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Middle Georgia State College Lesson Plan Format Middle Grades Program Lesson Planning, Implementation, and Feedback

Candidate Name: Loreal Jordan Date: March 1, 2013 Content Area(s): Social Studies Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Ellison Specific Topic: The apartheid in South Grade Level(s): 7th Grade Africa ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What is the apartheid? What are the roles of Nelson Mandela and Klerk? GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: SS7H1 The student will analyze continuity and change in Africa leading to the 21st century. c. Explain the creation and end of apartheid in South Africa and the roles of Nelson Mandela and Klerk. OBJECTIVES: Skills and Knowledge (Blooms Taxonomy): The students will be able to recall the event of the apartheid. The students will be able to recall the significance of Nelson Mandela and F.W. de Klerk. PREVENTIVE TECHNIQUES: INTERVENTIVE TECHNIQUES: The teacher will constantly move around the classroom. Disruptive students will be asked to utilize their writing skills by giving a The teacher will have the races separated one page summary over the apartheid and let the students select the envelop using the selected vocabulary from containing the index card of their choice. the power point. ASSESSMENT: (Formative & Summative) Formative assessment: Using the selected race from their index cards, the students will be formally assessed by writing a reflection paragraph over the apartheid. Summative assessment: The student will be asked to answer critical thinking questions over the apartheid, Nelson Mandela, and F.W. de Klerk. LIST OF MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGY: Projector Power point Envelops Index cards The teacher will incorporate technology by conducting the lesson on a power point using the class projector.

DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION: Utilization of different learning styles: visual: The students will take notes off of a power point that will consist of factual information, pre assessment questions, vocabulary words, and pictures. Linguistic: The students will conduct a class discussion with the teacher. Auditory: The students will listen to Mandelas speech. Interpersonal: The teacher will have the students talk amongst their groups to make a worldly connection to other types of segregation that occurred in the world. The students will participate in whole class settings during the mini lesson. The Kinesthetic: The students will physically move into their sections guided by their selected race. CROSS-CURRICULAR INTEGRATION AND REAL-WORLD CONNECTIONS: The teacher will have the students make a worldly connection to other types of segregation that occurred in the world. The teacher will hand each student a card that has a race on the card. The student will for the duration of the class identify with the listed race on their card. As the lesson convenes the students will think about how their lives would be effected being the race that they were assigned. The students will write a short essay on how their lives would have been affected if they were a particular race in Africa using the race they were assigned on the card to sum up the lesson.

PROCEDURES UTILIZED (Step-by-step presentation of the lesson): The teacher will hand each student a card that has a race inscribed on it. The student will for the duration of the class identify and sit with the listed race on their card and the students in the class that are like them. As the lesson convenes the students will think about how their lives would be affected being the race that they were assigned. The teacher will begin the class by reviewing the essential questions on the board. - What is the apartheid? -What are the roles of Nelson Mandela and Klerk? The teacher will then ask their student to make an inference on what they think the apartheid was about and what roles of Nelson Mandela and Klerk played in the apartheid. The teacher will then give background information on the apartheid, Nelson Mandela, and Klerk.

The teacher will then have the students talk amongst their groups to make a worldly connection to other types of segregation that occurred in the world. The teacher will introduce important vocabulary terms that will help the students better understand the lesson. The teacher will continue with the lesson by showing a power point on Nelson Mandela, Klerk, and apartheid. - The slides will consist of factual information, key vocabulary words, and pre assessment questions that will lead the class discussion. The teacher will then introduce the speech Mandela made during the apartheid. The students will then write a short essay on how their lives would have been affected if they were a particular race in Africa using the race they were assigned on the card to sum up the lesson.

ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES: The teacher will help the students critically think through the class discussion. REFLECTION: After the teacher has taught the lesson, the teacher will reflect over the procedures done during the lesson making adjustments as needed.

