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Noemi Flores LIS 799 Oak Park Public Library Practicum Log February 5-28, 2014

Week One February 5, 2014, Wednesday My supervisor, Rory Parilac, began the day with a tour of the Childrens Department. They have a large collection divided by age group, theme, and media. Rory appreciated and encouraged questions. There are several areas devoted to play and there are library pets, gerbils and fish. Then she introduced me to another librarian, Jenny Byron, who is responsible for Curiosity Club. This is a weekly after school program that includes a story paired with related crafts/games for children in first through third grades. This will be my Wednesday assignment. Every Wednesday I will assist Jenny with program preparation, execution, and occasionally planning. We also discussed future projects such as a performer database updating and creating bibliographies. Today the theme was Anansi the Spider. I prepared the craft, Jenny read the story, and we both assisted the children and parents with the craft. Library fun: The Childrens Department manager was fed up with the snow so she orchestrated a library wide snow angel venture into the park. It was an exciting, enjoyable first day.

February 6, 2014, Thursday Today my task was to create a display consisting of both legos and barbies in order to advertise Barbie Club and Lego Club. It demanded more work and creativity than I expected. It also elicited a degree of interest in the children that I hadnt anticipated.

This project was interspersed by attending the staff meeting and a storytime webinar. Rory is a great practicum supervisor. She makes great effort to teach as well as utilize what I can offer. She suggested I attend the staff meeting so I could see how library departments operate. This particular meeting concerned the summer reading program. I had no idea how early the plans for that program need to begin. The storytime webinar was a discussion of good storytime techniques, but it turns out OPPL was not the right audience. Their storytime program is of such a high caliber that the webinar gave no new information, but their commitment to professional development is so encouraging. Its also interesting to see the dynamic between the librarians and the two managers. Its hard to see where exactly the line is, and perhaps it changes depending on the situation. February 7, 2014, Friday Today I began a long term project. Im creating a performer database which will primarily be used by the program coordinator. As this is a rotating position it will be useful to the whole department. Also, it could be shared with other libraries. It is an opportunity to fully grasp the reality (breadth, budgeting) of contractual programming. On a personal level, its fascinating. I saw receipts for T-Rexplorers, award winning musicians, and Mr. Freeze. Exciting. Later another librarian, Genevieve, led a tween craft program. I assisted by manning the duct tape table. I taught them how to make duct tape bows/bow ties and Genevieve taught them how to make decorative magnets. All the attendees were girls but for a few boys who came for the snacks. It was great fun, and I appreciated the opportunity to gain experience with an age group I havent worked with often. Adorable: A nine year old girl proudly announced that though her name was Sophie everyone should call her Jo. When I asked why, one girl declared it was because she always played with the boys. Another girl piped up, Because Jo March!

Week Two February 12, 2014, Wednesday Today was Curiosity Club. The theme was Valentines Day. I assisted Jenny with room set up and supply preparation. The program began, Jenny read the story, and then we both worked on valentines with the children. It was well attended, and they thoroughly enjoyed glitter. Today I experienced my first encounter with parents who dont follow rules. I was surprised to find the role models leading the children astray, and it was difficult to find a way

to patiently redirect them without embarrassing them. This was frustrating, but perhaps I shouldnt have been surprised. February 13, 2014, Thursday Today I worked on the performer database. The staff meeting was about emergency protocol, specifically what the staff should do in the event of a shooting. That was unsettling. All of a sudden the wall of glass seems less beautiful and more hazardous.

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