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Justin Uppinghouse

1204 Broadmoor Drive Champaign, Illinois 61821 (217) 377- 46

!mail address" #pping$#%&hampaigns&hools'org

Education: Masters of Science and Type 75 Certification, (#ne 200) !as*ern Illinois +niversi*, -a$or" !d#&a*ional .dminis*ra*ion Masters Degree in Social or!, -a, 2006 +niversi*, o/ Illinois a* +r0ana-Champaign 1pe&iali2a*ion" 1&hool 1o&ial 3or4 "achelor of Science, -a, 2000 +niversi*, o/ Illinois a* +r0ana-Champaign -a$or" 5s,&holog, .rea o/ Con&en*ra*ion" Child Developmen* or! E#perience: Edison Middle School (.#g' 200) - 5resen*) Champaign, Illinois $rincipal o Crea*ed a shared mission and vision /or o#r 0#ilding, ea&h &on*en* area, and ea&h grade level, 6hi&h in&l#ded o#r val#es and goals /or o#r s*#den*s' o +se da*a *o drive de&ision ma4ing in all aspe&*s o/ *he s&hool' o Colla0ora*ivel, develop a s&hool improvemen*, 6hi&h iden*i/ies s*ra*egies *o rea&h o#r s&hool7s areas o/ /o&#s, s&hool-6ide *arge*s, and s*ra*egi& goals' o 8re9#en*l, loo4ed a* da*a *o &rea*e programming /or #nderrepresen*ed and #nder-served s*#den* gro#ps *ha* 6ill 6or4 *o &lose *he a&hievemen* gap' o Crea*e and manage *he 0#ilding 0#dge* in order *o mee* *he needs o/ all s*a4eholders in a /air manner' o ://er pro/essional developmen* oppor*#ni*ies /or *he !dison s*a//, 6hi&h enhan&e *heir 4no6ledge o/ Ins*r#&*ional s*ra*egies, .;ID s*ra*egies, so&ial-emo*ional learning, &#l*#rall, relevan* ed#&a*ion, 0ehavior managemen*, and more' o <e&r#i*, re*ain, and develop high 9#ali*, *ea&hers 6ho 6ill 0e&ome /#*#re 0#ilding and dis*ri&* leaders' o !ngage s*#den*s and /amilies in &onversa*ions *ha* 6ill s*reng*hen *heir *ies *o *he s&hool and *he &omm#ni*,' o 5romo*e *e&hnolog, #sage *ha* 6ill engage s*#den* learning and prepare *hem /or &ollege and &areer readiness' o :0served s*a// and /a&#l*, per/orman&e, do&#men*ed o0serva*ions, and &ond#&*ed eval#a*ion &on/eren&es' o .dminis*ered re&ord 4eeping and da*a anal,sis *o ens#re s*#den*s are mee*ing a&ademi& e=pe&*a*ions' o 5repared and main*ained *he mon*hl, 0#ilding 0#dge* 6hile &olla0ora*ing 6i*h depar*men* heads and o*her 0#ilding leaders' %nteri& $rincipal (10>2010-01>2011) ? (0 >2011-07>2011) o Developed, main*ained, eval#a*ed, implemen*ed and enhan&ed &#rri&#lar and e=*ra&#rri&#lar programs *o re/le&* s*#den* a&hievemen* and gro6*h' o :0served s*a// and /a&#l*, per/orman&e, do&#men*ed o0serva*ions, and &ond#&*ed eval#a*ion &on/eren&es'