Middle Georgia State College Lesson Plan Format Middle Grades Program Lesson Planning, Implementation, and Feedback
Candidate Name: Loreal Jordan Content Area(s): Social Studies Specific Topic: Government and Civics of Africa ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Date: March 26, 2013 Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Ellison Grade Level(s): 7th Grade

What are the different forms of government?

GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: SS7CG1 The student will compare and contrast various forms of government. a. Describe the ways government systems distribute power: unitary, confederation, and federal. b. Explain how governments determine citizen participation: autocratic, oligarchic, and democratic. c. Describe the two predominant forms of democratic governments: parliamentary and presidential. OBJECTIVES: Skills and Knowledge (Blooms Taxonomy):

The students will be able to compare and contrast various forms of government. INTERVENTIVE TECHNIQUES: Disruptive students will be asked to work individually constructing a matrix over the types of governments discussed in class. The student will label, define, and draw a picture describing the types of governments.

PREVENTIVE TECHNIQUES: The teacher will prevent classroom disruptions by constantly moving around the room.

ASSESSMENT: (Formative & Summative) Formative assessment: The formative assessment will be conducted during the class bingo activity through their understanding and remembrance of the types of governments terms and definitions. Summative assessment: The students will complete a matrix over the types of governments, filling in the appropriate definition to match the term given, giving an example of citizens in different countries that regulate by this type of government, and drawing an image that reflects the type of government listed. LIST OF MATERIALS: Bingo cards Index cards for students Place markers Electronic flash cards Bingo flash cards TECHNOLOGY: The lesson will be conducted using electronic flash cards generated from a website called by the teacher. DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION: Utilization of different learning styles: Interpersonal: The teacher will elect one student in the class to check the bingo winners answers using the index notes they took from the projector. Linguistic: The student will read the definition off of the projector screen. Visual: The teacher will present the lesson through electronic flash cards that can be viewed on the projector screen. Auditory: The students will listen and discuss with their teacher and classmates about the listed terms on the flash cards. Kinesthetic: The student will stand and read the definition from the projector screen.

CROSS-CURRICULAR INTEGRATION AND REAL-WORLD CONNECTIONS: During the lesson, the teacher will give examples of the governments in reference to

the United States and other countries. The students will know how many types of governments there are and there functions. (math) PROCEDURES UTILIZED (Step-by-step presentation of the lesson): The teacher will begin class by introducing the standard and the essential question. Standard: SS7CG1 The student will compare and contrast various forms of government. a. Describe the ways government systems distribute power: unitary, confederation, and federal. b. Explain how governments determine citizen participation: autocratic, oligarchic, and democratic. c. Describe the two predominant forms of democratic governments: parliamentary and presidential. Essential Question: What are the different forms of government in Africa? What are the structures of modern government in Africa? The teacher will distribute 12 index cards to each student. The teacher will have the students take notes mimicking the teachers electronic flash cards on their index cards for study and activity purposes. The teacher will conduct the class using electronic flash cards at, displaying the terms on one side of the card and the definitions on the other. The teacher will guide the class in 2-3 rounds of government bingo. The teacher will distribute "Types of Governments" bingo cards and place markers to each student to mark their answers. As the teacher draws a definition, the student will locate the following terms that match the definitions. The first student to correctly locate the matching term in any direction (vertical, diagonal, or horizontal) wins. The students may use their index notes to help them complete the class activity.

ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES: The teacher will have the students take notes mimicking the teachers electronic flash cards on their index cards for study and activity purposes. The cards will be used later in the week for a matching activity that will be conducted in class. REFLECTION: After the following lesson is completed, the teacher will reflect over the lesson and make appropriate adjustments that help the lesson flow smoother.

