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Molly Mara

4724 Lawn Ave - WesLern Sprlngs, lL - 60338

CLLL (312) 373-3890 - L-MAIL mmara92[

Un|vers|ty of I|||no|s Urbana-Champa|gn, College of Medla Scuo|a Leonardo Da V|nc|
8achelor of Sclence ln AdverLlslng SLudy Abroad - 8ome, lLaly
LxpecLed CraduaLlon uaLe: May 2014 Sprlng SemesLer, 2013
1o pursue a career ln ubllc 8elaLlons where l can uLlllze my wrlLlng, communlcaLlng and soclal medla skllls Lo help organlzaLlons
furLher Lhelr goals.
ub||c ke|at|ons Student Soc|ety of Amer|ca (kSSA - UIUC) August 2013 - resent
LberLfesL Soclal AnalyLlcs Manager l lnLeresL Manager
8ulld conLenL base of LberLfesL lllm lesLlval's lnLeresL page as well as flnd relevanL pages Lo follow
CreaLe bl-weekly reporLs documenLlng Lhe lllm lesLlval's soclal medla progress uslng analyLlcs Lools for Lhe LberLfesL
commlLLee members
Impu|se Magaz|ne August 2013 - resent
Work wlLh LdlLor-ln-Chlef, head sLyllsL, phoLographers, and [ournallsLs Lo coordlnaLe phoLo shooLs
lck cloLhlng pleces and accessorles based on budgeL and Lrend for monLhly magazlne phoLo shooLs
kappa kappa Gamma - 8eta Lambda September 2010 - resent
resldenL (2011-2012)
CommunlcaLed wlLh kappa naLlonals, unlverslLy anhellenlc Councll, and 8eglonal and rovlnce ulrecLors on a weekly basls
Lo ensure LhaL all guldellnes and regulaLlons were belng followed
uelegaLed Lasks among Lhe LxecuLlve 8oard and oversaw all commlLLees relaLed Lo house flnanclals, rlsk managemenL, and
member growLh and developmenL
8ecelved Lhe anhellenlc Councll's MosL lmproved kappa ChapLer" award
arLlclpaLe ln weekly chapLer meeLlngs and was voLed Lo be Lhe Senlor class represenLaLlve on Lhe nomlnaLlng CommlLLee"
Lo choose Lhe lncomlng LxecuLlve 8oard

Sa|vatore Ierragamo May 2013 - August 2013
8eLall/vlsual Merchandlslng lnLern
AsslsLed ln vlsual Merchandlslng on Lhe sales floor by uLlllzlng effecLlve producL placemenL
Alded sales assoclaLes wlLh cusLomer servlce and cllenL appolnLmenLs on Lhe sales floor
CompleLed back-of-house malnLenance and cusLomer servlce Lasks
ueveloped comprehenslve knowledge of sLyles and lnvenLory, caLegorlzed by season and llne
I.Crew May 2012 - August 2013
Sales AssoclaLe
Sold !.Crew cloLhlng and merchandlse for Lwo summers, conslsLenLly achlevlng Lhe sales goal of ~$2,300 worLh of cloLhes
and accessorles per shlfL
1ook lnvenLory of each season's new merchandlse and sLraLeglcally placed new producLs on Lhe sales floor
Shr|ne naberdashery May 2011 - August 2011
8/SLyllng lnLern
romoLed producLs and servlces by wrlLlng varlous press releases, merchandlslng producLs effecLlvely, and developlng
Shrlne's onllne blog
Pelped choose accessorles used for magazlne shooLs and publlc evenLs

References supplied upon request

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