Mar 17 21 hw24

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Intermediate School 292 Technology Class 7th Grade (704, 705, 706, 707, 708, 709, 7 0, 7 Teacher" #rs

$%ondo &ome'or( %or the )ee( o% #arch 7* 2 , 20 4 ======================================================================== ============= Homework #24 Use the following questionnaire to make a survey. Identify the population, num er of respondents, and e!plain why you "hoose this population. #ou "an either use tally mark or numeri"al values. $hi"h su %e"t do you en%oy most at s"hool& ' ( )ath ' ( *"ien"e ' ( +,' ( Health ' ( .hysi"al +du"ation ' ( /e"hnology How many hours do you spend in doing homework in a day& ' ( 0 1 2 hours ' ( 2 1 3 hours ' ( 4 1 4 hours ' ( more than 4 hours , 722!

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