Who Is To Blame For Germany's Problems Following World War I? Why?

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Guided Question

Who is to blame for Germanys problems following World War I? Why?

Do Now
Which statement about the European partitioning of Africa in the 1800s is most accurate? A) Europeans drew boarders based on African tribal boundaries B) The African continent was divided equally among the colonial powers C) European control did much to improve the economies of most African tribal groups D) African cultural and ethnic traditions were often ignored by European governments

Do Now
2) Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy, and Communist Russia were similar in that each A) protected individual rights B) elected their leaders through popular vote C) supported market-based economies D) established totalitarian governments

Think Out Loud!!!!!

What peace agreement ended World War I? What were some terms of this peace agreement?

I) Treaty of Versailles Effects on Germany

A) Germany accepts all blame for starting World War I
B) Reparations to the Allies 30 billion $ C) Lost all colonies around the world

D) German king (Kaiser) had to step down

E) Can only have a tiny military and navy

II) Weimar Republic

A) Government set up in Germany after World War I B) Democratic government (Bill of rights, free elections, equality for women) C) Too many opinions, led to very little getting done by the German government D) 28% homeless E) 50% unemployment F) 35% broke G) Government was bankrupt due to World War I and reparations. (no money for food and rebuilding Germany)

Reading / Annotation

1) Underline 2) Main Idea for each paragraph 3) Write down thoughts while reading 4) Write down questions while reading

5) Circle key vocab, people, or countries 6) Write at least SEVEN sentences for each answer

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