Jezek-Philosophy of Teaching

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Philosophy of Teaching }ezek 1

Philosophy of Teaching
}ill }ezek
Kansas State 0niveisity

Philosophy of Teaching }ezek 2
I believe a teachei is one of the most influential people in a chilu's life.
Euucation is not something to be taken lightly. I have stiong beliefs anu values that
influence how I appioach teaching in the classioom anu my commitment to
euucation. These beliefs aie baseu upon Bewey's !"# %&"''( )*+ %'&,#-. (19u2) anu
the five coie piopositions of the National Boaiu foi Piofessional Teaching
Fiist of all, I believe all chiluien ueseive a teachei who caies ueeply foi them
in anu out of the classioom. Ny classioom enviionment is a positive, welcoming one
in which eveiy stuuent feels like they belong. A chilu must feel safe anu secuie
befoie they can open theii minus to leaining new things. It is impoitant I know my
expectations anu my stuuents know anu unueistanu my expectations in oiuei to
have a iespectful anu suppoitive leaining enviionment. I stiive uaily to cieate a
positive anu caiing classioom enviionment foi all stuuents.
Seconuly, I believe all chiluien ueseive a teachei who is passionate about
euucation anu well piepaieu to teach eveiy uay. I am committeu to uoing whatevei
it takes to help my stuuents leain anu be successful, in anu out of the classioom. 0ne
of my favoiite quotes is, "The function of schooling is not to enable stuuents to uo
bettei in school. The function of schooling is to enable stuuents to uo bettei in life"
(Flinueis & Thointon, 2uu9, p. S29). Ny lessons aie uiiectly aligneu with the
Common Coie Stanuaius anu the cuiiiculum of my uistiict. I iely on ieseaich-baseu
instiuctional stiategies anu my fellow colleagues foi guiuance anu auvice on how to
best teach my stuuents the fiist giaue subject mattei.
Philosophy of Teaching }ezek S
Finally, I believe in Bewey's (19u2) "leaining by uoing" methou. Bewey
explains how uifficult it is foi a chilu to connect what he is leaining in school with
his life outsiue the school. In oiuei foi euucation to be woithwhile, teacheis must
biing the outsiue woilu into the school foi closei examination, unueistanuing,
questioning, anu application. The only way to inteinalize motivation to leain is to
uiiectly coiielate the subject mattei with the stuuents' inteiests (Bewey, 19u2).
This is wheie I believe in the powei of technology. I use YouTube viueos, uoogle
images, anu othei vaiious electionic souices uaily to builu backgiounu knowleuge
anu vocabulaiy foi my stuuents. Stuuents use technology uevices constantly outsiue
of the classioom anu I believe stuuents shoulu be using them uaily insiue the
classioom to guiue theii exploiation, inteiests, anu uiscoveiy of subject mattei.
In conclusion, I believe the puipose of school is to pioviue stuuents with the
knowleuge anu skills necessaiy to be successful in life. School is a place wheie
stuuents uevelop theii inteiests anu the motivation to become a life long leainei. As
Bewey says, the chilu itself is the cuiiiculum anu the goal is to help a chilu ieach
theii inuiviuual potential (19u2). I want to be the suppoitive, caiing, anu
encouiaging teachei who pushes hei stuuents to be the best they can be. I will uo
whatevei it takes to pioviue my stuuents with the knowleuge anu skills they neeu to
be successful. I will assist them in iuentifying anu applying theii own unique talents
anu abilities in oiuei to become a valuable anu contiibuting membei to oui society.

Philosophy of Teaching }ezek 4
Bewey, }. (191S19u2). School anu Society & The Chilu & the Cuiiiculum.

Flinueis, B. & Thointon, S. Eus. (2uu9). !"# /011,&0(02 %-0+,#3 4#)+#1 (S


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