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Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

✍From the Word

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A Word of Explanation:

In Paleo (Ancient) Hebrew the characters of the Alefbeit

(Alphabet) are completely different to the modern Hebrew
characters which stem from the time of the Babylonian Exile
of Judah - (Israel). In this document I use the Paleo Hebrew
characters to depict the Names of the Almighty and that of
His Son, our Mashiach (Messiah).

Why? Because it is literally in this form that the Creator wrote

with His finger, His own Autograph on the stone tablets of the
Ten Commandments. It is also in this form that the original
Tanak (Old Testament) scrolls were written. Therefore He
made sure that His Name was preserved perfectly for all

Fatherʼs Name: is transliterated as YaHUaH.

Hebrew is read from right to left. The four Paleo Hebrew
characters (Tetragrammaton) of the Name are Yod, Hey, Vav
and Hey. In the Name the Vav is pronounced “oo” as in Ruth.
Therefore we use either the “W” or the “U” in the English
transliteration. More about transliteration later.

Sonʼs Name: is transliterated YaHUShA.

The Sonʼs Name is made up of the five Paleo Hebrew
characters Yod, Hey, Vav, Shin and Ayin. Note that the first
three characters of both Names are the same and therefore
sound the same when vocalized - YaHU (Yahoo). The only
difference between these two Names are that the Shin and
Ayin characters (OW - pronounced ShA ) have been added to
the Fatherʼs Name as the Sonʼs Name for He came into this
Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

world as the Lamb of Elohim (Almighty) for mankind. ShA is

the root of the Hebrew word meaning SALVATION. The Son
is therefore YaHUaHʼs Salvation. Do not confuse the Paleo
Hebrew character Shin W (pronounced “Sh” as in shoe) with
the English “W”, or the Paleo Hebrew character Ayin O
(pronounced “ah” as in balm) with the English “O”.

Transliteration is a principal in any work of translating when
carrying a personal name over into the other language.
Names are never translated but always transliterated. That
means the name is “literally” carried over to sound the same
in the other language using the Alphabet of the other

For example, if we translated the Hebrew name spelt with the

characters DALET, VAV, and DALET (David) into English we
would use the “name” Beloved, for that is the Hebrew
meaning of the Hebrew name David. But we donʼt do that for
names are always transliterated.

Therefore, in the transliteration of the Almightyʼs Name into

other languages, there is no correct or incorrect way of
spelling the Name. The only criteria is: does the spelling that
is used in English or any other language sound the same as it
is pronounced in the original Hebrew?

We could therefore transliterate the Saviourʼs Name into

English as either YaH OO Sh A or as I do; YaH U Sh A. These
two transliteration forms are both pronounced exactly the
same. In both these forms I have underscored the English
letters which represent the five Hebrew characters Yod, Hey,
Vav, Shin and Ayin.

It is also important to understand that in the Name of the

Almighty, the Vav is not pronounced “V” as in Victor, but “U”
as in Ruth. An example is the name of the Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin NetanYaHU. The last part of his name are
the characters Yod, Hay and Vav.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

In most cases the Tetragrammaton (4 characters of the

Fatherʼs Name) is transliterated into English with the four
English letters: YHWH. The W is used to represent the Vav
because it is a double U. Personally I think it is more accurate
to use the U in our transliteration of the Name, for using the
W would make people say YaHWaH instead of YaHUaH.

When writing the Names in English, I also prefer to capitalize

the English letters that are used to represent the Hebrew
characters of the Tetragrammaton.

In conclusion: The Names are therefore not translated -

carrying over the meaning into English, rather they are
transliterated - carrying over the vocal sound to as far as
possible reflect the original pronunciation.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty


Most believers would like to know what it is that their Creator desires
most concerning them. Because they love Him for what He did for them,
they would, if possible, give Him that which He desires so much. If only
they knew what it was, they would return to Him, as a gift of love, His
heartʼs desire.

David of old was a man who succeeded in doing just that. He so

thoroughly responded to the very heartbeat of (YaHUaH) that
he was the only man in Scripture who was referred to by the Almighty
as: A man after My own heart.

Quite a testimony! Yet when compared to other great men of faith such
as Abraham, Joseph, Moses, Job, Daniel etc., David was quite a sinner.
Strange that only he should be the recipient of those intimate and
endearing words that came from the very heart of (YaHUaH).

What was it in David’s heart that “earned” him such praise from
(YaHUaH)? This booklet reveals the exciting truth that any
believer in (YaHUShA), who is the Author and Finisher of
our faith, can “earn” the same praise from the Father by giving Him that
which He so much desires from them.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

Man - The Dwelling Place of the Almighty

A Man after the Almightyʼs Heart:

In the book of Acts chapter 13 the apostle Shaʼul (Paul) was busy
preaching the Good News. As an introduction to the Almightyʼs
promised Saviour, (YaHUShA), Shaʼul gives a review of
His dealings with Israel. Then he comes to the point in their history
where, as a nation, they desired a king. The Almighty gives them their
desire and Saul becomes their first king. However, Saul was the
peopleʼs choice, not the Almightyʼs. He was not a man of Elohim
(Almighty) but a man of the people. Then, from the perspective of Saul,
we read these sad words in verse 22.

And when He had removed him,

He raised up unto them David to be their king:
to whom He also gave testimony, and said,
I have found David the son of Jesse,
a man after Mine own heart,
which shall fulfill all My will.

Shaʼul is quoting the words of the prophet Samuel which he spoke to

king Saul to advise him that his kingdom had come to an end.

