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Student 1 Amanda Kantwright-Well Mr. Thomas J. Laughling, Esq. English 11 hour 3 A ril !, "##!

While reading this Personal Response Essay, identify the narrative and reflection by writing in the margins. Make sure to underline details that the author uses in her narrative. M$ %og&s %eath 'ne o( the most signi(i)ant e* erien)es + ha,e e,er had was the death o( m$ dog when + was in -unior high. The memor$ still sti).s with me, and it in(luen)es me toda$, es e)iall$ regarding ets. /or a long time m$ $ellow la0 1en had gotten 0lood$ noses. This is unusual (or dogs, so we too. him to the ,et, 0ut she (ound nothing. E,entuall$ the 0lood$ noses were reall$ 0ad, so we too. him to the ,et again. This time a tumor was (ound. The tumor would e,entuall$ .ill our dog, and we didn&t want him to e* erien)e a lot o( ain, so we de)ided to ut him down. 'n the da$ o( his death we ga,e him a dog da$. We (ed him his (a,orite (oods, too. him to his (a,orite la)es, and a lot o( lo,ing. We e,entuall$ too. him to the ,et where he would 0e ut down. When we got there we got into an argument. E,entuall$ onl$ m$ mother sta$ed with him while he died. The rest o( us went home. + alwa$s regretted that. A(ter his death + swore not to e,er let that ha en again. When a )at + had de,elo ed leu.emia and was d$ing, + sta$ed until the end. So m$ dog&s death made a di((eren)e.

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