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Guided Question

Would you want to live in a fascist society? Why or why not?

Do Now
Which statement about the European partitioning of Africa in the 1800s is most accurate? A) Europeans drew boarders based on African tribal boundaries B) The African continent was divided equally among the colonial powers C) European control did much to improve the economies of most African tribal groups D) African cultural and ethnic traditions were often ignored by European governments

Do Now
The French Revolution is most important for having changed subjects to citizens. This statement emphasizes the shift from religious traditions to secular views divine right rule to peoples participation in government rural lifestyles to urban lifestyles private property ownership to government ownership

Think Out Loud!!!

What is a totalitarian government?
What are some examples of totalitarian governments? What are some characteristics of these types of governments?

I) Italy After the WW1

**A) Part of the Allies in WW1 **B) Not happy with the Treaty of Versailles **C) Was not given any voice in the peace conference.

I) Italy After WW1

**D) Not given land they were promised by the other Allies **E) Italy is broke **F) Italians dealt with unemployment, low wages, low food supply, and expensive housing

II) Rise of Benito Mussolini

**A) Tired of Italys problems

B) Believed in nationalism
C) Wanted changes in the government. **D) Created a group called the Black Shirts

**E) March on Rome Mussolini marches with the Black Shirts and demands control of the government

III) Fascism Beliefs

**A) Love and loyalty to your country and ethnicity (Nationalism) **B) Dictator controls the government and resources **C) Censorship

**D) Police Spies and terror to enforce ones will **E) Totalitarian Rule

Reading / Annotation

1) Underline 2) Main Idea for each paragraph 3) Write down thoughts while reading 4) Write down questions while reading

5) Circle key vocab, people, or countries 6) Write at least SEVEN sentences for each answer

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