But now your kingdom shall not continue:

(YaHUaH) has sought Him a man after His own heart,
and has commanded him to be captain over His people,
because you have not kept that which commanded you.
(1 Sam.13:14 KJV with the Name replaced)

Saul was removed because “ you have not kept that which
(YaHUaH) commanded you.” He did not keep or guard the commands
of the Almighty. That should tell us just how serious our Creator is about
His people being obedient to His Words, Commands or Torah. For the
believer obedience is not negotiable. Once we become His children
through faith in His Son (YaHUShA) then it is expected of
us to become Torah or Law-abiding citizens of His kingdom.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

What was (YaHUaH) searching for?

He sought for a man after His own heart to rule His people. A man who
would have His attitude of loving judgment motivating him in all his
dealings and every decision he made with regard to these people. He
found that man in David. The question which intrigues me is this; What
was it about David that set him apart from all the other men of his time?
Because the Almighty did not just choose David at random. He sought a
man - a man that had a certain quality, and He found him. David was
the man (YaHUaH) found.

What did He see in David? A good man? In other words - the best man
in his generation? No, I don’t think so. David was a sinner like everyone
else. It is a well-known fact that David was a murderer, adulterer and a
thief! We know that he used his position to commit adultery with the wife
of one of his faithful subjects. Then he murdered him and stole his wife.
That is most certainly not the testimony of a good and upright man,

Yet (YaHUaH) sought for a man with a certain quality, and

chose David, a man after His own heart. David must have had
something good in his heart apart from the wickedness and sin which
was hidden there. It was this something good that (YaHUaH)
was looking for when He sought for a man.

The prophet Yermiyahu (Jeremiah) writes something interesting about

the heart of sinful man, something that we need to seriously consider.

The heart is deceitful above all things,

and desperately wicked:
who can know it.
I (YaHUaH) search the heart,
I try the reins, even to give every man according to his ways,
and according to the fruit of his doings.
(Jer.17:9-10 KJV with the Name replaced)

It is the heart which the Almighty searches - the innermost being or

attitude are what He is interested in. Physical beauty and mental
attributes are man’s criteria for choosing a leader, but that is not the
basis upon which (YaHUaH) judges a person. Out of the heart
are the issues of life, says Proverbs 4:23. That which pertains unto life
and righteous living flows out of the heart or spirit of man.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

Our Inheritance in Messiah:

(YaHUaH is in the character building business. His goal is to

transform us into the likeness of HisnSon (YaHUShA).
How is He doing it - by working with our old nature? Not at all. The New
Covenant Scriptures tell us that believers possess in their hearts, all
things that pertain unto life and righteous living. (2 Peter 1:3).
(YaHUaH) Himself gave us these things together with
(YaHUShA) the moment we placed our faith in His death on our behalf.

He who spared not His own Son,

but delivered Him up for us all,
how shall He not also with Him give us freely all things?

Amongst other things He gave us:

✦ His love.......................................... Romans 5:5

✦ His mind (attitude).......................... 1 Cor.2:16, Phil. 2:5
✦ His Righteousness......................... 2 Cor. 5:21
✦ His Life or Nature........................... John 3:16
✦ His Power....................................... Mat. 28:18-19
✦ His Authority................................... Mark 16:16-18
✦ His Ability........................................ John 14:12

All these things are vested in His Name which we as His ambassadors
(2 Cor.5:20) have the right to use in order to rule and reign over sin and
our circumstances in this world. It is also important to understand that
His authority is vested in His true Name, not a name that sinful
humanity has bestowed upon Him that has no bearing either in meaning
or in pronunciation to His true Name. The Messiah’s true Name is
(YaHUShA) which is explained at the start of this booklet.

What more do we want or require in order to live our lives for His
esteem? He gave us all these things by giving us His Word. His Name
is the Word (singular) that Scripture so often refers to. This Word of the
Name (YaHUShA) is also the only Word in Scripture that
correctly identifies the Messiah of Israel. That is why Scripture also
identifies Him as the Word of the Almighty who became flesh - John

This Word of (YaHUaH) who became flesh in the Person of

(YaHUShA), said:

For I have given unto them the words which You gave Me,
and they have received them.
(John 17:8)

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

In Hebrews 8:10-12 we read this wonderful promise:

For this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel
after those days, says (YaHUaH):
I will put My laws into their mind, and write them in their hearts:
And I will be to them a Mighty One (Almighty)
And they shall be to Me a people.
And they shall not teach every man his neighbour,
and every man his brother, saying, Know (YaHUaH):
For all shall know Me, from the least to the greatest.
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness,
and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.

The Almighty’s Word (His Name as well as His Words) are within you,
and if you have His Words in your heart and His Name written upon
your forehead (mind) then you possess all the promises contained
therein which you can appropriate and make your own by simply
speaking out His Name in faith. Maybe another Scripture verse or two
will help you to believe that this is not too good to be true. It is true
because the Word of the Almighty says so and the Word is the truth -
John 17:17)

The Word is near you,

even in your mouth, and in your heart:
that is the Word of faith, which we preach...

For whosoever shall call upon the Name of (YaHUaH)

shall be saved.
(Romans 10:8 & 13)

Now think about this. If all these good things are in your heart - and
says they are, then when He searches your heart, He will also
say of you;

I have found.................................(write your name in the space) a man/

woman after Mine own heart, who shall fulfill all My will. Fulfilling His will
is to become Torah abiding, in other words. His Word (Torah) is His
perfect will.