.dminis*ered re&ord 4eeping and da*a anal,sis *o ens#re s*#den*s are mee*ing a&ademi& e=pe&*a*ions' 5repared and main*ained *he mon*hl, 0#ilding 0#dge* 6hile &olla0ora*ing 6i*h depar*men* heads and o*her 0#ilding leaders' 'ssistant $rincipal o Colla0ora*ed 6i*h *he 0#ilding prin&ipal and asso&ia*e prin&ipal in order *o gain e=perien&e in &#rri&#l#m developmen*, da*a anal,sis, and ed#&a*ional leadership' o !s*a0lished e=*ernal and in*ernal &omm#ni&a*ions 6i*h s*a//, s*#den*s, and /amilies 6i*hin *he !dison -iddle 1&hool &omm#ni*,' o 1#pervised 7*h and 8*h grade &lassroom ins*r#&*ion, dis&ipline, pro/essional learning &omm#ni*ies, and anal,sis o/ da*a' o 1#pervised &#s*odial and &a/e*eria s*a// and deliver, o/ in/orma*ion /or all &amp#s s*a4eholders' o .dminis*ered dis&ipline /or 7*h and 8*h grade s*#den*s, 6hile main*aining e*hi&al val#es and promo*ing and a*mosphere o/ m#*#al respe&* and *r#s*' o Crea*ed College Bo#nd Bo,s gro#p, 6hi&h &on*ri0#*ed *o a red#&*ion o/ dis&ipline re/errals 0, over 0@' o Con*ri0#*ed *o *he a&ademi& and so&ial *one o/ *he s&hool *hro#gh &onsis*en* demons*ra*ion o/ posi*ive modeling, pro/essionalism, and en*h#siasm, 6hile developing in*erven*ions, &ond#&*ing s*a// mee*ings, and a**ending *eam level &olla0ora*ions, e*&' o .**ended 5ro/essional Aearning Comm#ni*ies (5AC) and .I-16e0 *rainings' o o Sanga&on Ele&entary School (Bov' 2006 - .#g' 200)) -ahome*, Illinois 'd&inistrati(e %nternship o 3or4ed &losel, 6i*h *he 0#ilding prin&ipal in order *o gain e=perien&e in *he /ollo6ing areas" ) Crea*ing a ;ision /or *he 1&hool ) Cons*r#&*ing a 5osi*ive 1&hool Clima*e and C#l*#re ) 8inding and Implemen*ing 1*a// Developmen* :ppor*#ni*ies ) -anaging *he :pera*ions and :rgani2a*ion o/ a 1#&&ess/#l Aearning !nvironmen* ) Colla0ora*ing 6i*h 8amilies and Comm#ni*, -em0ers ) .&*ing 6i*h 8airness, In*egri*,, and in an !*hi&al -anner ) +nders*anding *he Aegal and 5oli*i&al .spe&*s o/ a 1&hool School Social or!er o .dvo&a*e /or s*#den*s and *heir /amilies 6i*hin *he s&hool and *he &omm#ni*, o B#ild rappor* 6i*h s*#den*s and s*a// mem0ers 6i*hin *he s&hool I 6or4, o*her s&hools in *he dis*ri&*, and agen&ies 6i*hin *he &omm#ni*, o Aed li*era&, s#ppor* and ins*r#&*ion gro#ps 6i*h *he s&hoolCs Dier 2 and 3 s*#den*s d#ring in*erven*ion 0lo&4s o 5lan an implemen* so&ial 6or4 gro#ps 6or4ing 6i*h 1s*-2nd graders, /#n&*ional 0ehavior anal,ses, and 0ehavioral &ons#l*a*ions o 3or4 6i*h s*#den*s individ#all,, in gro#ps, and in *he &lassroom se**ing *ea&hing so&ial s4ills, &oping s4ills, anger managemen*, pea&e 4eeping s*ra*egies 6i*hin *he s&hool, and me*hods *o improve a&ademi& s4ills o 3or4 &losel, 6i*h paren*s in order help *hem advo&a*e /or *heir &hildren 6i*hin *he s&hool and &omm#ni*, o Involved in <esponse *o In*erven*ion (<DI) Deam, 5BI1, Chara&*er Co#n*sE, -igh*, -en*ors, and 1*#den* <evie6 Commi**ee o Demons*ra*e 4no6ledge and &ommi*men* *o *he B.13 Code o/ !*hi&s *e#t +eneration $ri&ary School ((an' 2003 F Bov' 2006) Champaign, Illinois ,nd +rade Teacher and -ead $re). Teacher (26-27 s*#den*s) o Crea*ed and implemen*ed ed#&a*ional a&*ivi*ies and lessons /or *he s*#den*s in reading, 6ri*ing, ma*h, and so&ial s*#dies

