Lesson 83 WW2 Turning Point Battles

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Guided Question

Were Hitler and the Axis Powers to blame for the war turning in favor of the allies? Why or why not?

Do Now Regents Prep

1)King Louis XVI of France. A) was executed by revolutionaries B) were known as great military leaders C) advocated religious reform D) supported the emancipation of serfs

Do Now Regents Prep

Which situation led to the defeat of China in the Opium War (1839-1842)? A) A civil war on the Sino-Tibetan boarder B) The technological advantages of the European powers C) A famine that weakened the Chinese military D) The lack of support for the Manchu government

Thinking Question
How have leaders in history helped or hurt their nations in winning or losing a war or conflict?

I) New Allies
**A) U.S. / China / Soviet Union joins Britain and Soviet Union as Allies **B) Each nation brings new supplies, resources, weapons, large numbers of troops, and motivation to the war C) Allies top general is American Dwight Eisenhower

II) World War II Turning Points

A) El Alamein Allies defeats Germans in Africa. Allies free many African countries (Egypt / Libya / Morocco / Ethiopia ) **B) Battle of Sicily Allies sail from Africa across the Mediterranean Sea and reach Sicily and Italy. Forces Axis Powers to fight in the east and the south

II) World War II Turning Points

**C) Battle of Stalingrad Germans are not prepared for the Russian winter. Soviet troops begin to push Germans back.

**D) D-Day Invasion Allies finally help Stalin and open up a second battlefront in Western Europe. D-Day is the taking of France back by the Allies from Germany

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