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Jennifer L.

Lee 1130 Jack Warner Parkway NE 11B Tuscaloosa, A 3!"0" #$!%& 33'(0))*,erlee*' EDUCATION -andida.e ,or Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, T/e 0ni1ersi.y o, Ala2ama raduation Date3 4ay, $01% !A3 ".0+".0 "a#or3 4ana5emen. 6n,orma.ion 7ys.ems "inor$ Business 6n,orma.ion Tec/nolo5y Bachelor of Arts in !olitical Science, T/e 0ni1ersi.y o, Ala2ama, Summa Cum Laude raduation Date3 4ay, $01$ !A3 ".0+".0 "a#or3 Poli.ical 7cience "inor$ -om8u.in5 Tec/nolo5y and A88lica.ions E%!E&IENCE July, 2013 Present Assistant "ana'er, Papa Johns, Tuscaloosa, AL Goal3 To 8ro1ide e9cellen. cus.omer ser1ice 2y crea.in5 and deli1erin5 su8erior :uali.y 8roduc.s. alue3 By crea.in5 an a.mos8/ere o, .eamwork, ,ocus, communica.ion, and im8ro1emen.. !y Contr"#ut"on$ -on.ri2u.e .o 8ro,i.a2ili.y 2y ensurin5 o8era.ions mee. com8any 5uidelines and marke. 5oals E9ecu.e cas/ mana5emen. du.ies suc/ as /andle s.ore cas/, 8re8are and deli1er 2ank de8osi.s, 8rocess credi. card 8aymen.s and accoun.s recei1a2le Na1i5a.e P;<=6T sys.em and E9cel .o crea.e daily and weekly o8era.in5 re8or.s, accura.ely coun. and record in1en.ory, use re8or.s and 8rojec.ions .o order in1en.ory, recei1e in1en.ory and record accoun.s 8aya2le 4ana5e com8any asse.s 2y ensurin5 res.auran. is clean, sa,e, or5ani>ed, and in com8liance wi./ com8any sa,e.y and securi.y s.andards a. all .imes -ommunica.e, en,orce, and .rain .eams mem2ers .o mee. com8any :uali.y s.andards (e)site Desi'ner, &ndependent Contract La#or throu'h ()A) *oneycutt + Assoc"ates, ,"rm"n'ham, AL Goal3 To crea.e .o mee. clien.?s cus.omers? e98ec.a.ions alue3 By crea.in5 and u8da.in5 ,or 2usinesses .o im8ro1e in.erac.ion wi./ cus.omers !y Contr"#ut"on$ -ons.ruc.ed, edi.ed, and main.ained we2 8a5es usin5 @T4 , -77, and WordPress 4e. wi./ clien.s .o crea.e descri8.ions o, ser1ices+ameni.ies 4ana5ed and u8da.ed clien. ,iles wi./ =TP and online ser1ers Teachin' Assistant*La) "onitor, .n"/ers"ty o0 Ala#ama 1ept) o0 Computer Sc"ence, Tuscaloosa, AL Goal3 To 8romo.e ./e academic success o, s.uden.s enrolled in science courses alue3 By 8ro1idin5 5uidance .o s.uden.s ./rou5/ou. ./e .o im8ro1e s.uden. com8re/ension o, course ma.erial, course e98ec.a.ions, and academic 8er,ormance !y Contr"#ut"on$ Trou2les/oo. 2asic 8ro2lems, /el8 s.uden.s com8le.e and su2mi. assi5nmen.s 6ns.ruc. s.uden.s in we2si.e desi5n, 7/arePoin. Aesi5ner $00), Ja1a7cri8., @T4 , E9cel, e.c Ensure academic in.e5ri.y o, .es. .akes 2y ,ollowin5 0ni1ersi.y 8rocedures .o 1eri,y iden.i.y Assis. 8ro,essors 2y 5radin5 :ui>>es and calcula.in5 a..endance and ,inal 5rades Lan'ua'es$ @T4 , -BB, Ja1a7cri8., -77 O,eratin' En-ironments$ 47 Windows Business Tools$ 4icroso,. <,,ice, Cisual 7.udio, WordPress, Access, 7/arePoin. !resident/s List Uni-ersit0 +onors Colle'e !residential Scholarshi,, "ar0 and Al)ert "arsh Scholarshi,, "atthe1 Thomason III Scholarshi, !hi Eta Si'ma, National +onor Societ0 National Societ0 of Colle'iate Scholars AI"S +a)itat for +umanit0, July 2011 - Present +u2ford S0m,hon0 Orchestra, 2011-2012 S,ea3U,4 Tuscaloosa, 1e#ate mentor, 2002 "oral 5orum De)ate, 3uarter0"nal"st, 2002 Uni-ersit0 Chorus, 2002-2010

January, 2012 % !ay, 2012

Au'ust, 2010 % !ay 2012 + January, 201- Present


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