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The Topologist - a Cinema Poem short film

Voice-over narration: part 1

you'd think it would be easy for him to tell from the passing images from their direction of entry into the field of view and from the gradient of colour to their speed of travel and eventual disappearance but no it's not even about gravity that force that's outside mental processing that is primordial and that his nuclei would surely recognise his lyrics echoed: "he can stand on his two feet and not fall stand like a megalomaniacal statue to himself no sway no bend until the lichen of millenia cover those eternal eyes until the finger that points across the sea cracks and is consumed by the lichen" what betrays his status is that feeling instinctual - that spasm of the head that quick - look behind it's in that reflex that innate action to have "just a quick look - no one will notice - will care i'm just checking to see" he would ask: "is there now somewhere that is behind me to see where i've come from and if it has any bearing on where i'm going ? didn't some ancient demi-god do this ? how easy is it to not hear? to at best be dimly aware of a muted sound arriving at you late with all the top end energy dissipated rendering it dull and indecipherable - but there was the message"

in that instant of the twitch - the game's up these perceptions are the texture of his imagined real they are the ones he noticed the last time he jerked his head backwards. and while he is jerking it there's time for him to ask: "from where - to where - for how long, will it hurt when I get there - will i survive" ? then there is the reassuring finality of the impact the opportunity to asses the damage and tick the checklist. if you aware of it, some part of you has survived easy - at least the process is understood from there he attempts recovery self-help, drug-help, crying-help, writing-help, friend-help, legal-help, ancestral-help - silence-help in the song's coda he wrote: "but what if i keep falling and don't reach the bottom - the end? this obviously leaves me more time to invent new questions to resolve to ever finer increments a measure of how I'm falling, and how far i've got to go".

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