem2er 20118 #ay 2014 S1ent 6-12 .o!r, a wee5 wor5ing to identi3y t.e genetic m!tation, ca!,ing do!2le 3lower m!tant, in t.e 3loral gen!, %halictru# *artici1ated in wee5ly la2 meeting to read rele4ant 1rimary literat!re and 1re,ent re,earc. 3inding, *artici1ated in wee5ly meeting wit. $r. @eronica $iStilio to 1lan 3! re,earc. and tro!2le,.oot e61eriment, %rote a c!m!lati4e 1a1er 3or 1!2li,.ing and a, a ,enior t.e,i, 3or de1artmental .onor, in 2iology Biology 123 (eer TA +, De'art#ent of Biology ?all 2013 >a!g.t a two .o!r la2 ,ection eac. wee5 to ,!11lement ,t!dent,/ !nder,tanding o3 Acology and A4ol!tion a, 1re,ented in lect!re *artici1ated in grading o3 two ,.ort an,wer midterm, 3or 1000 ,t!dent, 7om1leted an additional .onor, 1roBect wit. $r. Scott ?reeman con,i,ting o3 an in4e,tigation into ,tereoty1e t.reat and creation o3 a .ig. ,c.ool 2iology ,ylla2!, Aac. wee5+ graded ,t!dent a,,ignment, comm!nicated 2y email wit. ,t!dent, attended wee5ly meeting, to re4iew t.e 3ollowing wee5/, la2 #onors 133 (eer E0"cator 4TA5 +, Honors Progra# ?all 2012 >a!g.t eac. wee5 3or an .o!r and a .al3 to introd!ce 3re,.man .onor, ,t!dent, to t.e .onor, 1rogram and acted a, an older ,t!dent mentor $e4elo1ed my own ,ylla2!, and le,,on 1lan, to teac. ,e4en wee5, o3 3all ;!arter Aac. wee5+ graded ,t!dent a,,ignment, comm!nicated 2y email wit. ,t!dent, attended wee5ly meeting, wit. *eer Ad!cator, to im1ro4e my

Erin Y. Cot
If you were drafting a letter of intent for a teaching position, how would you summarize your desire to teach in 3 sentences or less? C want to teac. 2eca!,e C am grate3!l 3or t.e wonder3!l ed!cation C .a4e recei4ed and C want to 2e a 1art o3 ma5ing ,!re all ,t!dent, .a4e ,ame ;!ality o3 ed!cation. C lo4e ,cience e,1ecially 2iology 2eca!,e C .ad e6cellent ,cience,. Ct i, my de,ire to in,1ire t.e ,ame lo4e o3 ,cience in my ,t!dent,. What would you tell a school leader about your strengths or unique qualities to differentiate yourself from other candidates? C t.ri4e in a c.allenging en4ironment w.ere C am gi4en 3reedom to tac5le di33ic!lt 1ro2lem, and ac.ie4e lo3ty goal,. C de1end !1on my .ig. le4el o3 organi:ation in order to ,!cceed in t.e,e ,it!ation,. C am al,o di33erentiated 2y a 2elie3 all ,t!dent, 2ene3it 3rom a rigoro!, and c.allenging academic e61erience ,o long a, t.ey are gi4en t.e ,!11ort and re,o!rce, to 2e ,!cce,,3!l. >.e 3act ,t!dent, .a4e ,tr!ggled in t.e 1a,t academically doe, not mean t.ey are not ca1a2le o3 wor5ing .ard and 2eing ,!cce,,3!l in t.e 1ro1er en4ironment. Describe a time when you responded to feedback/constructi e criticism! C am in t.e 1roce,, o3 writing my t.e,i, w.ic. i, a c!lmination o3 nearly t.ree year, o3 wor5 on my re,earc. 1roBect in t.e $iStilio la2. >.ro!g.o!t my time a, an inde1endent re, in t.e $iStilio la2 C am con,tantly getting 3eed2ac5. C meet 2iwee5ly wit. $r. $iStilio to re4iew my 1rogre,, and e4al!ate my ne6t ,te1,. C learned early on at t.e la2 1reci,e note ta5ing a2o!t my e61eriment i, e,,ential. C learned to clearly !nder,tand t.e 1!r1o,e o3 t.e e61eriment C wa, 1er3orming and .ow it 3it into t.e ,igni3icance o3 my re,earc.. A4en more im1ortantly C .a4e 2ecome more ade1t at e61laining my wor5 and t.e rationale 2e.ind it. 7on,i,tent 3eed2ac5 .a, 3orced me to 1er,e4ere!g. n!mero!, ,et2ac5, in my re,earc.. Now C am in t.e 1roce,, o3 writing a 1a1er 3or 1!2lication o3 my re,!lt, C con,i,tently .a4e to ada1t to $r. $iStilio/, e4al!ation o3 my writing. C .a4e learned to 2e 2rie3 1reci,e and 1ower3!l in my writing. What are you passionate about, both personally and professionally? C am 1a,,ionate a2o!t im1ro4ing t.e world C li4e in. C ,ee ,o many 1ro2lem, in t.e world it can 2ecome o4erw.elming. C 2elie4e ed!cation i, t.e only way to im1act all t.e c.allenge, o!r world 3ace, at t.e ,ame time. #y 1a,,ion lie, in ma5ing ,!re all ,t!dent, .a4e a ;!ality o3 ed!cation w.ic. allow, t.em to 2e in;!i,iti4e t.o!g.t3!l and con,cientio!, citi:en,. #y 1er,onal intere,t, allow me to 2e mo,t e33ecti4e at ac.ie4ing my 1ro3e,,ional goal,. C am wor5 2e,t w.en C c!lti4ate ,trong relation,.i1, wit. my 3amily and a clo,e circle o3 3riend,. C al,o lo4e to read and r!n wit. my dog a, a 2rea5 3rom my ,ometime, o4erw.elmingly 2!,y li3e.

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