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Test di ingresso INTERVIEW

1)Whats your name? 2)Whats your surname? 3)How old are you? 4)Where are you from? )Whats your tele!hone num"er? #)Ha$e you %ot any "rothers or s&sters? ')ha$e you %ot a !en? ()Whats your fa$our&te an&mal? )) Whats your fa$our&te food? 1*) Whats your fa$our&te dr&n+? 11) Whats your fa$our&te num"er? 12)Whats your fa$our&te ,olour? 13) Whats your fa$our&te s!ort? 14) Whats your fa$our&te day of the wee+?

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