That ought to excite us so much, because we know that our Father is

pleased with us. It means that when He testified about
(YaHUShA) and said: This is My beloved Son in whom I am well
pleased, He is actually saying the same about us, for everything that
was in (YaHUShA), which pleased the Father, is also in us,
for (YaHUShA) is in us. Remember I am specifically talking
about those who by faith have received (YaHUShA) into
their hearts, and have therefore been cleansed of their sins
(lawlessness - 1 John 3:4), and are walking as law-abiding citizens of
His Kingdom.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

For it pleased the Father that in Him (YaHUShA)

should all fullness dwell.

For in Him (YaHUShA) dwelleth all the fullness

of the Almighty bodily,
and you are complete in Him,
which is the head of all principality and power.

Only Believe:

You may be desiring this to be true of your life - that you become a man
or woman after ’s (YaHUaH) own heart. Maybe you can’t wait
to read further in order to find out what you must do to also enjoy this
favour with the Almighty. Well, read carefully, for I am now going to
share what must be done in order to gain His favour and approval upon
your life.

Simply believe Him! Yes, that’s all, just believe what the mirror of the
Word says about you and act on that truth. You believe in the Master
(YaHUShA) - that He died in your place - donʼt you? I know
you do, otherwise you wouldnʼt be reading this booklet. In that case
(YaHUaH) has found in you a man or woman after His own
heart. HalleluYah! You did not find Him. He was the One who came to
seek and to save those who were lost. (Luke 19:10)

I am a man after ’s own heart. He is pleased with me, and I am

pleased with Him, and we enjoy each other tremendously as we
fellowship together. That is a testimony which every believer in
(YaHUShA) should be able to confess with confidence.

The Heart of David:

Now letʼs get back to David, that shepherd boy who was found by the
Almighty and with whom He was so pleased. Letʼs examine his heart in
order to see what it was that (YaHUaH) found there.

This is something that I really want to know, for although, as weʼve

already seen, we possess all things that pertain to life and righteous
living, if we can find out specifically what it was that delighted
(YaHUaH) in the heart of this shepherd boy, then we too can cultivate
that good thing within our hearts. This can only benefit our relationship
with our heavenly Father. He wants us to do that for He says in His

Delight yourself in (YaHUaH,

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

and He shall give you the desires of your heart.

(Psalm 37:4 KJV with the Name restored)

The Heart of (YaHUaH):

All along we have been talking about the heart of David, which we are
going to examine in Scripture in order to find out what it was that
(YaHUaH) found there with which He was so pleased. But if
we have a closer look at the opening Scriptures of this chapter in regard
to what the Almighty really said, we will discover that He was not so
much talking about David’s heart, but about His own heart. He was
talking about His Father heart. He said: “I have found David, the son of
Jesse, a man after Mine own heart.”

You see, (YaHUaH) found in David’s heart that something (let’s

call it a desire) which was actually in His own heart. The desire within
the heart of David was a reflection of the desire within the heart of
(YaHUaH). Or we could put it this way: The innermost desire of
David originated in the heart of (YaHUaH).

(YaHUaH) had a burning desire in His heart - something

which He sought for with all His heart. Something for which He was
willing to pay the utmost price. He desired this thing so fervently that He
was willing to sacrifice that which was nearest and dearest to Him - His
very own Son, the Master (YaHUShA) - in order to obtain
His heartʼs desire.

Not only did He sacrifice His Son, but much worse, He actually made
Him to be sin so that He could judge and condemn sin in His Sonʼs
body. (YaHUShA) became the very essence of sin -
unbelievable as that may sound - so that Father (YaHUaH)
could obtain that great desire of His heart.

For He (Father) hath made Him (Son)

who knew no sin, to be sin for us...
(2 Cor.5:21)

When (YaHUaH) turned His back upon

(YaHUShA) and forsook Him for the first time in eternity, it was because
(YaHUShA) was not His Son anymore. He had literally
become sin. He did not cry out: “Avi, Avi (My Father, My Father), why
have You forsaken Me?” but with a breaking heart because He was the
innocent victim of manʼs sin, He cried out in despair: “My Mighty One,
My Mighty One, why have You forsaken Me?” (Hebrew: Eli, Eli, lama

There was no reply to that hopeless cry - only impenetrable darkness. It

seemed that evil had triumphed over good. It was the most tragic hour

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty
of all time and eternity. The Son of the Almighty had died spiritually and
all hell rejoiced.

But it was also the prelude to the most glorious and joyful hour - three
days later - of all time and eternity. Because through paying this
supreme price, (YaHUaH) for the first time obtained that which
had always been such a great desire in His heart. His heart’s desire
was met, and for the first time in all eternity (YaHUaH)
experienced fulfillment.

The Ultimate Desire:

What was this desire in the heart of the Almighty? For if He went to
such great lengths to obtain it, it must be worth having. Then I too want
that desire to be in my heart - so that in Him there will be no end to the
glorious fulfillment we experience in fellowship.

I have found David - a man after Mine own heart,

which shall fulfill all My will.

The desire in ’s (YaHUaH) heart was fulfilled when He found

that same desire to be in the heart of David, the shepherd boy. Each
time (YaHUaH) finds that desire in the heart of one of His
children, He experiences fulfillment. That alone should motivate every
child of (YaHUaH) to live their lives for His glory. Without
exception the motto of every believer should be: HE DIED FOR ME - I

The Ark of the Covenant:

Let’s see if we can discover what this tremendous desire in David’s

heart was. The Ark was the symbol of ’s (YaHUaH) presence
among His people. It was His dwelling place. Therefore when the Ark
was captured by the Philistines it was as if (YaHUaH) had left
them, for He dwelt between the Cherubim on the Ark.

