Invitation For Joining Assisiant Medical Officer (Amo) Course at Ifakara 2014/2015.

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Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health, Ifakara

Bac !"#$%&' The Tanzanian Training Centre for International Health with its longstanding engagement in health training offers quality facilities and services in a unique triangle of health training, research and medical practice setting. In collaboration with its neighbouring institutions, the St. rancis !eferral Hospital and the Ifa"ara Health Institute #IHI$, it provides access to training and research facilities and clinical practice in a reputable %&'( bed hospital with medical specialists in pediatrics and gynaecology, surgery, internal medicine and public health. TTCI( )*+"+,#"+ -%.-)+/ /$-)a012 3$a1-,-+& ca%&-&a)+/ ,#" )*+ AMO c#$"/+. T# a4412 ,#" )*+ AMO c#$"/+ 2#$ 5$/)' ). Have a diploma in Clinical *edicine +. Have either a form I, or ,I leaving certificate. %. Have % years or more of wor" e-perience in the health field .. /vail a written proof of financial capability such as a ban" statement0 stamped evidence of sponsorship 1. 2ass a written entrance e-amination due to be held on *ay )3th ,+'). 4. T# /-) ,#" )*+ +%)"a%c+ +6a5 2#$ 5$/) 5++) )*+ ,#11#7-%! c#%&-)-#%/' Eac* a441-ca%) 5$/)' ). Submit original certificate +. 2ay a non(refundable fee of TSH 1','''05 #cash only please$ %. 6ring an I7 #wor" I7, passport or voter registration card$ and % recent color passport size photos. T*+ +%)"a%c+/ +6a5-%a)-#% 7-11 0+ *+1& -% I,a a"a a) )*+ TTCI( #% Ma2 18 )*9 2014 a) 8.00AM. S+1+c)+& ca%&-&a)+ 7-11 0+ 1-/)+& #% )*+ #http800www.healthtrainingifa"$ -% J$%+/J$12 2014. S+%& 2#$" a441-ca)-#%' E5a-18 info9healthtrainingifa" A441-ca)-#% &+a&1-%+' A4"-1 :0)*9 2014 F#" ,$")*+" -%,#"5a)-#% 41+a/+ c#%)ac)' *obile number8 :+11&;+.%44%& TTCI( 7+0/-)+

2.<. 6<= %3, Ifa"ara, Tanzania :+11 && %'& )'%& a- 8 :+11 +% +4+ 1'+; info9healthtrainingifa" www.healthtrainingifa"

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