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I was watching TV when the phone rang.

John was eating dinner when Sarah arrived.

Sunday, 7 April 13

watching TV


the phone rings


I was watching TV when the phone rang.

Sunday, 7 April 13

John was eating dinner when Sarah arrived.

eating dinner


Sarah arrives



eating dinner

Sarah arrives


Sunday, 7 April 13

We often use the past continuous and the past simple tense together. When this happens, the past continuous describes a longer, background action or situation and the past simple describes the action or events.

I He She It ---We You They

I He She It ---We You They

wasnt Was

I He She It ---We You They







Sunday, 7 April 13

We often use the past continuous and the past simple tense together. When this happens, the past continuous describes a longer, background action or situation and the past simple describes the action or events.

I He She It ---We You They I He She It ---We You They

I He She It ---We You They







Sunday, 7 April 13

1. I _________(sleep) when you called me. 2. They ___________(eat) dinner when you arrived. 3. Sarah __________ (walk) when it started to rain. 4. Rick and Sue ___________(take) their dog for a walk when it started to snow. 5. While you __________(clean), I was watching television.

Sunday, 7 April 13

6. The children _________(laugh) during the movie. 7. It ________ (rain) all day yesterday. 8. He __________(run) while she was riding her bicycle. 9. They __________ (jog) while I was sleeping. 10. The students ________ (study) when the re alarm rang.

Sunday, 7 April 13

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