Second Samuel chapter six is the account of the Ark - thus ’s

presence - being brought back to Jerusalem.

Again David gathered together all the chosen men of Israel,

thirty thousand.
And David arose, and went with all the people
that were with him from Baale of Judah,
to bring up from thence the Ark of ,
whose Name is called by the Name of of hosts
that dwelleth between the Cherubims.
(2 Samuel 6:1-2 KJV with the Name replaced)

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

We read that they put this dwelling place of upon a new cart to
transport it to Jerusalem and how a young man Uzzah was killed when
he touched the Ark to steady it. Because of this David was displeased
with and left the Ark in the house of Obed-Edom. For those
three months that the Ark remained in his house, Obed-Edom and all
his household were blessed, for dwelt there. David heard
about the blessings which accompanied the presence of , so
he decided to go and fetch the Ark and bring it into his city. It was a
great affair.

So David went and brought up the Ark of the Almighty

from the house of Obed-Edom into the city of David with gladness.
And it was so,
that when they that bare the Ark of had gone six paces,
he sacrificed oxen and fatlings.
And David danced before with all his might...
So David and all the house of Israel
brought up the Ark of with shouting,
and with the sound of the trumpet.
(2 Samuel 6:12-15 KJV with the Name replaced)


What rejoicing when the presence of the Almighty is in the city, for His
blessings accompany His presence. One of these blessings is peace -
blissful peace - the shalom of (YaHUaH) that passes all
understanding. (YaHUaH) gave David peace, and now he was
able to ponder and meditate. Obviously as he did so the desire of his
heart came to light.

And it came to pass, when the king sat in his house,

and had given him rest round about
from all his enemies,
that the king said unto Nathan the prophet,
See now, I dwell in an house of cedar,
but the Ark of the Almighty dwelleth within curtains.
And Nathan said to the king,
Go, do all that is in thine heart,
for is with thee.
(2 Samuel 7:1-3 KJV with the Name replaced)

A Dwelling for (YaHUaH):

David felt that because he had a house of cedar, then surely

(YaHUaH) deserved something better than a tent to live in. But the
Almighty comes back to David and explains to him that He had never
asked that a house be built for Him. He says that He desires a dwelling

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

place for His people where they may abide forever in peace - 2 Samuel
7:5-10. Through Nathan He also tells David:

Also telleth thee that He will make thee a house.

David had a desire to build a house for (YaHUaH). That self-

same desire was ’s and He was going to accomplish it:

For thou, o of hosts, Almighty of Israel,

hast revealed to Thy servant saying,
I will build thee an house...
(2 Samuel 7:27 KJV with the Name replaced)

So we see that the desire within the heart of David was to build a
worthy dwelling place for his Mighty One, (YaHUaH). “Go do
all that is within thy heart, for is with thee...”

“For is with thee...” suggests that (YaHUaH) was in

agreement with David. He had the same desire. But just as David’s
desire was directed away from self and towards (YaHUaH), so
also ’s desire was directed away from Himself and towards
david. He says in effect:

David, I’ve never asked for a house for Myself. But throughout My
dealings with My people, I have been concerned to find them a
permanent dwelling place where they could live in peace and blessing
forever. Furthermore David, I am going to build you such a house.

It is clear that the desire in David’s heart to build a house for

(YaHUaH), was a reflection of the desire in ’s heart to build a
house for David. Both desires were unselfishly directed toward the

But there is more to this than meets the eye. In this mutual desire of
(YaHUaH) and David to build houses for each other, Father
has revealed a precious truth to me that I would like to share with you.

David’s Motive:

In meditating upon this building of houses, I asked myself a question.

What was the real motive behind David’s desire to build a house for
(YaHUaH)? If we can discover that motive, then we will have
discovered ’s (YaHUaH) real motive in His desire to build a
house for us. Because David’s motive was a reflection of ’s
motive. I have found David, a man after Mine own heart.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

That makes sense, doesn’t it? For after all, (YaHUaH) had said
that David was a man after His own heart. David had ’s heart -
his motives were the same as that of (YaHUaH). That was
what (YaHUaH) was searching for and found in David’s heart.
The question is: What was that motive?

In Psalm 69, which is a Psalm of David, we see something strange:

Because for Your sake I have borne reproach;

shame hath covered my face.
I am become a stranger unto my brethren,
and an alien unto my mother’s children.
For the zeal of Thine house hath eaten me up.
(Psalm 69:9)

For ’s sake David was bearing reproach. He had become a

stranger in his own household. Why? Because of his zeal for the house
of (YaHUaH)! David had a burning desire in his heart to build a
house for (YaHUaH). This desire consumed his very being. So
much so that his own family - his brothers - shunned him.

I believe that this consuming desire was already in his heart when he
was a young child. It must have been all he spoke about amongst his
older brothers. It reminds me of Joseph and his dreams from the
Almighty, which was all he spoke about to his older brothers, and for
which they persecuted him. This was no doubt the reason why David
also was sent out into the field to shepherd the flock. His family couldn’t
take his zealousness for the house of (YaHUaH).

