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On March 3, 2014, Lambda Chapter held their monthly meeting at the

Ranchers Steakhouse, in Hobbs. Those attending were: Anne Chaffin, Linda
Luker, Maribel Martinez, Cathy Studley, Mary Jean Reese, Cathy Jones and
La Verne Chaffin.
Anne Chaffin, President, called the meeting to order and opened the meeting
with little known facts about "The Washington Monument".
The minutes were approved as printed and will be filed.
Mary Jean Reese gave the treasurer's report. There is $542.45 in the Grantsin-Aid Fund and $543.00 in the Professional Scholarship Fund. $3011.52 is
available for chapter use. The report will be filed for audit.
Mary Jean Reese read a letter from former sister, Connie Osborne. Everyone
was glad to get her new address. Maribel Martinez read a letter from the
Student Support Services at NMJC. It let us know how they support the
students at NMJC.
Unfinished Business:
1. Mary Jean Reese and Cathy Jones reported on Lambda rules. They have
been updated to agree with international rules.
2. Maribel Martinez presented an applicant for our Grants-in-Aid scholarship.
Ashley Morris will be the recipient. She will receive $200.00 a semester. Mary
Jean Reese and Cathy Jones made the motion and the second. The vote
was unanimous for Ashley Morris.
New Business:
1. County Extension Agent, Robin Mack-Haynes will present a program at
our April meeting in Eunice. We will also install the new Lambda officers.
2. Anne Chaffin reminded us of the upcoming conventions.
3. Kay Hannum is the new DKG state finance chairman. Our finance reports
are to be sent to her.
The meeting was adjourned by President Anne Chaffin.
A time of renewing friendships and finding out "little known facts" about each
other was our program for the evening. A great time was had by all!
Respectfully submitted,
La Verne Chaffin, Secretary

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