Middle Georgia State College Lesson Plan Format Middle Grades Program Lesson Planning, Implementation, and Feedback

Candidate Name: Loreal Jordan Date: 3/8/2014 Content Area(s): Social Studies Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Denson Specific Topic: Chernobyl Disaster Grade Level(s): 6th ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How can you use webpage to best reflect event of the Chernobyl Disaster? GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: Standard: SS6G9 The student will discuss environmental issues in Europe. a. Explain the major concerns of Europeans regarding the issues such as acid rain in Germany, air pollution in the United Kingdom, and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine. OBJECTIVES: Skills and Knowledge (Blooms Taxonomy): The students will be demonstrate their understanding of the Chernobyl disaster using a webpage. ASSESSMENT: (Formative & Summative)
The students will be formatively assessed during the mini lesson over Chernobyl, through ticket out the door, questions during class, and warm up question. Summative: The students will present their webpages using the following rubric. Weight Tab One 17 points Requirements This tab must consist of 2 or more pictures, 2 paragraphs minimum discussing the assigned tab, and content must be correct. Points Attained

Each component is worth 5.6 points to gain the full 17 points. Tab Two 17 points This tab must consist of 2 or more pictures, 2 paragraphs minimum discussing the assigned tab, and content must be correct.

Each component is worth 5.6 points to gain the full

17 points. Tab Three 17 points This tab must consist of 2 or more pictures, 2 paragraphs minimum discussing the assigned tab, and content must be correct.

Each component is worth 5.6 points to gain the full 17 points. Tab Four 17 points This tab must consist of 2 or more pictures, 2 paragraphs minimum discussing the assigned tab, and content must be correct.

Each component is worth 5.6 points to gain the full 17 points. Tab Five 20 Points This tab must consist of 3 full paragraphs (intro, 3 body, and conclusion). The elements are worth 5 points each. This web page must be colorful, engaging, and informative. Each element is worth 4 points.

Web Page

12 Points



LIST OF MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGY: Computer: if you do not have a personal computer, please utilize homeroom and our after school opportunities in the library on Monday and Wednesday. Notes taken form class

Webpages:,, DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION: Visual: The assignment involves a visual interpretation using Weebly. Linguistic: The students will show case their webpages on Friday during our walk through gallery in the lab. Auditory: The students will listen to each others presentations. Kinesthetic: The students will stand and give a verbal presentation over their webpage. CROSS-CURRICULAR INTEGRATION AND REAL-WORLD CONNECTIONS: One of the tabs must consist of a radiation tab that talks about the scientific elements used to create radiation and how radiation affects our surroundings. The students will have a tab where they will write a story about a day and life of being an inhabitant of Chernobyl. PROCEDURES UTILIZED (Step-by-step presentation of the lesson): The student will use their knowledge over the Chernobyl Disaster to design a story using a webpage, incorporating themselves in the story as if they were inhabitants of the disaster. Tab One: Chernobyl Disaster This tab should present viewers with important background information of how the Chernobyl disaster occurred. The tab should include the date, how it happened, and where the event occurred (country). Tab Two: People This tab should talk about the dangers the inhabitant of Chernobyl faced. Go into detail about the number of injuries, deaths, camps created for their safety etc. Tab Three: radiation Talk about what is radiation and the cause and effects of radiation in an environment. What elements are used to create radiation? Tab Four: Help In this tab talk about what the company could have done to better informed inhabitants, how the country cleaned up the disaster, and talk about the life after the Chernobyl disaster. Tab Five: My story This tab should be all about you and how life would have been for you and your family during the Chernobyl Disaster. Make sure you give as much details as possible and answer the following questions. 1. Where were you and your family during the time of the explosion? 2. Who in your family was effected? 3. How were they effected? 4. Did you have to relocate? 5. What happened to the members of your town? 6. Why do you think it took so long for Chernobyl to inform its people of the disaster?