Out there amongst the sheep with no other human companionship,

David delighted himself in his Maker. He delighted himself in the One
who had revealed Himself by Name as (YaHUaH) of the hosts
of Israel. He was absolutely captivated by this One who had chosen
Israel as His covenant people and had made of her, amongst all the
other nations of the world, His very own bride.

There alone in the wilderness he poured out his heart’s desire for
fellowship with (YaHUaH). And there it was that
(YaHUaH) found him. He found a man - almost a child still - with a
burning desire for fellowship with Him. He found a man after His own

In Old Testament times the perception was that there was only one
place where a man could commune with the Almighty, that place was
His dwelling place - His house. This was why David had such a longing
to build a house for (YaHUaH) - so that he could visit Him in
His house at any time. There it is - the motive of the heart revealed -
fellowship with his beloved Shepherd.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

Intimate Fellowship:

It was for this reason that (YaHUaH) created mankind. He

desired fellowship - intimate fellowship. The very meaning of this phrase
tells us that the relationship must be mutual and therefore two-sided.
There can be no intimacy between two people if both of them do not
desire it. When a man falls in love with a woman, and that woman does
not also fall in love with that man, or vice versa, then there cannot be a
mutually satisfying intimate relationship between them. If a man forces
himself upon a woman who does not share his feelings, that is deemed
as rape.

For a relationship to be successful, the loving must be mutual. Love that

is not returned in kind is love that is spurned.

We know for certain that (YaHUaH) desires intimacy with man.

The most well-known verse in Scripture assures us of that truth:

For the Almighty so loved the world

that He gave His only begotten Son,
that whosoever believes in Him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.
(John 3:16)

(YaHUaH) desires intimacy with man, and is continually

searching for it. If His love is not returned to Him, then His love is
basically spurned and He will never force Himself upon anyone not
desiring His love. But whenever He finds someone reciprocating that
desire, then He has found a person after His own heart.

In the well-known Psalm 23 this desire for intimacy with

(YaHUaH) is seen. David was a shepherd who loved, cared for and
protected his sheep. He met their every need for they were completely
dependent upon him. David recognizes that he too is a lamb in
’s fold as we see in these beautiful and much loved words:

(YaHUaH) is my Shepherd, I shall not want.

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures:
He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness
for His Name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil:
For Thou art with me,
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me
in the presence of mine enemies.
Though annointest my head with oil,
my cup runneth over.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me
all the days of my life:
and I will dwell in the house of (YaHUaH) forever.

What a beautiful intimate love letter from the man who has the same
heart as his Creator. The whole psalm speaks of continually being in
each other’s company - He leads me, He restores my soul, Thou art
with me. Notice too that its all done for His Name’s sake.

“I will dwell in the house of (YaHUaH) forever.” That was

David’s desire, and his motive in wanting to build a house for Him was
so that he could dwell there with (YaHUaH) forever. So that he
could enjoy unbroken intimacy with his loving Creator.

Isn’t that a tremendous motive to have? Is that not a worthwhile goal to

strive for? I believe with all my heart that this is what
(YaHUaH) is seeking for in all our hearts when He searches there. He is
looking for a mutual desire in us to have intimate fellowship with Him.

’s (YaHUaH) Motive:

If that was David’s heart motive, then the same but opposite was the
Almighty’s heart motive when He was wanting to build a house for
David - so that He could dwell there with David forever in unbroken
intimate fellowship. I have found in David the son of jesse, a man after
Mine own heart.

In another place David declares with fervency:

, I have loved the habitation of Thy house,

and the place where Thine honour dwelleth.
(Psalm 26:8)

Continually throughout the Psalms David confesses his yearning for the
house of (YaHUaH). Many centuries later, the Messiah, also
known as the Son of David, (YaHUShA), taught us that
what the heart was full of the mouth will speak. Mat.12:34-37) David
certainly spoke out the desire of his heart. His Psalms overflow with his
desire to dwell in the house of (YaHUaH).

One thing have I desired of ,

that will I seek after,
that I may dwell in the house of all the days of my life,
to behold the beauty of
and to inquire in His temple.
(Psalm 27:4 KJV with the Name replaced)

Notice in this one verse, David pens the personal Name of the Almighty
three times. David loved and used this Name, probably more times than
Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

any other prophet, and obviously loved the One whose Name it was. He
wanted to dwell in His house, not just every now and again, but EVERY
day of his life so that he could look upon the beauty of the Beloved One.

No wonder (YaHUaH) stopped looking when He saw David’s

heart. For in this young shepherd boy He saw the same yearning that
was in His own heart. What He saw was a hunger - almost a craving
- in David’s heart that could not be satisfied unless it obtained what it
was searching for.

Allow me to paraphrase the above verse of Psalm 27 in order to try and

bring out more clearly what was going on deep in David’s heart.

there is only ONE thing I desire,

and I will seek that ONE thing.
That is to live in Your house all my life.
I want to live there so that I may look upon Your beauty,
and discover Your wondrous ways.
Outside of that SINGLE desire, ,
life would not be worth living.
For You are my life , You are all I care about.

Can you see how David was single minded in his purpose of being
intimate with (YaHUaH)? He had only one desire - ONE thing
that he yearned for - fellowship with his Creator. Years later, after he
had ruled Israel for several decades, his son Solomon succeeded him
and became king. Solomon also had a good desire - he asked for
wisdom to rule ’s (YaHUaH) people. The Almighty gave
Solomon his desire, but he did not have the heart of his father - that
ONE desire for intimacy with his Creator. Later on Solomon was led
astray by his pagan wives and fell into idolatry. Being single minded in
desiring intimacy with (YaHUaH) will also protect us from

Psalm 42 is a similar heart cry for fellowship with the Almighty. The
psalmist’s tears of sorrow because he was not in the presence of
(YaHUaH) turn to joy and praise when he has the opportunity
to go to His house.

