Management Plan

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Classroom Management Plan

Jessy Bos EDFN 440

Table of Contents 2 Philosophy 3 Classroom Environment 4 Problem Solving 4 Discipline Strategies 5 Parent Involvement 5 Rules in the Classroom 6 Handbook of Classroom Rules and 7 Room Use 7 Individual Work and Teacher-Lead Activities 8 Transition into and out of the Room 9 Procedures for Small-Group Instruction 9 General Procedures 10 Communicating Assignments and Work Requirements 11 Monitoring Progress on and Completion of Assignments 12 Feedback 13

The following classroom management plan includes my beliefs about strategies, routines, and procedures that will help my classroom run effectively and efficiently and are also in the best interest of the students.

I believe that all children have the need to feel belonging and to feel that they are safe. I will do my best to make sure that my classroom is a safe environment where my students will feel belonging and will excel in learning (Maslow). In order to provide a safe environment for students to strive towards learning, structure, expectations, and routines will be in place (Skinner). I believe, that everyday, children are influenced by their peers, adults, technology, media, and other aspects around them in life. I accept as my responsibility to present myself professionally and will be a positive role model for my students, as I know that I am influential on them as well (Brofenbrenner/ Bandura). I believe that it is important, as a teacher, to be a life long learner as well as helping my students to become life long learners by guiding them to become critical thinkers, self-directed learners, and effective communicators (Bruner). In the classroom, I believe that the course material should be challenging, interactive, engaging, and relevant to current events. I will put my confidence in my students abilities while setting high expectations for each individual student to achieve academically. Each student is very unique. Therefore, each student has a certain learning style that fits him or her best. In order to reach all types of learners, it is my responsibility to use effective differentiated instruction (Gardner).

Using the Classroom Environment as a Tool

In the best interest of the students, I take on as my responsibility to create a safe, positive classroom environment that is structured and invites students to be creative individuals and to achieve in their academics. It will be an environment where students are able to expand their horizons and interact collaboratively with other students. In order for this to happen, expectations, engaging strategies, and differentiated instruction will be implemented to reach each individual student and their unique style of learning.

Problem Solving
Problem solving is a very important skill for every student to have. It allows them to think through situations whether it involves homework or interactions with peers and adults. When problems arise in the classroom, I will confront the situation with a proactive approach and involve the students in deciding how to go about solving the situation. The process taken in each situation would be to have a conference with the student(s) and take into consideration the steps of (1) identifying the problem, (2) discussing alternative solutions, and (3) obtaining a commitment to try one of them. Of course, each case and each situation is different, which is why they will be handled in a way that is appropriate at the time.

Discipline Strategies
When there are behavioral issues with a student or multiple students, I will ensure to use the most appropriate intervention regarding the type of situation and handle them in a private manner with the student or group of students involved. Strategies that will be implemented to stop the unwanted behavior will be discussed with the student(s) involved to decide what would be the most effective solution to the problem. If there is a problem that arises with the whole class, I will get the students involved with trying to find an effective solution to the problem.

Parent Involvement
I highly encourage parent involvement because it is a huge factor in student academic success. I will have an open door policy in my classroom for parents to come in. I do request that the parents give at least a day notice prior to coming in so I can modify the activities to engage the parents as much as possible. A strong relationship with the teacher and parents is very important which is why I will ensure to use various communication skills with the parents. I like to be proactive on situations rather than reactive, so I would keep the parents very informed about what is going on. The major common aspect that the parents and I have in common is the want for what is in the best interest of the child.

Rules in the Classroom

I will ensure that my classroom rules, routines, and procedures align with the school and district policy and guidelines. 1. Be Respectful towards yourself and others. 2. Follow directions. 3. Complete homework neatly and on time. 4. Raise your hand and wait to be called on. 5. Always try your hardest and do your best.

I think I would like to have these be the core rules, and then ask the students what they think each of them should look like. For example rule #1: Be respectful towards yourself and others. If the students are asked what that means to them or what it should look like, they might say, Treat others how you would like to be treated. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself. Rule #2: Follow directions. How should that look, what does that mean to you? Possible response, should listen to the teacher or the presenter. If they tell us to take out a book, we should do that quickly without talking to our neighbors. The rules that are agreed upon will be consistently practiced and reinforced.

Handbook of Classroom Rules and Procedures

It is important to have effective classroom rules and routines that will promote a positive learning environment for all students. The table below reflects the routines that I will be implementing in my classroom.

Room Use
Teachers desk and storage area Students will need to ask for permission before they use/borrow anything on my desk, including: pens, pencils, highlighters, staplers, markers, paperclips, etc. Around the room, the storage areas that are organized in containers or behind curtains will not be freely accessible to students; again they need to ask for permission. Students will have the responsibility to maintain their desk in a neat and organized manner. There will be a weekly desk check to make sure papers are not accumulating, books/notebooks/folders are neat, and there is no garbage in desks. If student needs to clean desk, there will be given a free period time to do so each week, otherwise student will have to stay in from recess to do it if that period is not enough. Students will need to stay out of other students desk and ask for permission before using/touching anything in other students desk. The items on shelves that students may use without permission will be clearly marked with a label. If they are borrowed, they will need to be returned by the end of the day unless otherwise asked. If it is materials that are one time uses like staples, tape, etc. students will notify me when there is need of more. Drinking fountain: Students will have various designated opportunities to get a drink such as before and after recesses. If students need a drink outside of those designated times, they will be able to quickly get a drink without permission UNLESS I am teaching a lesson or another student is talking. Students will be allowed to keep a water bottle with a lid at their desk if it doesnt become a problem. Sinks: If there are sinks in the room, students do not need to ask permission to wash hands. No washing hands when I am teaching a lesson or when other students are talking/presenting to the class. If the sinks are outside the classroom, students must always ask for permission.



