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Tyler Leipprandt

6307 Barnes Rd. Brown City, MI 48416 (810) 404-2322 tlei randt!"#.$12.%i.&s (e%ail) www.tylerlei randt.#o% (ele#troni# ort'olio) Education ()(* (a+inaw, MI (e 13 Working on finishing Masters Degree in Instructional Technology (MAIT) Will Obtain MAIT ertification in !pring of "#$% "% of && redits o'pleted .e# 08

Ro#,ester Colle+e Ro#,ester -ills, MI (achelor of !cience Degree in Ele'entary Education )rofessional ertificate Endorse'ents* +,- All !ub.ects +,/ All !ub.ects in a !elf, ontained lassroo' 0,/ E1 (Ele'entary Mathe'atics) C/R C/I Crittenton -os ital, Ro#,ester -ills, MI Certi'ied in 1d&lt, C,ild, and In'ant C/R, 12., and 3irst 1id (anila# Co&nty I(., MI Certi'ied in Crisis /re4ention Inter4ention (C/I)

0#t 08

1&+ 13

urrent Teaching Brown City 2le%entary (4t,56t, +rade) Brown City, MI 1&+ 07-/resent t, t, C&rrently a 4 56 +rade tea#,er at a redo%inantly 8itle I ele%entary s#,ool. 8ea#, writin+, s ellin+, and ,ead o' t,e 4t,56t, +rade %at,e%ati#s. Classroo% te#,nolo+y-(%art Board, 9oo+le 1 s, i/ads, #lassroo% we"site, et#. :ead 4ario&s te#,nolo+y ro'essional de4elo %ent sessions. 8e#,nolo+y Readiness Coa#,58e#,nolo+y 8ea% )arsity 1ssistant "as$et"all #oa#,. !tudent Teaching Brewster 2le%entary (#,ool (6t, +rade) Ro#,ester -ills, MI 1&+ 08 - .e# 08 Classroo% .esi+n- 0r+ani;ed and ,el ed set & t,e #lassroo% at t,e "e+innin+ o' t,e year to %a$e it eye #at#,in+ and #o%'orta"le. Classroo% Instr&#tion- .e4elo ed and #ond&#ted lessons in Mat,, (#ien#e, (o#ial (t&dies, and :an+&a+e 1rts. Monitored st&dents w,ile wor$in+, %ana+ed #lassroo%, assessed st&dents readin+ a"ility &sin+ 3ont&s and /innell, assisted in M21/ testin+. Classroo% 8e#,nolo+y- Inte+rated and &sed te#,nolo+y to ,el assist in learnin+ ((%art Board, la to s, i/ads, #o% &ter la", wireless $ey"oard5%o&se, and 2l%os). (#,ool In4ol4e%ent- 1ssisted wit, o en ,o&ses, #&rri#&l&% ni+,t, arent tea#,er #on'eren#es, %e%"er o' /81, and attended inde endent readin+ tea#,er la"s.

Educational E2periences (alina Inter%ediate (#,ool (3rd-8t, +rade) .ear"orn, MI May 08 - <&ne 08 /la#ed into =ew#o%ers Class w,ere st&dents ,ad "een in t,e *.(. anyw,ere 'ro% days to %ont,s. Intera#ted wit, and &sed st&dent translators to ,el #o%%&ni#ate. 0"ser4ed tea#,in+ strate+ies, assisted in tea#,in+, t&tored st&dents, attended 'ield tri s, attended sta'' %eetin+s, and was i%%ersed into t,e 1ra" C&lt&re. Brewster 2le%entary (#,ool (4t, +rade) Ro#,ester -ills, MI <an 08 - May 08 .e4elo ed and #ond&#ted lessons in Mat,, assisted in +radin+ and #lassroo% %ana+e%ent, and %onitored st&dents w,ile t,ey wor$ed. =ort, -ill 2le%entary (#,ool (3rd +rade) Ro#,ester -ills, MI <an 08 - 1 r 08 8&tored one st&dent in readin+, assessed t,e st&dent>s readin+ a"ility, and #reated lessons 'or t,e st&dent>s needs. Re&t,er Middle (#,ool (6t,-8t, +rade) Ro#,ester -ills, MI <an 07- 1 r 07 8&tored st&dents and ser4ed as a %entor to so%e o' t,e at ris$ st&dents. :eonard 2le%entary (#,ool (3rd +rade) (o&t,'ield, MI (e 06 - =o4 06 Intera#ted and ta&+,t st&dents 'ro% a low-in#o%e area, #ond&#ted lessons, and ser4ed as a %entor to so%e o' t,e at ris$ st&dents. Brewster 2le%entary (#,ool (4t, +rade) Ro#,ester -ills, MI (e 06 - =o4 06 0"ser4ed tea#,er, %onitored st&dents w,ile t,ey were wor$in+, and +raded a ers. 3elated Educational E2periences ( e#ial 2d&#ation Ro#,ester -ills, MI 0#t 07 - <&ly 08 /ro4ided a#ade%i# and so#ial a#ti4ities to %oti4ate 'orward t,in$in+ and learnin+, assisted, and too$ #are o' a nine year old +irl w,o ,ad .own (yndro%e. 4onors and Achie5e'ents ( orts Ro#,ester -ills5*"ly, MI 1ll 1%eri#an51ll 8o&rna%ent 8ea% in Bas$et"all at Ro#,ester Colle+e 3irst 8ea% 1ll (tate in -i+, (#,ool Bas$et"all and 8ra#$ (,&rdles) 1ll Con'eren#e 8ea% in -i+, (#,ool 9ol' and Base"all ( it#,er) Acti5ities ( orts Colle+e Bas$et"all Ro#,ester -ills, MI -i+, (#,ool Bas$et"all, Base"all, 9ol', and 8ra#$ *"ly, MI 04 - 08 00 @ 04 00 - 04 -&ron Co&nty Male 1t,lete o' t,e ?ear

07 - 08 03 - 04 03 and 04 04

(at&rday Bas$et"all5 ?o&t, Ca% (3rd-8t, +rade) *"ly, MI 8a&+,t "as$et"all '&nda%entals and #oa#,ed a tea% e4ery (at&rday.

3ecent Work E2perience Clean 9reen :ands#a in+ (0wner) Brown City, MI May 07 - /resent (tarted %y own "&siness, en#o% asses o4er 40 #lients and +rowin+, ro4ide lands#a in+5%owin+ ser4i#es and o&tside ,o%e %aintenan#e, de4elo esti%ates, w,i#, in#l&de total #ost, #ost o' la"or, #ost o' %aterials, and total ti%e.

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