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ISM- INTERVIEW QUESTIONS Student Name: Signature of Person Interviewed:

Type of Interview: __*_ In Person ___ Telephone* ___Email* *Documentation Required (Attach E-mail) Printed Name of Person Interviewed: Vinode Kaloni Colbert Taxation Office Ajay Joshi

Period: Date of Interview:

7th 3/12/14

Place of Business: Business Address: Phone Number:

Alvin TX 77511 409-539-1049

1. For someone working in your field, please describe the fantasies versus realities of the job. (fantasy vs. reality) Fantasy- Have a big house with exotic cars due to my career Reality- The world is not that rich. 2. What is your current educational level? What continuing education and training are required? (educational level and requirements) Four years of a business degree at a community college. No education or training is mandatory. 3. Please describe the typical day to day activities of someone working in your field. (day-to-day activities) Get to work at eight, clock in, and make sure everything and everyone is in order. I then take phone calls in my cubicle through most of the day. I then go out to check up on customers throughout the day, and do taxes and such as necessary. I just repeat this process with slight changes here and there. 4. How secure are you in your current position? What do you think is the future of your field? (job security) I have a very good idea this business will be around for as long as a wish it to be due to the fact that taxes will always be there, sadly. Also, who doesnt want their money back? 5. What is a typical (average or lowest to highest) salary of someone working in your field? (salary) $40,000-$70,000 6. What potential for growth is there in your field? (growth potential) It will always grow because taxes will never go away and there will always be more people. 7. Was this your first job choice? No, a doctor. 8. What made you chose your profession? I found out about this business online and I have done it ever since.

9. How do you handle stress and pressure? I go work out at the gym. 10. What problems have you encountered at work?

Having to deal bad phone calls and untrusting customers.

Question to the Student: What information from this interview will you select for your page typed, bulleted list of research informationto be used in your presentation?

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