Web quest link:

Middle Georgia State College Lesson Plan Format Middle Grades Program Lesson Planning, Implementation, and Feedback
Candidate Name: Loreal Jordan Date: April 12, 2013 Content Area(s): Social Studies Cooperating Teacher: Mrs. Ellison Specific Topic: Religions of Southern and Grade Level(s): 7th Grade Eastern Asia ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: What is the difference between an ethnic group and a religious group? What are the prominent religions in Southern and Eastern Asia? How does literacy rate affect standard living? GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: SS7G12 The student will analyze the diverse cultures of the people who live in Southern and Eastern Asia. a. Explain the differences between an ethnic group and a religious group. b. Compare and contrast the prominent religions in Southern and Eastern Asia: Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism and the philosophy of Confucianism. c. Evaluate how the literacy rate affects the standard of living. OBJECTIVES: Skills and Knowledge (Blooms Taxonomy): The students will be able to decipher the difference between an ethnic group and a religious group. The students will recall the religions of Southern and Eastern Asia. The students will understand the affects of literacy rates and standard living. PREVENTIVE TECHNIQUES: The teacher will move around the room to assure the students stay on task. The teacher will have already preselected the questions to attain proper time management. INTERVENTIVE TECHNIQUES: Disruptive students will be asked to work individually instead of the class. If the student is unable to cooperate properly, the teacher will have the student on a separate sheet of paper answer each question and turn it in at the end of the class.

ASSESSMENT: (Formative & Summative) Formative: The students will be formally assessed through the knock out activity where the students are to recall information from the power point over the types of religions of Southern and Eastern Asia.

Summative: The students will be required to fill out a matrix over the religions of Southern and Eastern Asia. LIST OF MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGY: Index cards Power Point ( Technology) Paper Pencil Incentive DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION: Linguistic: The students will verbally discuss with the class the different religions of Southern and Eastern Asia, and answer questions during the power point and knock out activity. Visual: The teacher will conduct the lesson through a power point. Auditory: The students will listen and discuss with their teacher and classmates about religions. Kinesthetic: The student will stand during the knock out activity.

CROSS-CURRICULAR INTEGRATION AND REAL-WORLD CONNECTIONS: During the introduction the teacher will ask the students what religions they have seen in their country, what country it is relevant to, and what symbols represent that religion.

PROCEDURES UTILIZED (Step-by-step presentation of the lesson): The teacher will introduce the standard and the essential questions. The teacher will give a brief introduction over the lesson. The teacher will show a power point presentation over religions of Southern and Eastern Asia that assess their prior knowledge over the content and what they attained after the lesson. After the power point, the teacher will conduct an activity called knock out. The students will line up at the front of the room if the class is small and stand up by their seats if the class is large for knock out. The teacher will ask individual students questions based off of the power point. If the student answers the question wrong they are to be seated. The last student standing wins the activity. The students on an index card for the ticket out the door will answer the essential questions.

What is the difference between an ethnic group and a religious group? What are the prominent religions in Southern and Eastern Asia? How does literacy rate affect standard living? ENRICHMENT ACTIVITIES: The students will use the attained information on the CRCT. The teacher will discuss and reflect over the religions discussed. REFLECTION: After the teacher has taught the lesson, the teacher will reflect over the procedures done during the lesson making adjustments as needed.

Lesson Plans with Technology

Middle Georgia State College Middle Grades Program Lesson Planning Candidate Name: Loreal Jordan Date: January 24, 2014 Content Area(s): Social Studies Specific Topic: Chernobyl Nuclear Grade Level(s): 6th Grade Disaster ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: How can we summarize a story? GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: SS6G9 The student will discuss environmental issues in Europe. a. Explain the major concerns of Europeans regarding the issues such as acid rain in Germany, air pollution in the United Kingdom, and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine. TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS ADDRESSED: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions. OBJECTIVES: Skills and Knowledge (Blooms Taxonomy): The student will be able to create the summary of a story using photos/images. The student will be able to explain the events that occurred during the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. PROCEDURES:

BYOD The teacher will display the image of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster on the smart board. The teacher will allow the students to view the picture for 2-3 minutes. After viewing the picture for 2-3 minutes, the teacher will have the students power on their devices and use the Poll Everywhere app to answer their questions. The students will txt their responses in by text #54333 to #9884726 or the students can log on to the web site and write in their response. The teacher will ask questions such as: 1. What do you see in the picture? 2. What happened before the image was taken? 3. What will happen next? 4. Do you think the community was harmed? 5. What do you think happened in the picture? The teacher will allow 12 minutes for this activity. After viewing the picture, individually summarize the photo in 6 words or less using Poll Everywhere and txt the same number (#54333 to #9884726). One Computer Classroom Students who do not own a device may partner with one person, record their responses in their journal, or post sticky notes to the board that will list the same questions in front of the class. APPS RELATED TO THE LESSON: Poll This is an online site/ app that allows students to text or write in responses to questions asked by their teachers. The teacher can use this source as a means to collect data based off of the response to the questions. Students may access this source at home and use the class activity as a study tool. WORDLE Wordle for the Teacher: Middle Georgia State College

Middle Grades Program Lesson Planning

Candidate Name: Loreal Jordan Content Area(s): Social Studies Specific Topic: Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS:

Date: January 24, 2014

Grade Level(s): 6th Grade

How can we summarize a story? GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: SS6G9 The student will discuss environmental issues in Europe. a. Explain the major concerns of Europeans regarding the issues such as acid rain in Germany, air pollution in the United Kingdom, and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine. TECHNOLOGY STANDARDS ADDRESSED: Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Decision Making Students use critical thinking skills to plan and conduct research, manage projects solve problems, and make informed decisions using appropriate digital tools and resources. c. Collect and analyze data to identify solutions and/or make informed decisions. OBJECTIVES: Skills and Knowledge (Blooms Taxonomy): The student will be able to create the summary of a story using photos/images. The student will be able to explain the events that occurred during the Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster. PROCEDURES: BYOD The teacher will display the image of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster on the smart board. The teacher will allow the students to view the picture for 2-3 minutes. After viewing the picture for 2-3 minutes, the teacher will have the students power on their devices and use the Poll Everywhere app to answer their questions. The students will txt their responses in by text #54333 to #9884726 or the students can log on to the web site and write in their response.

The teacher will ask questions such as: 6. What do you see in the picture? 7. What happened before the image was taken? 8. What will happen next? 9. Do you think the community was harmed? 10. What do you think happened in the picture? The teacher will allow 12 minutes for this activity. After viewing the picture, individually summarize the photo in 6 words or less using Poll Everywhere and txt the same number (#54333 to #9884726). One Computer Classroom Students who do not own a device may partner with one person, record their responses in their journal, or post sticky notes to the board that will list the same questions in front of the class. After learning about Chernobyl, type an essay consisting of an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion, reflecting over how you would feel as a victim of the Chernobyl disaster. Be as creative and expressive as possible. APPS RELATED TO THE LESSON: Poll

This is an online site/ app that allows students to text or write in responses to questions asked by their teachers. The teacher can use this source as a means to collect data based off of the response to the questions. Students may access this source at home and use the class activity as a study tool.

Wordle for the Student: After learning about Chernobyls nuclear disaster, type an essay consisting of an introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and a conclusion, reflecting over how you would feel as a victim of the Chernobyl disaster. Be as creative and expressive as possible. Think about the following How your family will survive? Where will your family retreat? Consequences of exposure to nuclear radiation. What happened to you physically, mentally, and emotionally? After writing your essay, visit and paste your paper in wordle to see how often words were used in your paper. Use the words that are used often to review optional synonyms to replace the repetitive word with.
ONLINE LESSON PLAN NAME: Loreal Jordan DATE: March 11, 2014 CONTENT: Math GRADE: 8th


The students will be asked if they were given a large number, how they would express the number to others? The students will receive a link to access smores.