o o o o o

3or4ed 6i*h s*#den*s individ#all,, in gro#ps, and in &lassroom presen*a*ions, *ea&hing a&ademi& s4ills, &oping s4ills, anger managemen*, pea&e 4eeping s*ra*egies 6i*hin *he s&hool, and me*hods *o improve a&ademi& s4ills Gep* /re9#en* &on*a&* 6i*h &lassroom paren*s &on&erning *heir &hildCs a&ademi& and so&ial emo*ional progress Gep* s*#den*s sa/e and engaged Crea*ed ed#&a*ional lessons and a&*ivi*ies /or s*#den*s :rgani2ed dail, s&hed#les /or *he &hildren

Cha&paign Co&&unity Unit School District /0 (.#g' 200 F (#ne 2006) Champaign, Illinois School Social or! %ntern o .dvo&a*ed /or s*#den*s and *heir /amilies 6i*hin *he s&hool and *he &omm#ni*, o B#il* rappor* 6i*h s*#den*s and s*a// mem0ers 6i*hin *he s&hools *ha* I 6or4ed, o*her s&hools in *he dis*ri&*, and agen&ies 6i*hin *he &omm#ni*, o 5lanned an implemen*ed so&ial 6or4 gro#ps 6or4ing 6i*h 4-8*h graders, /#n&*ional 0ehavior anal,ses, and 0ehavioral &ons#l*a*ions o 3or4ed 6i*h s*#den*s individ#all,, in gro#ps, and in *he &lassroom se**ing *ea&hing so&ial s4ills, &oping s4ills, anger managemen*, pea&e 4eeping s*ra*egies 6i*hin *he s&hool, and me*hods *o improve a&ademi& s4ills o 3or4ed &losel, 6i*h paren*s in order help *hem advo&a*e /or *heir &hildren 6i*hin *he s&hool and &omm#ni*, o Involved in B#ilding 1#ppor* Deam, 5BI1, and Chara&*er Co#n*sE o Demons*ra*ed 4no6ledge and &ommi*men* *o *he B.13 Code o/ !*hi&s Childrens -o&e and 'id Society of %llinois ((#l, 2002 F (an' 2003) Champaign, Illinois 1olunteer Ser(ices Coordinator o <e&r#i*ed vol#n*eers /or *#*oring and men*oring programs provided *o &omm#ni*, ,o#*h' o Crea*ed varian&e repor*s pro$e&*ing o#*&ome /or *he /is&al ,ear o 1#pervised ;ol#n*eer 1ervi&es s*a// mem0ers 6or4ing in *he &en*ral region o/ CH.1I 1olunteer E#perience: Mentor2Tutor for Childrens -o&e and 'id Society of %llinois - -en*or *6o s*#den*s in *he C-+ 1-on-1 men*oring program $rofessional Strengths o 1*rong organi2a*ional, &omm#ni&a*ion, and &omp#*er s4ills o B#r*#ring and &aring individ#al o 5ro/i&ien* in -i&roso/* !=&el, 5o6er5oin*, 3ord, and .&&ess o 3or4 6ell independen*l, and as a *eam mem0er o 5osi*ive rela*ionships 6i*h vario#s agen&ies 6i*hin Champaign, 8ord and Iro9#ois &o#n*ies o Iood leadership s4ills in 0o*h organi2a*ions and as a &oa&h /or a*hle*i& *eams 3rgani4ations and Me&5erships: o 1igma Chi In*erna*ional 8ra*erni*, F 1erved as ;i&e 5residen* o Irad#a*e 1o&ial 3or4ers .sso&ia*ion F 1erved as 5residen* o Coa&hed 7*h and 8*h Irade Bo,s Bas4e*0all a* (e//erson -iddle 1&hool, Champaign riting Sa&ple: .vaila0le on <e9#es*

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