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LESSON PLAN 5 Romeo and Juliet Figurative Language

CONTEXTUAL FACTORS (e.g. ethnicity, gender, exceptionalities, ELL, GATE, etc.) which need differentiation in instruction and assessment. There are a few students whose IEPs indicate additional time be allotted for quizzes and tests. Since the bulk of this lesson is unfamiliar to nearly all students, initial instruction and multiple reviews will be carefully structured to build upon play content to allow adequate time for all students to master content. WALK-AWAY (what do I want students to know, understand, and be able to do?) Content Walk-Away: Students will understand... how to identify several different kinds of figurative language in Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet Reading/Language Walk-Away: that figurative language contributes to effective imagery ASSESSMENT EVIDENCE (formative/summative checks for learning) (Match the Content Walk-Away) Class reviews and discussions as the play is read Quiz ACTIVE LEARNING PLAN Activate Prior Knowledge/Experiences Use each days review of the play to point out passages which are different kinds of figurative language . Focus Lesson (I do it) Use a PowerPoint presentation to explain each form of figurative language. Guided Instruction (We do it) During review, Ill read specific passages from each days play section and ask students to identify which form of figurative language it is. Collaborative/Cooperative (You do it together) Groups will work together to identify the correct form of figurative language in each excerpt provided. Independent (You do it alone) Students will identify different forms of figurative language as a part of homework and act quizzes Summarization/Closure After the initial introduction, each type of figurative language device will be reinforced in successive classes.

(ELL, IEP, GATE, etc.) IEP additional time will be provided for identified students

NOTES TO TEACHER What do I need to remember to do? Use quotes from daily in-class readings Materials to have ready? PowerPoint with definitions of each type of figurative language with examples from R & J, daily bell work assignments asking students to identify fig. language device used is each quote Approximate time needed for lesson? This lesson will take 15-20 minutes during successive 6-7 block periods, but may be extended.

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