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External Marks: 60

Internal Marks: 40
Time: 3hrs


OBJECTIVE: The course aims at acquiring students with the modes of entering into
international business, environment of international business and management of international
business operations.

Major global trends in international trade and investment: Streams of international business,
components and determinants of IBE, factors producing changes in IBE, international economic
growth and BE, latest world trade trends.

Political, legal and cultural Environment: Impact of economic systems and economic reforms,
Country risk-political risk and insurance – role of OPIC and MIGA, trade theories, international
economic Institutions, cultural factors in international market environment.

International Trading Environment: Tariff and non-tariff barriers to trade, forex market
mechanism, exchange rate determination, euro currency market, role of NBFC’s and stock
exchange, trading blocks and intra-regional trade.

Global Competitiveness and competition, social responsibility of the Organization and Govt. in
international trade, factors and trends of world economic growth and physical environment,
central bank functions, Implications of trade policy.

Suggested Readings:

1. ANANT K SUNDARAM and J.S. BLACK, The International Business

Environment, PHI, New Delhi
2. G.M. MEIER, The International Environment of Business, Oxford University Press, NY
3. A. BUCKLEY, Multinational Finance, PHI, New Delhi
4. GOPALSWAMY, GATT, WTO: TRIPS, TRIMS and Trade in Services,
Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi
5. Bedi Suresh, Business Environment, Excel Books, New Delhi
6. World Bank, World Development Report (Latest Issue)
7. Bhattacharya, B. Going International: Response strategies of the Indian Sector,
Wheeler Publishing, New Delhi
8. Daniels, John D. and Radebaugh, Lee H. International Business: Environment
and Operations, 8th Edition, Addison Wesley

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