As the hart panteth for the water brooks,

so panteth my soul after Thee o Elohim.
My soul thirsteth for Elohim, for the living Elohim:
When shall I come and appear before Elohim?
My tears have been my meat day and night,
while they continually say to me,
Where is thy Elohim?
When I remember these things,
I pour out my soul in me,
for I had gone with the multitude,
I went with them to the house of Elohim,
Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

with the voice of joy and praise,

with a multitude that kept holiday.
(Psalm 42:1-4)

Someone once said:

The reason for the existence of the universe is the world.
The reason for the existence of the world is man.
The reason for the existence of man is the Creator.

Man was created by (YaHUaH), in His image, for His pleasure

He created man so that He could come and dwell with him, and in him.
He created man so that He could enjoy fellowship and communion with
man always. (YaHUaH) who is love, created man as the object
upon whom He could lavish His love.

David had an all consuming love for (YaHUaH). He desired to

build a house for Him so that he could continually live there in order to
lavish his love upon his Beloved. The very name of this man David,
the man after ’s (YaHUaH) heart, means “beloved”. He thus
fulfilled his calling (name) very literally. It goes to show just how
important a name is in the life of its bearer.

(YaHUaH) desires more than anything else for man to respond

to His love with a similar unconditional love. Unconditional love? Maybe
that’s not quite true. Although the Creator loves His creation and every
man, woman and child He made, His love is certainly not unconditional.
His love is not cheap - it cost the life of His beloved Son. Only those
who respond to His love with their own love which is proved by their
loving obedience will inherit citizenship in His kingdom. After all,
(YaHUShA) said: If you love Me, keep my commandments
- John 14:5.

The desire of (YaHUaH) for man to respond to His love is

confirmed by the words of the First and Great Commandment that
(YaHUShA) quoted from the Torah:

You shall love (YaHUaH) your Mighty One

with all your heart, and with all your soul,
and with all your mind.
(Mat. 22:37)

Unfortunately man has never really been able to respond to an external

command to love (YaHUaH). But he is well able to respond to
the law of love which is written on the table of his heart. You and I can
respond, for, The love of Elohim has been shed abroad in our hearts
by the Set-apart Spirit which is given unto us. (Romans 5:5)

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

(YaHUaH) Seeks Love - Not Service:

It is a good thing to have a desire to serve the Almighty. But it is far

better to have a desire to love Him. Many believers serve Him with all
their hearts, and sadly lose out in intimate fellowship with Him. He is
seeking a people who have a burning desire to love Him with all their
hearts, and therefore to crave continual fellowship with him. Effective
service for (YaHUaH) will only come out of an intimate
relationship with Him.

Martha loved the Master (YaHUShA), and her love

manifested itself in service to her Master. Her sister Miryam also loved
the master, and her love manifested itself in intimate fellowship with
Him. (YaHUShA) said that Miryam had chosen the better
part. I believe He found in Miryam a woman after His own heart.

The House that (YaHUaH) Built:

In My Fatherʼs house are many mansions:

if it were not so I would have told you.
I go to prepare a place for you.
And if I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come again, and receive you unto Myself,
that where I am, there you may be also.
(John 14:2-3)

When David revealed his desire to build a house for

(YaHUaH) with the motive of being able to visit there with Him always,
(Ps.27:4) (YaHUaH) said to him that he wouldn’t be building
His house, but that He Himself would build a house for David. But then,
so that David’s desire would also be fulfilled, He promises that a son of
David would build a house for Him. This is the fantastic promise He
makes to David:

And when your days be fulfilled,

and you shall sleep with your fathers.
I will set up your seed after you,
who shall proceed out of your loins,
and I will establish his kingdom.
He shall build a house for My name,
and I will establish the throne of his kingdom forever.
I will be his Father, and He shall be My Son.
And your house and your kingdom
shall be established forever before you.
Your throne shall be established forever.
(2 Samuel 7:14 & 16)

Who was (YaHUaH) talking about? Which son of David? Was

it Solomon who built that fantastic temple? In a sense, yes. But

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

Solomon’s kingdom was not established forever. And after he had built
’s (YaHUaH) house, even he admitted:

But will the Almighty indeed dwell on the earth?

Behold, the heaven and heaven of heavens cannot contain You;
how much less this house that I have built?
(1 Kings 8:27)

No, (YaHUaH) in His promise to David was speaking about

another Son of David who He said would also be His Son. He was of
course speaking of the master (YaHUShA) who was of the
seed of David, and whose Kingdom is eternally established. It was
(YaHUShA) who said:

I will build My Assembly,

and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.

He also said:

In My Father’s house are many mansions, (dwelling places)

I go to prepare a place for you.
(John 14:2)

When (YaHUShA) was twelve years old, (probably the

same age David was when Samuel anointed him after
(YaHUaH) had found him) He went with His parents to Jerusalem, to the
temple (house) of (YaHUaH). Unknown to them He stayed
behind when they left, and His explanation when they found Him was:
Know ye not that I must be about My Father’s business?

That business was to build a house for ’s (YaHUaH) Name.