Students desk and storage areas


Storage for common materials


Drinking fountains, sink, pencil sharpener



Students may use the restroom one at a time during class time unless I am teaching a lesson or other students are talking/presenting. Students must take the appropriate bathroom pass and return it. There will also be designated times to use the restrooms such as before/after recess. Students will be assigned certain centers or equipment areas and will have a separate allocated time for them. Computer stations will be available as needed in the classroom. If it is not a time dedicated to using the computers, students must first gain permission before using the computers. Unless directed by the teacher, students may not write nor erase the white boards in the classrooms.


Centers or equipment areas


Computer stations



Individual Work and Teacher-Lead Activities

A. Attention during presentations Students will face the presenter with full attention towards them. Nothing should be on desks or in hands unless otherwise stated by the presenter. Students are encouraged to participate in-group discussions, projects, and turn and talks. I hope to create an environment where students feel comfortable to speak up and participate. Unless otherwise directed, students must raise their hands and wait to be called on to speak. Students are encouraged to talk with one another during turn and talk/pair and share activities and also during small group work and discussions. This will be a privilege of working together if the volume level stays at a reasonable level. If a student has a question, I would like them to ask two or three other students quietly first, and if they still dont have the answer they are looking for, then they may come up and ask me. When students have completed work, I would like them to always know of something that they can do. In the front of the room, I will have a small poster that says What to do next: ______________________ and then fill it in with whatever I would like them to work on such as math, silent reading, writing, or even their choice.




Talk among students


Obtaining help


When individual work has been completed

Transition into and out of the Room

At the beginning of the school day, students will place their backpacks and coats in their locker/cubby/hook and take all of the materials that are needed for class to their desk and put them away neatly inside the desk. Once they are situated, students will take out their journals and start writing about the Topic of the Day that will be written on the board. After they journal about the topic of the day for 10 minutes, we will start our morning activities. Unless given permission otherwise, I will lead students out of the room from class to class or class to lunch. When I announce that we will be lining up, students will find a good spot to stop with whatever they are working sit quietly. I will then dismiss them by rows, individuals, groups, or whoever is showing me that they are ready to go. While walking in the hallways, there is absolutely no talking in order to be respectful of other classes in session. Students will wait for me or any other adult helper to get them from the location that they are at to lead them back to class. Again, there is no talking in the hallways. Once back to the room, students will take their seats and will then be dismissed for bathroom/drink breaks while I read out of a chapter book to the class. Students will organize their papers into leave at home and return to school sides of their folders. They will check their assignment notebook to make sure they have all of their homework either done or ready to go with them home. After organizing their stuff, students will check the floor around their desk to pick up any miscellaneous objects/trash. Students will put their chair on their desk and then line up at the door to be lead to the bus.


Beginning the school day


Leaving the room


Returning to the room


Ending the day

Procedures for Small-Group Instruction

Getting the class ready Students will know ahead of time which groups they are in and where they are suppose to be so that transitioning is smooth and there is more time for instruction. On the board or projector will be a list of all the materials that the students will need in their group and they are to gather them before moving into their designated groups. Once students know their groups and have gathered all materials, they will quickly and quietly move to their designated location. Once there, they are to sit quietly and wait for further directions on what is next unless otherwise directed.



Student movement


Expected behavior in the group Expected behavior of students outside the group Materials and supplies

While working in groups, students are expected to work at a reasonable sound level, and work efficiently to stay on task. There should be only talking relevant to the project. Students outside of the group are expected to work quietly on their project or work on other homework if they are done. They are to listen if the other group is presenting. If there are questions, they must ask at least 2 other classmates before asking me. Materials and supplies that are needed will be located in a designated cupboard and will also be listed on the board/projector for which ones are needed. When using multiple groups, students again will know their groups ahead of moving so that the transitioning will be smooth. If groups need to move around from station to station, a plan of action will be discussed before the group project so that transitions are also smooth during that time.




Using multiple groups

General Procedures
Distributing books in the beginning of the year will work in a procedure with a line. Students will line up and get a book. Once they get to their desk, there will be a check sheet going around where the student will write their name and their book number on it. Common materials will be located in a student accessible location and will be clearly labeled. When materials are to be passed out, the class leader will pick one helper to assist them in passing out the materials to the class. I will make a job chart in the classroom and students will be rotated to different jobs bi-weekly. These classroom helpers will be in charge of running the computer and being the clicker when asked, pass out papers, morning activity leader, and a line leader. When there are interruptions or delays in the classroom, lessons will be tailored to those. If they are late starts or early outs, the schedule of the day will be the shortened schedule. If there are interruptions such as assemblies or concerts, the lessons will also be tailored around those as well. With other interruptions in the classroom such as victors or phone calls, the leader of the class will be in charge while I take the phone call or visit with the visitor.