Here the students will receive their: tasks, warm up questions, standard, essential question, vocabulary, mini lesson questions using socrative and pollev for formative assessment, and group practice questions. ESSENTIAL QUESTION(S)
How do you write and compare numbers in scientific notation?


MCC8.EE.3: Use numbers expressed in the form of a single digit times an integer power of 10 to estimate very large or very small quantities, and how to express how many times as much one is than the other. MCC8.EE.4: Perform operations with numbers expressed in scientific notation. Use scientific notation and choose units of appropriate size for measurements of very large or very small quantities.


Model digital age work and learning Teachers exhibit knowledge, skill, and work processes representative of an innovative professional in a global and digital society. a. Demonstrate fluency in technology systems and transfer of current knowledge to new technologies and situations. b. Collaborate with students, peers, parents, and community members using digital tools and resources to support student success and innovation.

OBJECTIVE(S): Skills and Knowledge (Blooms Taxonomy)

Students express large and small numbers in scientific notation and compare two numbers written in scientific notation.

PROCEDURES UTILIZED The Teacher will introduce the lesson through a smores activity, which is a template that layouts the lesson for the day. Here the students will access the days task, warm up questions, standard, essential question, vocabulary, mini lesson questions for formative assessment, and group practice questions. After accessing smores, the students will write their best definition of scientific notation using The students should have previously located the app to answer the warm up question. The Teacher will review vocabulary with the students.

Vocabulary terms: 1. Standard notation- A number written without exponents: an integer or a decimal fraction. 2. Power-The number of times the base is to be multiplied by itself; exponent

3. Powers of ten-The numbers 10;100;100;10000; and so on are powers of ten, place value is centered around the units place(ones) 4. Exponent-The number of times the base is to be multiplied by itself 5. Place value- The value of a digit based on its position within a number 6. Digit-one of the elements that collectively form a system of numbers

The students will be given the definitions after the review (, and will match the term definition to the right terms to assess their understanding using for students. The teacher will introduce scientific notation through demonstration and modeling. The students as a class will answer 2-3 practice questions after learning about scientific notation. The group will receive 2-3 group practice questions to answer using For independent practice, the students will click the scientific notation link under independent work for independent practice. As a ticket out the door the students will write on a sticky note and place on the board their assigned number to put into scientific notation.


Teacher will ask the students informal questions while incorporating active listening into the lesson. What are the rules for writing numbers in scientific notation? The students will refer to and for academic practice. The teachers will check the scores to assess the students understanding of scientific notation. Teacher will ask students informal questions while incorporating active listening into the lesson. What are the rules for writing numbers in scientific notation? The student will refer to and for academic practice. The teachers will check scores to assess the students understanding of scientific notation.


INDEPENDENT PRACTICE For independent practice, the students will click the scientific notation link
under independent work for independent practice.


The students will be given the definitions after the review, and will match the term definition to the right terms to assess their understanding using for students. The group will receive 2-3 group practice questions to answer using As a ticket out the door the students will write on a sticky note and place on the board their assigned number to put into scientific notation. For independent practice, the students will click the scientific notation link under independent work for independent practice.

The students will receive a worksheet that will have them to convert numbers into scientific and standard notation.


The students will use to create a study guide for extra guidance.


The following link will help students who have difficulty with scientific notation, create a study a guide to help them better understand scientific notation step by step on how to use scientific notation and how to create a study guide. This web page can be assisted with class notes.

Teacher will discuss with students the meanings and uses of scientific notation. As a class, the teacher and the students will summarize what was taught, while continuing to practice active listening. This will help the students as well as the teacher provide feedback to what was taught and how much of it the students obtain. Questions and comments from the students will be allowed.

The power point over scientific notation will be utilized.

