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CHAPTER 4 Data Presentation -Process of organizing data into logical, sequential, and meaningful categories and classification to make

them amenable to the study and interpretation. 3 ways of presenting data: 1. Tabular presentation - numeric facts or data (row) - sub-classes (column) - purpose: to facilitate study and interpretation Parts a. table heading table number (arabic) placed at center below _ subject matter / content - title (V-shape/inverted pyramid) b. boxhead top of the column c. stubs categories (left side) d. body main part 2. Graphical presentation - graphing / chart - represents qualitative variations in comparison to another - (in pictorial or diagramatical form ) a. bar graph (simple magnitudes) - space equal to one half the width of a bar. Construct line graph 1. use coordinate or graphing paper 2. draw two lines(axes) 3. right intervals of time Up corresponding numbers 4. not loaded w/ too many curves 5. axes(broken line) unnecessary/compressed b. frequency polygon or line graph (histogram) - stresses continuity along a scale c. pie graph or pie chart - entire circle presents total population d. pictograph - actual pictures / fac-similes - each represents definite number - compares sizes of items or objects

Data analysis and interpretations -analysis before interpretation Types 1.Univariate analysis. test of a single variable whether it is similar to the population from w/c it has been drawn. 2.Bivariate analysis. two variables on how they differ from each other. -tools: correlation coefficient(descriptive & exprmntal designs), z-test(descriptive design), ttest (exprmntal designs) 3.Multivariate analysis test of three or more indpndnt variables (ANOVA) 4.Normative analysis result is compared to the norm. (arithmetic mean & standard deviation) 5.Descriptive analysis describes _ that occur as units w/n the larger structure. Interpretation (elements) 1. statement of the condition or situation 2. probable cause of the condition 3. probable effects of the condition 4. suggestion for continuance or remedied measure, if the possible effect is bad. Good - continuance of the existence of the condition Deleterious adoption of measures

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