Distributing materials


Classroom helpers


Interruptions or delays




Students may use the restroom one at a time during class time unless I am teaching a lesson or other students are talking/presenting. Students must take the appropriate bathroom pass and return it. There will also be designated times to use the restrooms such as before/after recess. When in the library, students will listen and be respectful towards the librarian. They will treat the books with respect and have them in on the time. Students will also listen to resource room teachers as well as the secretaries/personal in the office of the school. If a student(s) is called to the resource room or office, they are to walk quietly in the hallways and respect other classes still in process. In the cafeteria, students are expected to be on good behavior and eat with good manners. They are to listen to the cafeteria teachers/helpers. They will follow the lunchroom rules. Out on the playground, students will play respectfully and will listen to the teachers/helpers who manage the playground. If a problem arises, they should try work it out themselves, but if help is needed, they are to talk to the supervisors on the playground at the time. During fire and disaster drills, students are to stop whatever they are doing and quickly line up at the door. From there, we will follow the fire/disaster plan that the school has implemented.


Library, resource room, school office






Fire and disaster drills

Communicating Assignments and Work Requirements

A. Where and how will you post assignments What will be your standards for form and neatness? Assignments will be posted on the board each day and they are to be copied down into the students assignment notebooks. The assignments will also be on the class website at the end of each day. The standards for form and neatness will be that the writing needs to be readable by whoever is correcting the papers. If it is not readable, the student is required to do it over. Students should always use pencil unless otherwise notified that they may use pen. Absent students will make up assignments when they have been out of school sick. They will have two days after they get back to turn in their homework. If possible, teacher will find another student or sibling to bring homework home to the student to begin working on it. If other problems/situations arise, communicate with me and well will work things out.



How will absent students make up assignments?



What will be the consequence of late or incomplete work?

For each day that an assignment is late, 5% will be taken off of their grade of that assignment. If other situations occur that more time is needed, communicate with me and we will work things out.

Monitoring Progress on and Completion of Assignments

A. What procedures will you use to monitor work in progress for individuals? What procedures will you use to monitor work in progress for groups? How will you determine whether students are completing assignments? How will you manage completed assignments? Will students keep portfolios? If so, how will entries be selected and how will students reflect on them? What records of student work will you retain? To monitor student progress, I will be circulating around the classroom to check work and answer questions. I will collect the assignments when completed and grade them. I will record them in the grade book and then hand them back to the students in a timely manner for feedback. For group work, I will circulating the room and checking for communication, groups being on task, talking is limited to relevant conversation about the topic, and effort that is put in by each student. To determine whether students are completing assignments, I will have a check sheet with the list of student names on the counter where the students and their stuff in. when they are finished and are handing in their assignment, they will check off that assignment by their name to let me know that they are done and it is handed in. Complete assignments will be put into designated piles on the counter where the check sheet is. They will then be graded, recorded, and given back to the students. Students will keep portfolios for student/parent/teacher conferences so that they can show their parents some of their best work. There will be required assignments that go in there no matter their grade on them, but the student will also get to pick at least three other assignments that he or she wishes to share with parents/guardians. I will keep records of the grades that students receive on their assignments in the grade book. I will keep records of students that will aid in data for IEPs, 504 plans, and other learning disability plans documented. I will encourage students to monitor their work by continuously giving them feedback and having one on one time to talk to them about their academics. Give them a chance to tell me what they think they are excelling at and what they would like to start/continue to work on. Students will also be required to keep an assignment notebook to keep track of the assignments to do and when they are due.







How will you encourage students to monitor themselves?


A. What are your schools grading policies and procedures? What kinds of feedback will you provide, and when? My schools grading and policy procedures will compliment and comply with my grading scale in the classroom. I will give students feedback informally, formally, one on one, and as a group. I think that is important to let the students know when they are doing a good job. If feedback to a student or multiple students is needed for improvement of behavior/assignments, the feedback will be given confidentially. I will encourage students to reflect on their progress by continuously giving them feedback and having one on one time to talk to them about their academics. Give them a chance to tell me what they think they are excelling at and what they would like to start/continue to work on. They can also keep an organizer type sheet that they are able to keep track of scores from tests or certain assignments, that way they can see the progress they are making or if they need to be making improvements. When a student stops doing assignments, I want to know the reasoning behind why it is happening. So before getting upset with the student, I will sit down with them about it. Try to figure out a solution, and give incentives to the student on why they would want to get their homework done depending on the reasoning of why they are not doing it in the first place. To share student work with parents, I will contact them by phone/email and either set up a time to meet with them or talk to them over the phone if any student work is concerning. If it is good student work, students can share that work by taking it home in the students take home folder and also some of the work can be put in their conference folder.



How will you encourage students to reflect on their own progress?


What will you do when a student stops doing assignments?


What procedure will you follow to share student work with parents?


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