Sha’ul (Paul) the apostle asked a similar question of the congregation at
Corinth, only more to the point: Know ye not that you are the temple of
the Almighty, and that the Spirit of the Almighty dwells in you? (1 Cor.

In his letter to the Ephesian believers Sha’ul (Paul) leaves no room for
doubt that the gospel story is the revelation of the building of ’s
(YaHUaH) house, in which together we can enjoy fellowship with Him.

Now therefore you are no more strangers and foreigners,

but fellow citizens with the saints,
and of the household of the Almighty.
And are all built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets,
(YaHUShA) Messiah Himself being the chief corner stone.
In whom all the building fitly framed together
grows into a set-apart temple in (YaHUaH).
In whom you also are built together
Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

for an habitation of the Almighty through the Spirit.

(Ephesians 2:19-22 KJV with the Names restored)

(YaHUShA) came to build a house for the Almighty where

the ONE Elohim - Father, Son and Spirit - could dwell forever. That of
course was ’s (YaHUaH) desire since eternity past, to dwell
with and in man in intimate unending fellowship as Husband and wife.

If a man love Me,

he will keep My Words (Torah)
and My Father will love him,
and We will come unto him,
and make Our abode with him.
(John 14:23)

That was His intention all along when He planned to create man. That is
why He commenced His creation of man (Adam) with a single man,
created in His image. That man was to be a picture or replica of Him.
Out of that man - Adam - He took or brought forth a perfect bride for him
- Havah (Eve).

These two were to be the example of a perfect relationship - intimate in

every respect. This first marriage was to be the shadow of the marriage
He had in mind between Himself and His eternal Bride, Israel.
(YaHUaH) never envisaged just a portion of His bride either. He planned
from the beginning to have His complete bride which comprised of both
houses - Judah and Israel - representing every one of the twelve tribes
of Israel.

The wonderful thing is that (YaHUShA) not only came to

build a house for His Father, but also to build a house for us, in Him. He
said: “I go (to die and rise again from the dead) to prepare a place for
you, in My Father’s house of many mansions.”

We (both houses) are the dwelling place of (YaHUaH), and He

is our dwelling place in (YaHUShA). What amazing unity -
Oneness - ECHAD. (YaHUShA) accomplished all this
successfully when He gave Himself over as the living sacrifice to make
atonement for each one of us so that we could be re-united with the
Almighty by being grafted into the True Vine.

The Psalms of (YaHUShA):

We know that (YaHUShA) is the Word of the Almighty who

became flesh and dwelt among us - John 1:14. We also know that
Scripture (the written Word of ) cannot be separated from
(YaHUShA), for they are His Words. I believe that very
often we look past the Son of the Almighty when we read Scripture.

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

If we would read Scripture with the idea that very often the words
spoken by men were actually the literal words of
(YaHUShA), then the Ruach of (YaHUaH) would be able to
reveal some wonderful things to us from the Word. For example, when
David cried out those words in Psalm 22:1: Eli, Eli, lama sabachtani -
My Mighty One, My Mighty One, why have You forsaken Me.” we know
that those were the very words of (YaHUShA) when He
hung on the stake. Psalm 22 is a vivid picture of a man dying a terrible
death by being impaled upon a stake. David died of old age, but
(YaHUShA) died a cruel death on a Roman pole of
execution. Therefore psalm 22 is (YaHUShA) speaking.
When David wrote those words, he was prophesying of the death of the
coming Messiah.

Another example is Psalm 2 where the Father says: “You are My Son,
this day have I begotten You.” Then He promises His Son the heathen
for His inheritance and the uttermost parts of the earth for His
possession. It was not in the first place David to whom the Father was
speaking, but (YaHUShA), the only begotten of the Father.
It was also (YaHUShA) who quoted this promise of the
Father to Him in that Psalm: “I will declare the decree,
(YaHUaH) has said unto Me, You are My Son...”

But with regard to our study on the house of (YaHUaH), I think

one of the most powerful Scripture verses relating the Psalms to
(YaHUShA) is found in Yahuchanan (John) chapter 2. It
was Passover time and (YaHUShA) had just cleansed the
temple of the merchants and money changers; And He said unto them
that sold doves, Take these things hence, make not My Fatherʼs house
an house of merchandise. And His disciples remembered that it was
written, The zeal of Thine house hath eaten Me up. (John 2:16-17)

Wait a minute! Were those not the words of David in Psalm 69:9 for
which he received persecution from his own family, and for which
(YaHUaH) said of David: “I have found David - a man after
Mine own heart.” ?

Of course it was! David was persecuted for his zeal, but

(YaHUShA) suffered a terrible death because of His zeal for His
Fatherʼs house. But was the zeal of (YaHUShA) really
directed towards that temple built with stone? Let us read further in
Johnʼs gospel.

Then answered the Jews and said unto Him,

What sign do You show us, seeing that You do these things?
(YaHUShA) answered and said unto them,
Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
Then said the Jews, Forty six years it took to build this temple,
and You will raise it up in three days?
But He spoke of the temple of His body.
Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

When therefore He was risen from the dead,

His disciples remembered that He had said this unto them.
And they believed the Scripture,
and the word which (YaHUShA) had said.
(John 2:18-22)

The zeal for the house of (YaHUaH) was not for that stone
temple made with hands, but was for His body, the temple of the Set-
apart Spirit - the dwelling place of the Almighty. For we are members of
His body, of His flesh, and of His bones. (Ephesians 5:30)

(YaHUShA) in building the house of His Father, was

prepared to have His body destroyed - like a seed falling to the ground
and dying - in order to bring forth much fruit, so that many bodies
(dwelling places of the Almighty) could be raised up as one large body
of Messiah. “In My Fatherʼs house are many mansions...”

