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Technical English Test Masters Level 1 (Elementary) Unit Test 1 Answer Key

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 is / 2 are / 3 do / 4 are / 5 is / 6 are 7 (4) / 8 (6) / 9 (2) / 10 (3) / 11 (1) /12 (5) 13 seven thousand seven hundred and fifty / 14 four double nine three 15 th / 16 nd / 17 st / 18 rd 19 of / 20 on / 21 at / 22 on 23 lower / 24 s anner / 25 i!" u / 26 antenna 27 seventeen "ilo#ra$s / 28 three hundred and fourteen "ilo$etres / 29 ei#hty de#rees %elsius / 30 two hundred and forty volts

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