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Guided Question

Does Diplomacy Work? Why or why not?

Do Now
The Suez Canal and Panama Canal are similar in that both A) shortened shipping routes between major bodies of water B) were built by the British to expand their empire C) replaced the Silk Road as the worlds main trade route D) directly connected the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans

Do Now
One reason the Fascists governments of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler came to power in Italy and Germany was that these nations

A) were threatened by the United States B) failed to join the League of Nations C) supported civil liberties for all D) faced economic and political difficulties

Think Out Loud!!!

Can every conflict be solved through discussion? Why or why not?

I) Japans Reaction to World War I

A) Japan was on the Allies side in World War I B) No reparation money received C) No land received

D) No voice in the Treaty of Versailles conference

II) Diplomacy
A) After World War I, two different views arise on how to deal with conflict B) Diplomacy Talking things out. Avoiding conflict and another World War C) League of Nations Conference where all countries can solve problems through discussion. NO ARMY TO ENFORCE POLICIES.

III) Aggression
A) Aggression Act of taking over land through conflict. Believes talking is a sign of weakness B) Italy Takes over Ethiopia in 1936

C) Japan Takes over Manchuria in 1931

D) Germany Takes over Rhine Land in 1936 E) Germany / Italy / Japan make an Alliance and become the Axis Powers

Reading / Annotation

1) Underline 2) Main Idea for each paragraph 3) Write down thoughts while reading 4) Write down questions while reading

5) Circle key vocab, people, or countries 6) Write at least SEVEN sentences for each answer

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