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Student Exemplar Post - Tianna O.

After reading the Independent Reading text below answer the following two-part question. 1. What did you learn from the text and how does it connect to you !"# $ 1% sentences $ two details from the text two ways it connects to your life

Independent Reading &ext 'in(

Coachees Response:
I learn that reading is important and it could gi)e you a lot of different opputorines in life. According to the text* +the bed predictor of reading achie)ement is the amount of time children spend reading boo(s on their own+. ,ne this connect to my life because I don-t li(e reading but I li(e to read things that interest me and that want me to do it. &wo this connect to my life because I don-t read regularly and I not use to reading all the time. In addition* +the amount of time students spent in independent reading was the best predictor of reading achie)ement and also the best predictor of the amount of gain in reading achie)ement made by students between second and fifth grade+. ,ne this connect to my life because I usually don-t spend a lot of time reading. &wo this connect to my life because if I read something interesting I will get use to it and (eep reading it otherwise. &hese quote shows how most people impro)e in there reading by reading more than reading less. All in all. &his is whist I learn from reading this text.

Coaches Feedback:
Content Analysis - 3 Explanation: Tianna changing the tense of the word learn in line 1 will definitely make your restating of the question accurate. Your claim flows logically from the task. Good job!

Command of Evidence - 1 Explanation: Tianna you need to do a better job of ro!iding analysis for your te"tual e!idence. You did an e"cellent job of icking quotes that are in line with your claim yet you e" ect the quotes to e" lain themsel!es and you did not hel clarify what they meant# and how they answer the question. $lease ro!ide analysis of your quotes in your re ost. Control of Conventions - 1 Explanation: Tianna be careful that you do not miss ell words in a quote that are gi!en to you in the te"t. %or e"am le see the word bed in line 1. There is another miss elled word that includes& o utorines in line 1. 'n line ( you missed the word )ne *way+ this connect,s- and line . should read / second way this connects to my life is that instead of Two this connect to my life because. $lease make these corrections lus fi" lines 0 and 1 where the abo!e mistakes ha en again. 'n addition2 learn in line 1 should be in the ast tense. $lease make these corrections in your re ost. ' look forward to seeing your im ro!ement and growth &-! Notes on why I evaluated the Tianna s passa!e this way: 3e should always make sure that we gi!e scholars some ositi!e feedback ,affirmingand critical feedback ,adjusting-. ' sought to affirm Tianna while continuing ush her to do better. 4ake sure that you are gi!ing scholars two to three ti s on how to make their writing better while affirming a minimum of two things that they do well. 5et+s see how you do on 6ada 4itchell+s writing. 3e will use her te"t to norm this week.

Your ext Steps:

.ow that you ha)e seen how the coaches feedbac( is gi)en* you can now go through a tester exemplar to test out your (nowledge by gi)ing your feedbac( to a coachees response to a tas(. &o access your tester exemplar go to the /eet the !oaches page "ind your picture !lic( on your picture and this will ta(e you to your tester exemplar &his page is password protected 01W: Adopt23

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