Middle Georgia State College Lesson Plan Format Middle Grades Program Lesson Planning, Implementation, and Feedback
Candidate Name: Loreal Jordan Content Area(s): Social Studies Specific Topic: Chernobyl Disaster ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS: Date: 3/8/2014 Cooperating Teacher: Ms. Denson Grade Level(s): 6th

How can you use webpage to best reflect event of the Chernobyl Disaster? GEORGIA PERFORMANCE STANDARDS ADDRESSED: Standard: SS6G9 The student will discuss environmental issues in Europe. a. Explain the major concerns of Europeans regarding the issues such as acid rain in Germany, air pollution in the United Kingdom, and the nuclear disaster in Chernobyl, Ukraine. OBJECTIVES: Skills and Knowledge (Blooms Taxonomy): The students will be demonstrate their understanding of the Chernobyl disaster using a webpage. ASSESSMENT: (Formative & Summative)
The students will be formatively assessed during the mini lesson over Chernobyl, through ticket out the door, questions during class, and warm up question. Summative: The students will present their webpages using the following rubric. Weight Tab One 17 points Requirements This tab must consist of 2 or more pictures, 2 paragraphs minimum discussing the assigned tab, and content must be correct. Points Attained

Each component is worth 5.6 points to gain the full 17 points. Tab Two 17 points This tab must consist of 2 or more pictures, 2 paragraphs minimum discussing the assigned tab, and content must be correct.

Each component is worth 5.6 points to gain the full 17 points. Tab Three 17 points This tab must consist of 2 or more pictures, 2

paragraphs minimum discussing the assigned tab, and content must be correct.

Each component is worth 5.6 points to gain the full 17 points. Tab Four 17 points This tab must consist of 2 or more pictures, 2 paragraphs minimum discussing the assigned tab, and content must be correct.

Each component is worth 5.6 points to gain the full 17 points. Tab Five 20 Points This tab must consist of 3 full paragraphs (intro, 3 body, and conclusion). The elements are worth 5 points each. This web page must be colorful, engaging, and informative. Each element is worth 4 points.

Web Page

12 Points



LIST OF MATERIALS & TECHNOLOGY: Computer: if you do not have a personal computer, please utilize homeroom and our after school opportunities in the library on Monday and Wednesday. Notes taken form class Webpages:,, DIFFERENTIATED INSTRUCTION: Visual: The assignment involves a visual interpretation using Weebly. Linguistic: The students will show case their webpages on Friday during our walk through

gallery in the lab. Auditory: The students will listen to each others presentations. Kinesthetic: The students will stand and give a verbal presentation over their webpage. CROSS-CURRICULAR INTEGRATION AND REAL-WORLD CONNECTIONS: One of the tabs must consist of a radiation tab that talks about the scientific elements used to create radiation and how radiation affects our surroundings. The students will have a tab where they will write a story about a day and life of being an inhabitant of Chernobyl. PROCEDURES UTILIZED (Step-by-step presentation of the lesson): The student will use their knowledge over the Chernobyl Disaster to design a story using a webpage, incorporating themselves in the story as if they were inhabitants of the disaster. Tab One: Chernobyl Disaster This tab should present viewers with important background information of how the Chernobyl disaster occurred. The tab should include the date, how it happened, and where the event occurred (country). Tab Two: People This tab should talk about the dangers the inhabitant of Chernobyl faced. Go into detail about the number of injuries, deaths, camps created for their safety etc. Tab Three: radiation Talk about what is radiation and the cause and effects of radiation in an environment. What elements are used to create radiation? Tab Four: Help In this tab talk about what the company could have done to better informed inhabitants, how the country cleaned up the disaster, and talk about the life after the Chernobyl disaster. Tab Five: My story This tab should be all about you and how life would have been for you and your family during the Chernobyl Disaster. Make sure you give as much details as possible and answer the following questions. 1. Where were you and your family during the time of the explosion? 2. Who in your family was effected? 3. How were they effected? 4. Did you have to relocate? 5. What happened to the members of your town? 6. Why do you think it took so long for Chernobyl to inform its people of the disaster? Web quest link:

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