The truth that the Ruach has been restoring to the people of
(YaHUaH) all over the world during the last several decades is also
known as the Restoration of the Two Houses of Israel. Two houses?
Yes, the house of Judah and the house of Israel. There is much
confusion regarding this teaching, but it is a truth that is clearly stated
throughout Scripture. It is not my purpose in this booklet to teach on this
subject, however I just want to quote from the book of Hebrews which is
believed to have been written by Shaʼul:

Behold, the days come, says (YaHUaH),

when I will make a new covenant
with the house of Israel and with the house of Judah...
(Hebrews 8:8)

Shaʼul (Paul), who was a Benjaminite and part of the House of Judah,
was very aware of this truth that he had become a dwelling place of the
Almighty through his identification by faith in the death of
(YaHUShA). He said: I am impaled with Messiah, nevertheless I live, yet
not I, but Messiah lives in me. (Gal.2:29) “Messiah dwells in me - I am
a dwelling place of Messiah (YaHUShA) by His Spirit! I am
part of the household of the Almighty.” This is what Shaʼul was trying to
convey with those words in his letter to the Galatian believers.

Likewise, through your faith in (YaHUShA), the “Chief

Corner Stone” in the house of (YaHUaH), you have become a
living stone built into place by the Almighty Himself as an eternal
dwelling place for Him.

To whom coming, as unto a Living Stone,

disallowed (rejected) indeed of men,
but chosen of the Almighty, and precious,
you also as living stones,
are built up a spiritual house,
Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

an holy priesthood,
to offer up spiritual sacrifices,
acceptable to the Almighty by Messiah.
Wherefore also it is contained in the Scripture,
Behold, I lay in Zion a Chief Corner Stone,
elect, precious,
and he that believes on Him
shall not be confounded.
(1 Peter 2:4-6)

Messiah (YaHUShA) is not only the Chief Corner Stone in

this house of (YaHUaH), but He is also the very Foundation
(the Base) upon whom the house is built. He is therefore completely
indispensable for anyone who wants to be a living stone - a part of the
future united House of (YaHUaH) made up of the presently
disunited houses of Judah and Israel.

For other foundation can no man lay

than that which is already laid, which is Messiah.
(1 Cor.3:11 KJV with the correct Name restored)

The prophet Yeshayahu (Isaiah) brings a very stern word from

(YaHUaH) to the rulers of the people in Jerusalem.

Wherefore hear the word of , ye scornful men,

that rule this people which is in Jerusalem.
Because you have said,
We have made a covenant with death,
and with hell are we at agreement...
for we have made lies our refuge,
and under falsehood have we hid ourselves:
Therefore thus says the Master ,
Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone,
a tried stone, a precious corner stone,
a sure foundation:
he that believes shall not make haste.
(Isaiah 28:14-16)

Then the apostle Peter preaching after Pentecost at the temple in

Jerusalem is arrested because he was teaching the people about the
resurrection of (YaHUShA) from the dead. Several months
earlier, standing outside the same temple, the Messiah had said:
Destroy this temple, and in three days I shall raise it up again - John
2:19. He was speaking of His physical resurrection. After Peter is
arrested and brought before these false leaders that Yeshayahu was
writing about, he defends himself with these powerful words:

This is the Stone which was set at nought of you builders,

which is become the head of the corner.
Neither is there salvation in any other:
Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

for there is none other Name under heaven

given among men,
whereby we must be saved.
(Acts 4:11-12)

In David (YaHUaH) found a man after His own heart. The heart
of David was set in building a house for the Almighty, his Beloved,
so that he could dwell there forever in unending fellowship. That same
desire was first in ’s (YaHUaH) heart - to build for Himself a
dwelling place in man. This He accomplished through the death, burial
and resurrection of the Son of David - (YaHUShA).

ʼs (YaHUShA) One Desire:

Now in conclusion hear the heart-cry of the Almighty through

(YaHUShA) the Psalmist as He makes known His eternal
desire to dwell within His house of many dwellings, because of His
great love for this house. As you read these words, remember that you
are part of this house that He is talking about. You are the temple of the
eternal Living (YaHUaH). Therefore His desire is for you!

One thing have I desired of ,

that will I seek after,
that I may dwell in the house of
all the days of my life,
to behold the beauty of
and to inquire in His temple.
(Psalm 27:4 KJV adjusted)

Do you realize, Bride of Messiah, that to dwell in you has always been
your Creator’s greatest desire - His heart’s desire. “One thing have I
desired...” This is the very purpose for which He created you. This is
the purpose for which He re-created your spirit.

He says in the verse quoted: “This one thing I will seek after...” Do you
recall the words of the Messiah when He said: “I came to seek and to
save that which was lost...” In other words He came to seek and rebuild
the house of the Almighty which had been destroyed by sin. He
accomplished this by destroying sin in His own body when He died. He
became sin, died, and destroyed sin and death, and arose again from
the dead, giving life to whoever desired it and accepted, by faith, this
amazing gift of His grace.

Now He ever lives and abides within you, and desires that you will
always live and abide in Him.

HalleluYah for such amazing grace!

Man - the Dwelling Place of the Almighty

© 2009 Johann Daniel Möller e-mail:

Telephone: +2733 3459508 Cell phone: +2784 0396213

Speaking the truth in love


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