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}essica L.

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Ob|cctivc: To oblain a leaching |ob lhal uliIizes my dedicalion lo heIing sludenls achieve academicaIIy by using effeclive melhods
and slralegies lhal romole crealivily, higher-order lhinking, and Iife Iong Iearning.

PrnIcssinna! 5ki!!s:
Slrong vork elhic
Communicalion SkiIIs
Time managemenl
CoIIaborales vilh olhers
OrganizalionaI SkiIIs

Daknta 5tatc Univcrsity Madison, SD (IaII 2009 - Iresenl) Anticipatcd Graduatinn Datc: May 2014
Ma|nrs: IIemenlary Iducalion & SeciaI Iducalion
Minnrs: Reading (Ire-K-12), IducalionaI TechnoIogy (K-12) GPA: 3.8 / 4.0 ScaIe
Endnrscmcnts: Assislanl or Head/Varsily Coaching in bolh VoIIeybaII and askelbaII

Hi!!s-Bcavcr Crcck High 5chnn! HiIIs, MN (IaII 2005 Sring 2009) Graduatinn Datc: May 2009
High SchooI DiIoma IuIfiIIed slale requiremenls lo graduale as SaIulalorian of lhe cIass

Fic!d Expcricncc:
5tudcnt Tcaching !"#$%&' )*+, "-.-/0-$1 Madisnn Ccntra! 5chnn! District
SeciaI Iducalion
IIemenlary (7 veeks)
SeciaI Iducalion
High SchooI (6 veeks)
IIemenlary Iducalion
Grade (6 veeks)

Amcrica Rcads Tutnr !2344 )*+)52344 )*+61 4
Gradc Madisnn E!cmcntary 5chnn!
Teach Reading, Malh, and SociaI Sludies Iessons
lo lhe vhoIe cIass
Tuloring sludenls one-on-one or in smaII grous
in Malh, Reading, SociaI Sludies, and SeIIing

Lcvc! II & Lcvc! III Cnursc Fic!d Expcricncc Tcaching & Obscrving in sma!! grnup and whn!c c!ass instructinn
Madison IIemenlary SchooI
Madison MiddIe SchooI
Sl. Thomas IIemenlary SchooI
Madison Head Slarl Irogram
ICCO, Inc.

Wnrk Expcricncc:
Cashicr CnIIcc Cup Fuc! 5tnp Brandnn, 5D !738 )*+)59$-/-&01
Use cash regisler vilh money lransaclions
CIean & organize lhroughoul buiIding
Check-in and ul oul invenlory
Greel and heI cuslomers

AItcr 5chnn! Prngram Assistant Cnmmunity Ccntcr Madisnn, 5D !:3&; )*+*573$<= )*+)1
Creale a safe environmenl for sludenls afler schooI
Organize/Iead gym aclivilies
Organize/Iead arls and crafl aclivilies
Irogram chiId records inlo lhe comuler syslem

PrnIcssinna! Organizatinns/Awards:
NalionaI Iducalion Associalion !"#!$!"#%
InlernalionaI Reading Associalion !"#%$&'()(*+
NalionaI Science Teacher Associalion !"#%$&'()(*+
Iresidenl's Honor Lisl ,-.. !""0$12'3*4 !"#%
Kaa Sigma Iola !"##$!"#%
Ihi ela Sigma !""0$!"#"
Extracurricu!ar Activitics:
Sludenl Ambassadors !"#!$!"#%
Sludenl Aclivilies oard !""0$!"#!
Residenl Assislanl !"#"$!"##
InlramuraI Sorls !""0$!"#!
(VoIIeybaII, askelbaII, SoflbaII)

Tcchnica! 5ki!!s:
Word, IoverIoinl, IxceI
Smarl oard/Iromelhean oard
Windovs Movie/ iMovie Maker
VisuaI asic Irogramming
Air Iro|eclors
Various onIine AIicalion

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