Monochromatic Lesson Narrative

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Subject: Monochromatic Painting Class: Intro Art Teacher: Brittany Barron Target Achievement: even, smoothly applied paint

to a given subject Vocabulary: Contrast, color, value, tint, shade Duration of Lesson: 3-4 Classes

Lesson Progression #1: Review of Painting Properly and Blending from Tint to Shade 1. Play the slide show that corresponds to this lesson:


Ms. Barron

2. Click on this link to show a video of a talented artist doing a monochromatic painting of a modern creature from a pop-culture game. It shows how cool a monochromatic painting can be. Also relates to students as they may recognize the creature painted.


Max Zorn

3. Show the students these next few slides to illustrate some neat ideas artists have used in with the strategy of monochromatic art. Monochromatic art can be beautiful! The third example is a Picasso during his blue period. Briefly teach the students that for years of Picassos life he only used blue in his paintings. This piece of artwork is very famous! Ask if any students have seen it before.


Clair Scully

4. Take a break from the slide show to refresh the students the basics of painting: The image below shows us how to hold the paintbrush. Although for larger art works one make hold the brush differently, for our lesson this is going to be the key way to hold the brush. Have the student experiment with holding the brush at the top of the wood or the bottom. They will come to find that hold the brush at a different location of the handle gives them different styles of artwork. As beginners, holding the brush just as the illustration below will give them the most success. Demonstrate to the students that pushing down on the brush too hard will give a sloppy look (not to mention is terrible for the hairs), and not putting enough pressure on the paintbrush will give them an inconsistent stroke in their art.


4. Transition to this slide and tell the students this is the worksheet they will be completing today. Briefly go through the few steps activities on the worksheet. Transition to next slide.

5. This is the portion of the class where you instruct your students to pick up their supplies. It is explained on the slide itself. This slide also guides you as you have a discussion with your students about what monochromatic art is orally. We have shown them, now we need to talk about it. Questions you should ask your class, once they have returned to their seat with their supplies, are: Does anyone know what tint means? Who can define shade? How would you make a true blue lighter? Why would an artists want to only use tines and shades of orange, for instance, in his painting? What about blue? These question are already on the slide so that a student with ADHD or related LD will be able to read the question far before the teacher asks the class. The student therefore has ample time to understand the question and come up with an answer. These questions are also in a range of difficultly; because of this students both high functions and low functioning are participating.


6. Tell your students that this is what youre looking for in the top section of their worksheet. Explain that the only colors needed to create a blue monochromatic scale such as this one is white, blue, and black. The second scale starts with a color a student would have to create for him or herself. This would be more advanced and challenging for student who need that option!


7. Students are given the first worksheet you have already gone over (see step 4) at this time so they can experiment on the margins as suggested above and complete the worksheet. This worksheet is used for assessment. Did the students understand it the first time? Do they need to go over it again?


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