Lesson Plan - Feb 10

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Secondary Lesson Plan Date: February 10, 2014 Title: Sightreading Skills with Fantasy on a Russian Air Description

(1-2 sentences): To be successful musicians, students must learn and implement the necessary skills of sightreading. This lesson will e plore and teach those skills while using Fantasy on a Russian Air. Subject: !and Instruction time: 10"02 # 10"$0 Students le el by !rade: %th &rade Standard(s) to be addressed: 'afme Standards" 2. (erforming on instruments, alone and with others, a )aried repertoire of music $. *eading and notating music +. ,istening to, analy-ing, and describing music .. /)aluating music and music performances Learnin! "bjecti es #or t$is lesson (%ritten usin! erbs #rom &looms Ta'onomy): Students will sightread Fantasy on 0 *ussian 0ir while demonstrating a better understanding of sightreading skills. Plans #or di##erentiation: In this lesson, a listening section will be provided for aural learners, fingering patterns will be done for kinesthetic learners, and small groups will be utilized for cooperative learners. Speci#ic resources needed #or t$is lesson: 1usic, baton, computer Lesson Se(uence: 2a)e students warm3up on the 0b ma4or scale and arpeggio. / plain to students the relationship between 0b ma4or and the f minor scale Students will then warm3up on the f minor scale and arpeggio (otentially problematic rhythms noted in the score will be taught prior to reading the piece Students will acti)ely listen to a recording of the piece &i)e students two minutes to work with neighbors to figure out any trouble spots Slowly play through the piece with the entire band, section by section *e3listen to the recording of the piece 0ssign measures 1355 to practice for the ne t rehearsal )ssessment Students will be asked to play the sections worked on after modeling and demonstrating understanding through saying rhythms.

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